Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney


New Member
Get a grip here. It's just a clever commercial. WDW is a big corporation, and I think they're up to the competition. All the commercial said was that if pixie dust isn't your thing, come on over and try us. So? I happen to prefer WDW, and some prefer Universal, but the fact is, they are two great parks and one had a very cute commercial.

Mary Ellen

New Member
As I said before, I like both parks because they are different. My question is, if Disney took a shot at Universal, would everyone get this upset? I don't think so.


New Member
I don't think everyone would get so upset, but probably their response to you would be something like "Disney would NEVER do that" or "Disney is above that." Disney would stab you in the back as soon as look at you if they thought it would improve their bottom line because they are a BIG CORPORATION, not a pixie dust camp! They are counting on their loyally blind fans to suck up whatever they dish out and not voice any concerns about executive decisions. Love WDW, but see it for what it is and what it continually does to the folks who are its most faithful customers.


Universal has the ugly, step-child syndrom. When we were there a couple of years ago, my 6-year-old daughter wanted a characature done of her with her Minnie Mouse hat and they wouldn't do it unless she took the hat off. They are simply afraid of the Mouse.


New Member
Originally posted by RalphieN
Universal has the ugly, step-child syndrom. When we were there a couple of years ago, my 6-year-old daughter wanted a characature done of her with her Minnie Mouse hat and they wouldn't do it unless she took the hat off. They are simply afraid of the Mouse.

Actually, Disney has went as far as to sue a childrens day care for having a picture of Mickey Mouse painted on the wall. I would link to the various articles about this, but I don't have them handy. Disney is almost fascist in their protection of trademarks.

Since they get all worked up about a small childrens day care, just imagine what they would do to Universal (a competitor)!!! So I can actually see why they refused.

Now, if they would have said you couldn't wear the hat in the park, then I would agree with you 100% . :D


New Member
Sorry to bring this thread back from the grave, but I've been searching the internet for hours now trying to find the "I want..." Universal commerical.

It's the one that the person in the first post of the thread is talking about. The one where the one woman says "I want...to get closer to my kids.." and squeezes them into her chest. LOL.

If anyone has it or knows where I could find it, PLEASE let me know.



PLaYaGRaNdE said:
Sorry to bring this thread back from the grave, but I've been searching the internet for hours now trying to find the "I want..." Universal commerical.

It's the one that the person in the first post of the thread is talking about. The one where the one woman says "I want...to get closer to my kids.." and squeezes them into her chest. LOL.

If anyone has it or knows where I could find it, PLEASE let me know.


They've been playing that one a lot on TV lately... that specific spot... I think on UPN during America's Next Top Model or maybe it's on NBC during Deal or No Deal...

The Adventurer

New Member
It doesn't really matter. Disney still has the last laugh because they will always come out on top both financially and popularity. Universal Studios is jealous because everything at their parks is inferior for the most part. Think about it. Everything at Universal, Disney has either done first or better. I like Universal, but only if I am going to it before I visit Disney.


New Member
JROK said:
They've been playing that one a lot on TV lately... that specific spot... I think on UPN during America's Next Top Model or maybe it's on NBC during Deal or No Deal...

Alright, thanks. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. I want it on my computer tho and I don't have a VCR in the house, sadly. I have the one where she's riding Captain America's ATV and that's funny but I want the one where she's on Jurassic Park!


Well-Known Member
The Adventurer said:
It doesn't really matter. Disney still has the last laugh because they will always come out on top both financially and popularity. Universal Studios is jealous because everything at their parks is inferior for the most part. Think about it. Everything at Universal, Disney has either done first or better. I like Universal, but only if I am going to it before I visit Disney.
Okay... first I will preface this by saying that gallery rides (rides where you shoot stuff) were created in the 1940's... so no one say "Disney created it."

Buzz < MiB.

That is all.


Active Member
The Adventurer said:
It doesn't really matter. Disney still has the last laugh because they will always come out on top both financially and popularity. Universal Studios is jealous because everything at their parks is inferior for the most part. Think about it. Everything at Universal, Disney has either done first or better. I like Universal, but only if I am going to it before I visit Disney.

Welcome back to the universal bashing boards. this discussion is old, universal are not jealous of disney, universal have got there loyal fans just like disney some people prefer universal as it does offer the happy people and fake smiles that they mite see at disney.


New Member
I think some people need to really think things out before they respond. It is just a TV Commercial. Never did they say anything even remotely harsh to Disney. Universal has a different group of people that go to their park than disney does. Both parks have their ups and downs. Both parks do rides based on movies, or movies based on rides. They both have CM's that are helpful, and do what they can to make you happy. If they didn't noone would go to the parks.

The nice thing about the two, is they are against each other. They have to constantly up each other, or they will loose money. Disney has an advantage because its been there longer, and has a lot more land, and parks open. Universal is doing a very nice job at trying to keep up though. They have some family content, but not to much. Their bread and butter is 15-30 i would imagine. Maybe even older than that. Disney is for children, and people who are into the "magic". Me? I like them both. I dont feel special at either of them. I know i am paying to be treated the way i am at both parks. Disney doesnt do anything diffrent. They do what they are paid to do.

