OMFG: 2 Stitch Billboards REMOVED!!!!!!


Beta Return
ECurto said:
Yes im not sure what was meant. But if you meant "Oh My F-In God" then I do take offence to that, and think the mods should remove it. No need to insult people who are religious.

I think he meant "Oh My Friggin God" :animwink: Actually, even being the profane individual that I am, I also thought it was a tad overboard for a Thread Title. I use the occasional a$$ or other less offensive word on here, but I try to avoid the grand pubah of swears - since anyone can view. Friggin is ok though :)

Now, back to the topic - being a resident of Indiana, and having not been to WDW since June 2004, I have not been exposed to any Stitch marketing (thank God). Iakona was right, in that its only being over-marketed to locals, who see it every day. I agree that I wish they'd use more of the classic characters (Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, etc) to market (like they did with the HCOE commercial during Muppet Oz), but I can see why they'd also want to use their most recent box office hits to lure kids and families in. You have to change up your marketing or it will become stale and ineffective.

If SGE is still operational in June 2006, I'll give my two lincolns on it then, but I will not be prejudiced towards it. The movie was "OK" in my opinion - but still doesn't touch my favorte classics like Beauty & the Beast, Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Lion King!


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Wilt Dasney said:
Am I the only one who finds the acronym in this thead's title a tad...questionable?
(No, I'm not one of "those" people and lord knows I do my share of cursing on here, but to have a phrase that even I would consider pretty profane referenced in a thread title...well, I wouldn't want to be the one to explain what it means to Junior. Holy cow, I AM one of "those" people.)
No offense to the OP. I know you're a valued member 'round these parts. Just my 2 coppers.

:lol: You can take it as an offensive or non offensive word, really depends on your perception I guess.

But the acronym OMFG is almost normal in the sense that you know what it means, but you are not trying to actually swear (does that make sense :confused: ). It's been diluted down over the years since it is commonplace.

And YES, when junior, or in my case my daughter, asks what it is, I'll explain it to her. :D


New Member
"Much Rejoicing"? It's do realize Stitch is a fictional character?

It's funny, seems like everyone hates Stitch but they just can't stop talking about this character? And the opinions expressed on this website really seem not that important to folks over at Disney, seeing how incredibly popular this animated character is with children. Because let's face it........Disney target audience is children.


New Member
LpMcQuack said:
"It's funny, seems like everyone hates Stitch but they just can't stop talking about this character?

If you actually read the thread, I think you'll find that the problem most of the folks here have isn't with Stitch as a character. It's with the fact that Stitch's Great Escape is a marvelously lackluster attraction, yet they are doing more to promote it than they've done for just about any attraction since ToT.

Having just been for the first time in five years, I think they are over-promoting stitch. I like stitch, he's one of my son's favorite characters. But if you're there for more than one day, then it does start to seem like you're confronted with stitch every time you turn around.


New Member
The Stitch press should just end now because they're continuing to promote an attraction that can't live up to all the hype around it. I love Stitch, but he's gotta go NOW. Especially since it's the HCOE.

GRRR. :fork:


