Originally posted by mickey04
Anyone seen the new Universal Orlando commercial? Now, first let me start by saying that I have to give them credit for coming uo with some creative commericials, and for the most part, this one has that same sort of humor that advertises their "A Vacation from the Ordinary" with diferent people telling what they want to do on their vacation. (For examle, we see a man who says "I want" and then realize he's on the Hulk, and he finishes "want my mommy" or a woman in Emeril's restaurant who says "I want to try some of Emeril's barbequed chicken" and then reaches over to the next table and takes a piece-- from Emeril.) Shrek and Donkey are also featured to advertise the new ride. Sorry, I'm getting off topic.
So, the commerical ends with (in what seems to be a later added side note- and I'm paraphrasing) "Fairy tales and pixie dust not your thing, visit Universal online at universalorlando.com" Now this just isn't necessary. I t was a great commercial up until that moment. Why can't they just advertise their own product and leave Disney alone- that's really low. I don't know, maybe I'm taking this too seriously but I think its disgraceful and I hope Disney never stoops to that level.