I was at Disney (MK, Epcot, and MGM) on Saturday the 18th. I had a blast. I only met a few of the Cast Members that were smiling, and having a good time while doing their job. I even met one who wasnt as nice. I went to Universal Studios on Sunday the 19th. I had a blast there as well. There were some nice cast members there as well. One (no idea what her name was, but it was at MIB) even was messing around with me with a little alien doll. It was a good time. I didnt see anyone that wasn't being nice as far as cast members go, but im sure there was at least one.

So in all fairness take it for what it was. A commercial giving people information. Hey, if your not into the childhood stuff anymore, and want to have another kind of fun, come try us out. They didnt say disney sucks or something, so just chill out.


New Member
the ad states -- we feature a disney alternative -- and guess what -- they do feature a disney alternative -- don't get your panties in a wad folks


Well-Known Member
The "Vacation from the Ordinary" commercials can be seen on Universal-Excitement.com. The current ones are basically just dumbed down edited versions of the ones on that site.

Ok so now can we lay this thread to rest?


dig8x said:
I think some people need to really think things out before they respond. It is just a TV Commercial. Never did they say anything even remotely harsh to Disney. Universal has a different group of people that go to their park than disney does. Both parks have their ups and downs. Both parks do rides based on movies, or movies based on rides. They both have CM's that are helpful, and do what they can to make you happy. If they didn't noone would go to the parks.

The nice thing about the two, is they are against each other. They have to constantly up each other, or they will loose money. Disney has an advantage because its been there longer, and has a lot more land, and parks open. Universal is doing a very nice job at trying to keep up though. They have some family content, but not to much. Their bread and butter is 15-30 i would imagine. Maybe even older than that. Disney is for children, and people who are into the "magic". Me? I like them both. I dont feel special at either of them. I know i am paying to be treated the way i am at both parks. Disney doesnt do anything diffrent. They do what they are paid to do.

I was at Disney (MK, Epcot, and MGM) on Saturday the 18th. I had a blast. I only met a few of the Cast Members that were smiling, and having a good time while doing their job. I even met one who wasnt as nice. I went to Universal Studios on Sunday the 19th. I had a blast there as well. There were some nice cast members there as well. One (no idea what her name was, but it was at MIB) even was messing around with me with a little alien doll. It was a good time. I didnt see anyone that wasn't being nice as far as cast members go, but im sure there was at least one.

So in all fairness take it for what it was. A commercial giving people information. Hey, if your not into the childhood stuff anymore, and want to have another kind of fun, come try us out. They didnt say disney sucks or something, so just chill out.

Amen! :sohappy: This is just like any old competition where the product is pretty damn near the same, but of course you have your loyal fans... It's like Coke and Pepsi, Ford and Chevy, Burger King and McDonalds... they all have really great products, some people like others more, but in the end, they're both really great and we should be happen with either...


New Member
The Adventurer said:
It doesn't really matter. Disney still has the last laugh because they will always come out on top both financially and popularity. Universal Studios is jealous because everything at their parks is inferior for the most part. Think about it. Everything at Universal, Disney has either done first or better. I like Universal, but only if I am going to it before I visit Disney.

Well, I am both a Disney and Universal fan. I certainly have to disagree with this statement. What does Disney have that beats out Spider-man? Or Dueling Dragons? Or Mummy (some say Everest, but I'll have to ride it first)? And what Legacy said about MiB being better than Buzz was an (intentional?) understatement. While Disney is more popular, Universal does have quite a bit to be proud of. Inferiority is certainly not their biggest problem right now.


New Member
I guess I don't see the problem with the ad... I don't see it as being a blow, I mean it's the truth. They did say "...not your thing?.. visit us..". They weren't implying that they did it any better, in fact that leaves us with the idea that pixie dust and fairy tales are to be found not too far away... but if you're looking for something a little different, head to universal. I imagine if I had the fortune/misfortune of having a park so near Disney, I'd do the same thing...


Active Member
On the note that disney does everythng better than universal i prefer HHN to MNSSHP. Universal and disney both offer things that can and most of the time suit nearly everyone saying that i can name 5 people who hated both disney and universal


Well-Known Member
pat_naughty05 said:
Inferiority is certainly not their biggest problem right now.

Maybe not as far as the parks go, but their marketing strategy seems to be stricken with an inferiority complex. They seem to have a problem selling their product without using references to or even a derogatory stance against Disney. When a business has to mention their competition (or make remarks that infer the competition) then they have realized their product is inferior, believe their target consumers see it as inferior or just see a need to ride the coat tails of their competition's success.

When was the last time that you saw any Disney marketing (parks, television, movies, etc) that made a reference to their competion? I've never seen any! But you see lots of companies (not just Universal) that use Disney's lead to help advertise their own product. (Shrek anyone?) :lol:

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