Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney


New Member
disney and universal are in competition with each other, it's just a commercial and it's just business, some people act like universal personally attacked your grandma or something.......i don't think it's a big deal and i love the commercials. i love both disney AND universal.


Well-Known Member
Here is where i quote Keeper from IOA Central.com


Did Disney secretly take over Universal sometime last year and try to run it into the toilet to make people run back to Lake Buena Vista faster than getting shot out of a gamma ray tube? If I want to ride mediocre rides with bad storylines, I can go on any number of rides at Walt Disney World. I really don't need the cancer to spread to home base. When the high point of an attraction is the post-show -- and even that is a notch below what it was -- it's time to start thinking about really being the theme park resort for the next century. Perhaps it's just a lot easier to put plush in stores than put substance in attractions.

Doesnt anyone understand? (* Not pointing to this board *)

The Universal parks are ALL based on Pre-made ideas. Disney has created it's majority attactions from scratch. Taking a story-line like Spiderman and bringing it to life doesnt impress me as much as a NEW idea i have never heard of. If I want to get shakin in a box, or rattled down a 50 Ft drop and get wet.. Ill go to Splash Town USA.. Going there would be more worth my money.

Yes they are basing their ENTIRE industry on movies.. I just dont find any creativity in that.. Walt Disney World has changed the theme park industry forever... You just cant beat the magic it gives.

Pecos Bill1201

New Member
Universal is a fine movie making media giant. And has been for decades. Disney is a ground breaking, astonishing, imaginative, inspiring, entity that has single handedly shaped the industry that Universal thrives in today. Disney World is and always will be a symbol for all people young and old of a consciousness. A place to experience new memories in changing times, while at the same time reliving memories of times and in many cases people that are gone. Universal has only been in Orlando for 12-13 years, and they have a fine product, and they are in a way making the concession that there is a certain group of people we have given up on, as far as marketing goes, and we are going to say right up front, if you love Disney this little jab is going to really get ya. And it did...So it's O.K. this commercial is not going to affect anybody that wasn't already going to go to Universal. Disney has so many arms to its "Florida Project" if you include all the resorts, Down Town and even Disney Cruise Line. Not to mention the four parks. Disney brings people into that part of the country more than anything else, which was the whole idea for Universal to build in Orlando. IMHO I think it's obvious Universal has a long way to go.


New Member
Originally posted by The_CEO

Doesnt anyone understand? (* Not pointing to this board *)

The Universal parks are ALL based on Pre-made ideas. Disney has created it's majority attactions from scratch. Taking a story-line like Spiderman and bringing it to life doesnt impress me as much as a NEW idea i have never heard of. If I want to get shakin in a box, or rattled down a 50 Ft drop and get wet.. Ill go to Splash Town USA.. Going there would be more worth my money.

Yes they are basing their ENTIRE industry on movies.. I just dont find any creativity in that.. Walt Disney World has changed the theme park industry forever... You just cant beat the magic it gives. [/B]

What are you saying? Spiderman is by far one of the most groundbreaking attractions ever! It's and incredible ride that is unlike anywhere else in the world. Not only that but it does have a story line. If you were going to pick on another ride for being uncreative please pick on the storm force acclerator, or even the Hulk. Don't pick on Spiderman because you have to give credit to Universal for that one.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NakedMickey
What are you saying? Spiderman is by far one of the most groundbreaking attractions ever! It's and incredible ride that is unlike anywhere else in the world. Not only that but it does have a story line. If you were going to pick on another ride for being uncreative please pick on the storm force acclerator, or even the Hulk. Don't pick on Spiderman because you have to give credit to Universal for that one.

No Spiderman is a great ride but lacks creativity. Universal didnt make that idea up.. They just based their attaction on that idea. Im not just talking about Spiderman, im talking about their whole parks. Yes taking a visit there is to "Ride The Movies" but i dont find any " WOW" aspect in that. Taking an idea and building it from there is more ingenious in my mind. Adding apocryphal Story-lines to attactions and coming out asking yourself what just happened.. Isnt good.

Have you seen their new attaction, " Jimmy Neutron"

Its not even a ride.. Its a rehab from the one before. The only change is some Sloppy paint on the wall.. and a movie brimming with CAMEOS... Wheres some action... Even my 8 yr old cousin thought it was corny....

IOA and U.S. for Everyone who want a " BASIC Thrills".

WDW for Everyone who wants a thrill with a story...

That Simple.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By The_CEO-
IOA and U.S. for Everyone who want a " BASIC Thrills".

