Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney


New Member
i think it's competition pure and simple. the only ones that win is us. Disney like any other company is still a business. if universal starts to take too much of disney's thundar, then disney will be forced to fight back. disney has to se it where it hurts in the pocket book. i'm convinced disney will have another comback, and in a big way, especially after the wars when things have calmed down a bit. but untill the realize that someone is taking money from them, then they will have to do something, new rides etc.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Kicker
I am shaking my head at how worked up you people are getting about this commercial.

I'm not particularly worked up about it, so I may not be the best one to respond, but I do think it's inappropriate. If it was on The Simpsons, it would be a joke, but it's not really possible for two direct competitors to joke about one another in a marketing campaign. In that context it becomes an attack.

Imagine Jay Leno making a joke about President Bush. Nothing wrong with that. Now imagine Tom Daschle making the same joke. That becomes a dirty shot. Most politicians choose to insult their opposition rather than talk about themselves, but I would have hoped both Disney and Universal were better than that.


New Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I'm not particularly worked up about it, so I may not be the best one to respond, but I do think it's inappropriate. If it was on The Simpsons, it would be a joke, but it's not really possible for two direct competitors to joke about one another in a marketing campaign. In that context it becomes an attack.

Imagine Jay Leno making a joke about President Bush. Nothing wrong with that. Now imagine Tom Daschle making the same joke. That becomes a dirty shot. Most politicians choose to insult their opposition rather than talk about themselves, but I would have hoped both Disney and Universal were better than that.

Don't you feel that Universal wants to stand out from the shadow of Disney, so they are trying to promote themself as not another kiddie park. Not saying anything personally, just saying that is Universal's take on this, they are trying to appeal to a crowd that Disney seems to be losing touch with a bit. Desperate men do desperate things so to speak, and mud slinging is a tactic that does no harm for those not in first place. :lookaroun

Again... no personal insight implied here. I understand the full scope of things to do and see at Disney. But for those who don't or view Disney inaccurately, Universal is trying to grab their attention.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by spider-man
Don't you feel that Universal wants to stand out from the shadow of Disney, so they are trying to promote themself as not another kiddie park. Not saying anything personally, just saying that is Universal's take on this, they are trying to appeal to a crowd that Disney seems to be losing touch with a bit. Desperate men do desperate things so to speak, and mud slinging is a tactic that does no harm for those not in first place. :lookaroun

Again... no personal insight implied here. I understand the full scope of things to do and see at Disney. But for those who don't or view Disney inaccurately, Universal is trying to grab their attention.



shame Disney doesn't have some extra cash or was in better shape like a few years ago or maybe we could have seen Universal in the Disney family since Vivendi is trying to unload and at a good price same with AOL Timewarner there are some good assets up for sale.


Original Poster
Originally posted by wdwmaniac
shame Disney doesn't have some extra cash or was in better shape like a few years ago or maybe we could have seen Universal in the Disney family since Vivendi is trying to unload and at a good price same with AOL Timewarner there are some good assets up for sale.

As much as I love Disney, i don't think I'd want them to buy Universal. Like others said, competition is good for both sides, although I seriously hope that it doesn't just turn into a thrill ride competition- who can churn out the most roller coasters a year. (Chester and Hester's might be considered an example of how competition has caused Disney to create mere thrill rides- and I think its a disgrace to AK and WDW-- but thats just me)

And I also don't think Vivendi is in the market to sell Universal Orlando. Disney may not be doing well, but they could almost certainly afford to buy it if it was offered. But I still don' t think that would be a very good idea. I just don't like the thought of Universal suddenly becoming Disney-- it just wouldn't work.



My kids are not kids anymore they are 21 and 26. They were brought up Disney kids and they love it!!! As I've always said in the past, disney is like a drug, you just can't get enough of it! However, they also enjoy Universal. Needless to say, we've been there and enjoy it BUT there are many trips that we go to Disney that we don't want to go to Universal. If we only have a week, we stay at Disney the whole week. If we have more time, we might venture out but we still go back to Disney, we stay at Disney, we eat at Disney and we have FUN at Disney. I took my mother down last year to visit her first great grand child. I told her to pick out any park in Orlando that she wanted to go. She picked Universal (which I was surprised about) but I took her. She HATED it!!! She said I picked the wrong one. It's just not the same as Disney!!!! I told her I would take her to Disney but she said we didn't have enough time. Anyway, the point being, no matter what the commericial, you might go to Universal and enjoy it but your heart will always be with Disney!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By kennyj29-
Anyway, the point being, no matter what the commericial, you might go to Universal and enjoy it but your heart will always be with Disney!!!!
This is one of those statements I really have to disagree with. Maybe it is because of my experiences with both parks. The first time I went to the Magic Kingdom I was six years old. I have grown up in the park. I would sing there at Christmas. I have sung with the Dapper Dans of Main Street. I know Doug and Marshel from Four 4 A Dollar. I have both of Off-Kilter's CDs. I know almost everything there is to know a regular guy can know about WDW. I can drive there without looking at the road (I haven't really done that but you know what I mean). BUT, to say my heart will always be with Disney is a flat out lie. Maybe it is because I have been too much, or because I literally witnessed its decline with my own eyes. The fact is that I prefer Universal now. I know my way around there as well, and even though I still go to Disney, I have more fun at Uni. The commercial applies to somebody like me. I am through with Pixie Dust right now. Fairy Tales are no longer my thing. I want comic books, I want aliens, I want dragons and Dinosaurs and ET (and Kong, RIP). Give me that anyday of the week over the Fab Five. The commercial does its job. It gets your attention. It got mine. I love it, because it is something I would fall under.


