Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Could it be that because you "hate it so much" that you hated Mummy? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

No, because I think Spider Man is a fantastic ride... I just find everything else in Universal and IOA boring.... Mummy was dull, boring... Not what I expected and sure did not live up to the hype that was created for it... Maybe Everest will be the same, I don't know.. Like I said, I have yet to ride Everest, so I will reserve judgement.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Ok. I do think that both parks are not whole day parks, unless you enjoy riding the same stuff 20 times. In fact, the next time my wife and I decide to go to Universal, we will do it on a weekday. That way we can do both parks, instead of leaving just after lunch both times.

Last time I went to the park, in 2004 I think, my friend who works there signed me in. Did all the attractions and was completely bored... Until Spiderman... I do love that ride.. But I am not willing to spend any time at Universal, just for 1 ride... I'm sorry to all you Universal fans, but I truly cannot stand that park...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Who said I was a fan of Universal ?

As I stated previously, with some help from someone else, that if people want thrills with some atmosphere, they will go to Universal. Universal has created a niche market, and while they will never surpass Disney, they are still drawing crowds.

Just because someone is a Universal fan, does it make them less of a Disney fan? Do you stay awake at night knowing that there are people that like Universal? Does it cause a life-changing experience for you because there are some people that enjoy Universal?

Can we safely say "who cares?" Can this thread finally die, since we've beaten the horse to death for the last 14 pages ?

I don't know what you are trying to get across with this post. All I can say is there are those on these boards who do tend to care what others think and take an attitude that they are holier than thou (NOT YOU TAC). I know a lot of people enjoy Universal. I don't. That is all I was saying. I sleep just fine at night thank you.

Someone corrected me here when I said Universal didn't have much for kids. I admitted I was wrong, but that my opinion of the park didn't change. We all disagree obviously on Universal, some like it, some love it, some hate it.. I guess we can all agree to disagree... So, with that, I agree with TAC, let's drop this thread and let it die...


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JROK said:
I guess I'm one of that guy's screen names too because I also did not think Everest was that good, or worth the $100M it cost to make the attraction... sure the mountain is cool... but really... a mountain doesn't make a ride fun and exciting... Everest isn't worth more than a 20min wait... But Space Mountain is... I was expecting something more...

That's how I felt about it too. The mountain itself is cool looking. The ride though is just kind of so so.


New Member
CHAPPS said:
That's how I felt about it too. The mountain itself is cool looking. The ride though is just kind of so so.

Personally, I thought the ride was great. It's easily in the top ten, and probably even in the top five of Disney world's rides. I personally enjoyed just about every aspect of the ride. The theming was amazing, the yeti was brilliant and the coaster portion was great as well. I especially enjoyed the air time that you get in the backwards portion of the ride, its a realy interesting experience. Anyways, the only problem with the ride is the length of the transfers. When you're sitting still for so long it kind of disrupts the flow of the ride. Honestly, I enjoy riding this ride more than i like riding normal roller coasters, like six flags and IOA have. The integral themeing throughout the ride really elevates this ride into something more than a coaster, similar to how the mummys themeing makes it more than a coaster. Anyways, ive kind of gotten off topic, I just thought you guys should know that myself, along with most other people i saw getting off the ride, thoroughly enjoyed Everst.


Everest was fun, but nothing to write home about... Spider-Man you write home about, Mummy I would write home about because it really is like no other 'coaster' or dark ride I've been on before... I really appreciate Mummy for the technical achievements it made, blending together two ride styles, and especially with the limited space provided... Everest on the other hand has a ton of space and does nothing with it... the backwards section is the only part I enjoyed more than Mummy (that is it's backwards section)... Other than that I think Mummy is a better ride in whole... except maybe the exterior of it's show building but what can you do?


New Member
JROK said:
Everest was fun, but nothing to write home about... Spider-Man you write home about, Mummy I would write home about because it really is like no other 'coaster' or dark ride I've been on before... I really appreciate Mummy for the technical achievements it made, blending together two ride styles, and especially with the limited space provided... Everest on the other hand has a ton of space and does nothing with it... the backwards section is the only part I enjoyed more than Mummy (that is it's backwards section)... Other than that I think Mummy is a better ride in whole... except maybe the exterior of it's show building but what can you do?

That's cool. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

Personally, I was excited to ride the mummy. I mean after hearing all the hype, who wouldn't be.I mean any ride that can combine amazing dark ride effects with a roller coaster has gotta be fun right? Well it turns out I was wrong as this ride doesn't do either of those things amazingly well. First off, although it was fun, the coaster portion of the ride was too short. The few seconds it lasted were a blast, but it definitely left me wanting more. Now I know you'll say that it's not supposed to be a coaster, it's a new hybrid dark ride/coaster. Well the dark ride portion wasn't that great in my mind. I mean the fire at the fake unload scene and the mummy there were pretty cool. But the mummys in the beginning just seemed overly fake. I mean they popped up and that was it. It just seems that some people settle for too little, maybe I've just been spoiled by better dark rides, like the aforementioned spiderman and other Disney rides, but the first half of the mummy, while well decorated, was just ineffective. T So the main problem was that this ride didn't do either thing well, it did two things at an average level. I mean if either part of this ride stood alone, dark portion or roller coaster, would you ride it? Combining two inadequte experiences into one ride doen't make that ride amazing, it makes it disapointing. Just my opinion.tment.

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