WDW for Everyone who wants a thrill with a story...
And thus, we get back onto the subject of target audiences again. I know the story of pretty much every attraction in WDW, and every attraction at Universal Florida. They have stories, but when I am on the ride that is frankly the last thing that I am thinking about. I am thinking about the ride. Universal realizes that and doesn't put a huge emphasis on the story because they know that 85% of their guest really couldn't care less. They want a fun ride, and that is what is delivered to them. I love Disney's stories for thier attractions, and yes they are better then them; but in the long run knowing the story simply turns into being able to show off pointless themepark knowledge to your friends who frankly couldn't care less.


New Member
Originally posted by The_CEO
No Spiderman is a great ride but lacks creativity. Universal didnt make that idea up.. They just based their attaction on that idea. Im not just talking about Spiderman, im talking about their whole parks. Yes taking a visit there is to "Ride The Movies" but i dont find any " WOW" aspect in that. Taking an idea and building it from there is more ingenious in my mind. Adding apocryphal Story-lines to attactions and coming out asking yourself what just happened.. Isnt good.

Have you seen their new attaction, " Jimmy Neutron"

Its not even a ride.. Its a rehab from the one before. The only change is some Sloppy paint on the wall.. and a movie brimming with CAMEOS... Wheres some action... Even my 8 yr old cousin thought it was corny....

IOA and U.S. for Everyone who want a " BASIC Thrills".

WDW for Everyone who wants a thrill with a story...

That Simple.

I agree with you on Jimmy Neutron, but if you were actually expecting anything more than a rehab on that ride than you set your expecations to high. I admit that. All they wanted to do was use cartoons that childeren today are more familar with.

As for the whole ride the movies, "wow" aspect, I understand that Disney makes up the stories for the rides, but you have to understand that it is also diffcult to make rides that are already movies when you want to make sure you stay true to the film or comic book or Dr. Seuss and still entertain the young and old and create a new storyline that fits in with the already existing story.

I don't understand why anyone here can't give Universal any credit when we know that Disney bases some of it's attractions off movies also.

Orignally posted by Kicker
And thus, we get back onto the subject of target audiences again. I know the story of pretty much every attraction in WDW, and every attraction at Universal Florida. They have stories, but when I am on the ride that is frankly the last thing that I am thinking about. I am thinking about the ride. Universal realizes that and doesn't put a huge emphasis on the story because they know that 85% of their guest really couldn't care less. They want a fun ride, and that is what is delivered to them. I love Disney's stories for thier attractions, and yes they are better then them; but in the long run knowing the story simply turns into being able to show off pointless themepark knowledge to your friends who frankly couldn't care less.

And there's the other point that I wanted to make. As important as story is, sometimes people just want some good old fashioned fun. When I go on test track I don't see many people looking at the monitors as much as they are waiting for the doors to open so they can get into the cars.


New Member
Both parks have great features and bad features. Disney does have a magical friendly feel (drug), but Universal has an adrenline rush, Hard Edge feel (drug, but different kind). There is room in Orlando for both companies. I like many features of Universal, Orlando, I like more features at Disney, but they have been in the biz a lot longer, have more room, and are alot bigger. Universal is attempting to pull out the ones who prefer their drug, that's all. For us who mutually get a high from both places... personally, I feel we are just benefitting more for seeing the great things at each place. They are Oranges and Apples when it comes down to it and they are affecting each other.

Aladdin's Magic Carpets came from One Fish Two Fish. The Cat in the Hat ride came from the lack of dark rides at Universal. Shrek sounds like a good attempt to meet the standards of Disney 3D attractions. There is more to Universal than thrill rides but they do appeal to Young Adults, teens. There is more to Disney than family rides (Alien Encounter, Dinosaur, RnR) but they concentrate on Families first.

I know the great debate will always exist, but I say... Enjoy them both for the great things they do have, Loyality doesn't mean you are forbidden to see the great strides and enhancements of another, and whether you want to admit it or not... Universal has been making great strides... they are motivated, just lacking some of the experience and know how, give them time.


New Member
Customer Service at WDW & Universal

I think that as far as customer service and level of quality, Disney wins hands down.

When I go to WDW I feel like I am truly at home. The CM's are great, and add to this feeling.

At Universal, I felt like I was a part of a cattle herd, being moved around like the same.

Just my two cents to this never ending debate.


New Member
Re: Customer Service at WDW & Universal

Originally posted by CaptChris
I think that as far as customer service and level of quality, Disney wins hands down.

When I go to WDW I feel like I am truly at home. The CM's are great, and add to this feeling.

At Universal, I felt like I was a part of a cattle herd, being moved around like the same.

Just my two cents to this never ending debate.