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
This is one of those statements I really have to disagree with. Maybe it is because of my experiences with both parks. The first time I went to the Magic Kingdom I was six years old. I have grown up in the park. I would sing there at Christmas. I have sung with the Dapper Dans of Main Street. I know Doug and Marshel from Four 4 A Dollar. I have both of Off-Kilter's CDs. I know almost everything there is to know a regular guy can know about WDW. I can drive there without looking at the road (I haven't really done that but you know what I mean). BUT, to say my heart will always be with Disney is a flat out lie. Maybe it is because I have been too much, or because I literally witnessed its decline with my own eyes. The fact is that I prefer Universal now. I know my way around there as well, and even though I still go to Disney, I have more fun at Uni. The commercial applies to somebody like me. I am through with Pixie Dust right now. Fairy Tales are no longer my thing. I want comic books, I want aliens, I want dragons and Dinosaurs and ET (and Kong, RIP). Give me that anyday of the week over the Fab Five. The commercial does its job. It gets your attention. It got mine. I love it, because it is something I would fall under.

You're statement is exactly how I feel right now. I love Disney and it's the first theme park that I went to but I do feel that Disney has declined in the quality of rides and entertainment compared to Universal. I think it's good that Universal is there to give Disney some competition and keep them on their toes. I love both parks but the one I prefer is Disney right now.

The problem is also that Disney and Unviersal are marketing to differenet types of groups. Universal is more for the older teens younger adults while Disney is geared more towards families.


You may disagree but there are thousands who wouldn't. Universal is a fun park like Great Adventure, it's fun, who wouldn't have fun there. But you have to understand in Disney you get a certain "feeling" that you don't get in any other park. Like I've said in other forums it's like a drug.....I have to get it once a year or I would die. I work all year and this is the only place that makes me feel like a kid again. I'm so sorry that you don't like pixie dust anymore. It's a shame, but one day you will get it back and you will agree. Universal doesn't give you that feeling, it's just a lot of fun. But feeling like a kid again? Sorry, boys, but there is still only one park that can give it to you!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by kennyj29
You may disagree but there are thousands who wouldn't. Universal is a fun park like Great Adventure, it's fun, who wouldn't have fun there. But you have to understand in Disney you get a certain "feeling" that you don't get in any other park. Like I've said in other forums it's like a drug.....I have to get it once a year or I would die. I work all year and this is the only place that makes me feel like a kid again. I'm so sorry that you don't like pixie dust anymore. It's a shame, but one day you will get it back and you will agree. Universal doesn't give you that feeling, it's just a lot of fun. But feeling like a kid again? Sorry, boys, but there is still only one park that can give it to you!!!!!
I understand what your saying but you should replace all of those.."you's" with "I's" While you might not get that "feeling" at Universal.... other people might. It all has to do with taste. Me? I get that "feeling" at both resorts. :D On a side note... How can you possibly compare Great Adventure.... a dirty, grafitti ridden amusement park with Universal? Mind you I like Great Adventure too... I live right by it. But they really aren't comparable.


Original Poster
I guess this has become another Disney v. Universal opinion thread (although, how could I have expected anything else). I think we have to agree to disagree. Some feel Disney is going downhill and Universal is emerging as the new star of Orlando while others feel such talk is blaspheMOUSE :lol: . Sorry I couldn't resist. I am personally a WDW loyalist and refuse to believe that it has going down hill to the point that it is losing its magic. I strongly believe that things will improve- and that they aren't so bad now. For me the Magic Kingdom will always be a second home. The fact that others feel the same way about Universal is fine with me. To each his own.


New Member
It may be true, But how many times has the Simpsons took a jab at Disney in one way or the other. I`m a Walt Disney Historian and love the man. Everything has come from Walt himself. With out him there are no theme parks of any kind. So adapt and overcome I like WDW but I like Disneyland much better. The tradition is much richer. Lets face it Disney is Disney and comes first, But Universal Studios has some Great rides.:)

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Being from the UK i don't get to Florida much, but from my point of view WDW has the slight edge over Universal...

And as for Disney buying Universal, it would be the biggest mistake they could ever make.

To quote a famous phrase...

You can't have a number one, without a humber two...

Catch my drift?


New Member
Originally posted by disneydudette
Yes it's a blow....
But think about a teen watching that commercial....not a Disney teen...but non-obsessed teen watching that commercial....I bet you anything they'll think its funny....cause they did bash disney...and they don't need pixie-dust and fairies anymore

Universal appeals to the young adult crowd.....who don't need the pixie-dust....any more....there tired of Dumbo and pooh....and they've already gone on TT and RRC...one times good for them....(not me)......

And a universal vacation can be week long....you just have to venture out...sea world and wet and wild are right there....as well as a day at disney....

It may have been a blow....but it wouldn't suprise me if the universal website did get a couple of looks after the commercial played....

Low blow for Disney....and Universal if u ask me.....:mad:

I'm a HUGE Disney fan, but Universal's commercials make me want to go to 'Florida' much more than Disney's do. Granted, I would go to WDW instead of Universal :D , BUT their commericals are superior in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
>>>BUT their commericals are superior in my opinion.<<<

You're the first person that I have ever heard say that, even though with Disney's tragically dull "Where Magic Lives" campaign I agree.

I think UO's marketing department has finally got it's act together (after not one, but TWO mass firings and restructurings). I really can't wait to see how they handle The Mummy next year. With the effect that Jimmy Neutron is having at the Studios, a good marketing campaign for an attraction on the scale of The Mummy would blow the doors off of that park.

Florida Man

Active Member
I actually thought it was kind of funny. When I first heard the ending I started laughing and I was like, "OOOOhhhhhhh Disney got told!" :lol: And I was just wondering what Disney had for their commercials that are coming out.

Ok, but I still love Disney I just thought the commercial was kind of humorous.

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