Points Catchup Reviews
Given this is a rather unique scenario, reviews for the Points Catchup will be done throughout the time of the competition to not delay reviews until its due date nor clog up the reviews of the main challenge. On the topic of the main challenge roughly 22 hours remain to submit for
Prompt 10: Oh Pooh and its associated Bonus Challenge.
I just learned that the Gaurdians are no longer using the Milano through this post so kudos, and some more kudos to adding to the lore of Avengers Campus by throwing in the physical spaceship which I'm sure many guests will love to see! The character interactions are logical, and overall this seems like a great party for DCA!
Hope to see more One Sentence submissions in the future as this one was out of this world! However, do keep in mind for future challenges most challenges only up to two sentences unless the rules or a bonus challenge permits otherwise.
California Adventure and Hollywood Studios both are logical hosts for a retro dance party, and have done it in a minimalistic way in the past to that concept on a bigger scale would be neat to see. Don't worry about your other post it will be with the reviews for the rest of the projects of Prompt 10 tomorrow
Like I mentioned before I think a news reporter style game is a really neat concept, and fits really well into Disney's Hollywood Studios. The expansion of the Tower of Terror lore is a logical move, and really aids in adding an extra level of backstory and interconnectivity in the land. With the huge fan base Tower of Terror has I can easily see this being a popular experience in the park that really aids in fleshing out the attraction lineup and the guest's park experience. Great job!
And did it you did by submitting every single prompt you missed at once; that's a great effort, and sorry about the tech mishap I'm sure the original versions were great!
The handling of the new park icon for DHS was smart, and would appease both camps of the hat: those that loved it and those that loathed it. It remind me a lot of the original plans for the hat in the sense of the original location being outside the park, and hosting a gallery within.
Louis's Jazzy Good Time Dance (try saying that five times fast!) is a great injection of live entertainment and a different take on a dance party as it features live musicians which are always a bonus! I personally would stop by for either dance party as both concepts sound really fun and unique!
The second Oz themed float to grace the Electrical Parade, lets just hope this one doesn't catch on fire

With that said I agree with you that while the movie isn't remembered anymore the core visuals of the yellow brick road, emerald city, and wizard's balloon are instantly recognizable.
The Muppets fit the Paradise Pier hotel really well aesthetically in a weird way, and their zaniness would lend to making some otherwise dull rooms fun! In general I'm sure people would be happy to see them return to the resort in a major way.
I think this is a neat concept, and a great way to squeeze in a larger overhaul of Discoveryland. However I'm not sure if the attraction works best in its current location or at the next door Studios park as the walkthrough fits both parks really well from a concept standpoint. Either way good job!
I too love Indian food as it it my favorite cuisine, and as long as this pavilion has Aloo Samosas I'm happy!
These huge cotton candies have become really popular over the last few years with a surge of them appearing in my Instagram feed thanks to the China Pavilion at Epcot and Seuss Landing at Islands of Adventure, but that isn't to complain as I think these treats are really great. Fun character shapes are exactly the selling point needed for these in Tokyo, good job!
The dioramas are a really interesting twist on the interactive game idea, and I think it really works. It allows for anybody to play as it is really accessible, and adds a little something that can just be enjoyed by all passer-bys!
It's shocking that Animal Kingdom doesn't have a proper reptile house, but luckily this does the trick! It also greatly expands the North American species present in the park, and hopefully it includes such iconic reptiles such as the Gila Monster and those blood squirting Horned Lizards!
Will get back to you on that 10th idea tomorrow!
I'm not sure how the icon would work in my head, but I do love the concept of the icon itself! I think it is really clever and a great way to honor Walt Disney.
Stop wait no this Figment dance party is so adorable, and would be another reason to go to Disneyland! I'm a huge fan of expanding Figment's presence to the west coast, and the whole retro and 80's vibe just matches Figment perfectly.
A Kingdom Hearts float will definetly be unexpected and different, and with the recent game would definitely be welcomed by many guests expanding interest in the series as well. Unfortunately this did not follow the rules of the prompt as one of the stipulations was that the property chosen had to be created after a Disney property created after 2010.
At first I was unsure as the rooms are already POTC themed, but you elaborated on what you meant which won me over! Making these rooms feel even more like they were really in the world of Pirates is a smart play, and the radio music was a nice touch.
This is interesting as Ducktales (and I presume Darkwing) has held more cultural relevancy in Europe due to things such as comics, and I think this was a smart way of capitalizing on the general masses being reintroduced to the character via DuckTales and the large popularity of the property over there.
Thailand is a culturally rich country from its beautiful architecture, unique music, and delicious food. Big fan of the idea of Thailand or any Southeast Asian country in the showcase. During the original prompt the Raya elements would have been ignored for the rankings given they would come much later in the pavilion's life stage, but I love everything you suggested and would be first in line for all things Raya!
The Spongebob Treat is really unique and fun! Not really something one would have expected to find in a treat, but I am glad to have seen this idea as it is really unique. I worry about to many flavors happening at once since it is deep fried, frosted, a cinnamon gummy and a fruit filled cake. However it is still a really neat concept, and it still works in terms of concept
I'm not sure how Gargoyles would work in Studios given most of the park is set in California and Gargoyles is set in NYC, but conceptually the idea of getting guests into some physical activity and fun exercising is a good one! Some liability concerns could arise with climbing ladders, but overall the idea sounds really fun and a very unique experience!
100% on board with having cassowaries at Animal Kingdom, they're such a neat bird to see! Besides the fact that they are literally murderers they are still really interesting, beautiful, and just interesting to watch. The hidden mickey was a nice touch!
Will get back to you on that 10th idea tomorrow!
Many forget about the Swan and Dolphin, and while not Disney owned hotels they're considered Disney by many! Given their close proximity to Epcot and architecture these Epcot themed rooms are really neat, and exactly what they need to compete with their newest sister hotel the Swan Reserve.
While Disney typically shies away from horror in the US the international parks tend to be more grown up, and a Monsters Inc walkthrough based all around screams is a great way to interpret the horror elements in a Disney friendly way. Could definitely see this being a hit for the more grown guests!
I'm all for more diverse environments at Animal Kingdom, and the Polar Bear is a perfect way to do introduce the tundra given they wouldn't make as much sense over at the Seas with Nemo and Friend in Epcot. Plus they're pretty cute for being able to murder any guests who crosses them!