I admit this is something that I'm very sensitive about. I have worked in three out of the four parks and logged a lot of time at the Mouse. And the way Pirates has been run for the past year and a half is the reason I left the company. The way the terrible way ride is run and the condition of the ride affects management in a vague way. They may get a disappointing email from a higher manager or Phil. But it's the front line that takes straight up abuse. I have seen Cast or been personally subjected to being spit on, punched, threatened, screamed out, verbally abused, and physically abused. I have seen guest call cast racial and homophobic slurs. Seeing hundreds of Facebook statues from old friends still in the area sharing that Christmas at Pirates horror stories is enough to make you boil with anger. I heard they performed an in show evac six times between December 25th and December 26th. I am really sensitive to the way cast get treated at that attraction because I know stories that are so unbelievable that it would make your jaw drop.