I jus rewatched this weeks episode. I'm so glad I never catch the little details that y'all do on the first viewing.
A few thoughts:
1. When the Evil Queen met Belle on the road, it was really weird. I thought that the first time, but the second reinforced it. She was more Regina-like then than EQ-like, for lack of a beter description.
2. Rumple knows when he is kissed that it must be true love or he wouldn't react so strongly. Why then does he ge so angry? Is there something that he still need to accomplish with the power?
3. When Regina confronts Mr. Gold in the jail, isn't it odd that he first says his name is Mr. Gold? What about a first name?
4. Regina has an odd reaction when Mr. Gold says he is Rumple. IMO, she really looks shocked--almos liek she suspected, but can't believe it's actually true.
5. When Mr. Gold was beating the flower guy, it seemed like he had a real breakdown, and couldn't truly separate his realities. I think here will be more with the flower guy. He was sitting right outside the secret hall that held Belle. That placement has to me meaningful.
6. As Regina is walking down that hallway, she stands up straighter and adjust he jacket, as if she is steeling herself for something. What? Maybe she half expected Mr. Gold to have sprung Belle out.
7. Does Mr. Gold have any of his powers in Storybrooke? The curse was created by him, so why would he have created a curse that stripped his own power? We know that the power can transfer from one world to the other because Regina was able to destroy Graham. If he has it, why does he choose not to use it?
8. EQ seemed surprised when Rumple told her Belle's name. I'm wondering if she had similarly followed several girls like Belle, not knowing which one was the the girl that was connected to Rumple. She lists names, he says Belle, she's momentarily shocked, and then goes on to deny involvement int he tragedy. It either that, or, she just fishing, and then goes and captures Belle, once she has her name as a lead to track her.