I can't imagine that ANYONE would claim the customer service is better at Universal. It's not even close. The park is fun, and in my opinion, it is well themed (for the most part). But it just isn't Disney.

Sometimes it's good for a change of scenery though. I enjoy visiting all of the parks (Six Flags, Cedar Point, Kings Island, Sea World, IOA, Universal Studios, etc). The list goes on and on. Disney is always my favorite, but I usually find something that I enjoy about each park I visit.

The exception being Six Flags World of Adventure in Ohio. That is the WORST park I have ever been to. I would rather go to Boblo Island!! If anyone is thinking about going here instead of Cedar Point this summer, I would strongly recommend "DON'T". My entire trip was free (from a points program) and I still thought it was a waste! :eek:


New Member
ok, I dont really see what is so great about Disney's commercials, cause I dont think there that good, now Sea Worlds are good, it gets you attention and shows you what there is to do there, plus there is some really good music. Disney just has some pixie dust flying around and some fireworks.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
ok, I dont really see what is so great about Disney's commercials, cause I dont think there that good, now Sea Worlds are good, it gets you attention and shows you what there is to do there, plus there is some really good music. Disney just has some pixie dust flying around and some fireworks.

Thats not the point, Universal is cutting on Disney to benefit themselves....


New Member
Originally posted by Testtrack321
It's like Disney going on air saying "Tired of crappy broken down rides?" It's a below-the-belt hit that isn't very funny.

I don't think I would go as far as to say 'below the belt'.
They are just stating 'Pixie dust and Fairy Tales not your thing? Try us instead'. I actually think the commericals are pretty good.

Really, USF is just appealing to their target audience anyway. I know that statement certainly wouldn't sway a true Disney fan, and probably not too many fence sitters either. But there are people out there who just don't like Disney for whatever reason.

Universal is a good park, and some people prefer the thrills and excitement over the traditional Disney experience. Others just want to try something new and different.

Even if this ad campaign is successful at drawing some guests away from Disney, it just means that the ratio of people who are 'experiencing the magic' at WDW will be higher, and thats a good thing!! :) No one wants to deal with irritable guests who aren't feeling the magic and never will!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
ya know what..

for every person that goes to Universal..

it's 1 less person I have to wait in line with @ WDW


Both Parks

I don't think anyone in the forum is saying that Universal is a bad park..........It's a FUN park and I would even say it is more themed then Six Flags, etc. However, if your comparing theming it's Disney hands down. I like walking into IOA and seeing the streets, I thought it was great! I loved it. We went after 9/11 and it was EMPTY. We walked around the whole park twice and didn't have one line to wait on. We went on everything numerous times and was out before dinner. I was impressed, HOWEVER, when we get into real theming it's still Disney hands down. I would still go to IOA without a doubt but when we go to Disney, we don't always go to IOA. We just do that once in awhile. It's Disney that brings us down there not Universal but having Universal is just a plus. It gives you somewhere else to go. Disney World is a multi day place. Universal is a two day place. I've never heard too many people who travel down to Florida who say they just went to Universal and not Disney but I know plenty of people who go to Disney and not Universal. My point being, Universal, SeaWorld, IOA, all fun and great places to visit but I wouldn't stay anywhere else but Disney!


Originally posted by mickey04
Anyone seen the new Universal Orlando commercial? Now, first let me start by saying that I have to give them credit for coming uo with some creative commericials, and for the most part, this one has that same sort of humor that advertises their "A Vacation from the Ordinary" with diferent people telling what they want to do on their vacation. (For examle, we see a man who says "I want" and then realize he's on the Hulk, and he finishes "want my mommy" or a woman in Emeril's restaurant who says "I want to try some of Emeril's barbequed chicken" and then reaches over to the next table and takes a piece-- from Emeril.) Shrek and Donkey are also featured to advertise the new ride. Sorry, I'm getting off topic.

So, the commerical ends with (in what seems to be a later added side note- and I'm paraphrasing) "Fairy tales and pixie dust not your thing, visit Universal online at universalorlando.com" Now this just isn't necessary. I t was a great commercial up until that moment. Why can't they just advertise their own product and leave Disney alone- that's really low. I don't know, maybe I'm taking this too seriously but I think its disgraceful and I hope Disney never stoops to that level.

Well, I saw the commercial, and took it to be humorous. Never really irritated me. Dunno, maybe I'm wrong, and it was a huge bash to Disney. Honestly, we could say a million more negative things about Universal.

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by SirNimajneb
:sohappy: Good observation!


yes but Shrek itself is a spoof on Snow White dont forget

i think that the commercial is more fuel to the fire......there will always be competition between the two......Universal is just taken their turn

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