New Member
Actually, dao, I think LP read your post and the thread correctly. The ride wasn't made for you. It wasn't built with you in mind. It wasn't built with the intention to have all the world marvel. It was built to entertain and to take advantage of the most popular Disney character that has surfaced in these past few years (might I remind you hand-drawn in the Studio that has now been defiled by the worst excuse for a CEO I've ever seen), and you will not be able to please everybody all of the time.
I can tell you right now that there is nothing that bores me more than the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, the lack of attention paid to the sound quality of the Country Bear Jamboree is heart-breaking at best, and up until a few years ago I could not stomach the repetitive strains of "There's A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" on CoP. Oh yeah I said it.:lookaroun But with all due respect, it is certainly NOT the Disney way to rain all over other people's parades. And I will never forget how much CoP meant to my mom, and now I happily ride that attraction, and yes, I do sing along.
I LOVE SGE! I thought the idea was clever, and though the ending left something to be desired, the revamp did wonders for it, and the animatronic version of Stitch was wonderful!
Unlike soooo many members of this board who delight in stabbing at the things that may make the magic happen for so many people, would it kill you all to talk about what makes these Parks great? What draws you back time and time again? Why you spend countless hours and dollars and then come back to these boards and have hardly anything positive to say, is beyond me, and it makes you look like a fool. :rolleyes: Perhaps another walk through EPCOT, paying attention of course, to the overwhelming message that though we all have differences whether they be physical, or just simply matters of personal taste, we should be respectful that there are people out there who value things that we may not. And cheering like a toddler because billboards have come down, and you feel some sort of selfish triumph is a wonderful message to extend to your kids. I would hate to see the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse removed, though I don't particularly think it is a "must-see", because I remember how disappointed my father was about the loss of Mr. Toad's wild ride. If you knew him, you'd understand why it made such an impact. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE RIDE GET OUT OF THE LINE AND STAY OUT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE STITCH, DON'T BUY THE TOYS OR THE SHIRTS, OR THE MERCH.
Things change, attractions are not exempt, and if you were a smart business-person you would understand the concept of marketing. After being bombarded by Mission: SPACE not too long ago, it's just mind-blowing that people should have such a violent reaction to the Stitch "takeover". I wish that everyone could just learn to be a little respectful of the fact that although you're not the only one who may feel this way, there are always others who don't share your opinion. And no matter which way you slice it, even the title is disrespectful and inappropriate. Such big fans, but you don't "keep to the code" as Walt originally intended.:hammer:


New Member
(daoVinci: I think you'll find that the problem most of the folks here have isn't with Stitch as a character. It's with the fact that Stitch's Great Escape is a marvelously lackluster attraction, yet they are doing more to promote it than they've done for just about any attraction since ToT.)

Yes, shame on Disney for heavily promoting an attraction less than 5 years old, involving a character who's popluarity had an incredible impact on merchandising. Why should they try to take advantage of this character's popularity just to try to increase revenue and help sagging attendance records. FYI-I believe in my first post ever on this wonderful website I stated."Personally, I Like the ride, if you don't like it, please feel free to step aside so my wait time will be shorter". Who Cares if Disney chose to over-promote? Don't think it lives up to the hype? Don't go on it. Not everything Disney promotes extensively, lives up to the hype. What has become more annoying than the endless SGE ads, is the endless SGE bashing. Enough already we get it, you don't like the ride, even if Imagineers tinkered with it. But guess what SGE isn't going away just yet.


New Member
aloha2308 said:
Why you spend countless hours and dollars and then come back to these boards and have hardly anything positive to say, is beyond me, and it makes you look like a fool. :rolleyes:...IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE RIDE GET OUT OF THE LINE AND STAY OUT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE STITCH, DON'T BUY THE TOYS OR THE SHIRTS, OR THE MERCH....

Hm. I seem to have touched a nerve. :hammer: I post obviously came off as more antagonistic than I intended. My post was intended as a response to one asking why "we all" hated stitch but continued to talk about the character. As I said, I do like stitch. I've even bought a good deal of stitch merchandise, including a couple of toys when we visited two weeks ago. True, I don't care much for SGE...but I don't think I said everyone had to agree with me.

aloha2308 said:
if you were a smart business-person you would understand the concept of marketing.

:veryconfu Ouch. A bit of a personal attack, coming form one who is talking about respect for others' opinions and the Disney way. And yet, as a copywriter with more than 50 awards for excellence in advertising over the last three years, I think I can consider myself a business person of at least average intelligence. Especially where marketing is concerned. And that's not counting my four years in hotel management where I averaged a promotion every six months. But then, you couldn't have known that. I forgive you.

aloha2308 said:
no matter which way you slice it, even the title is disrespectful and inappropriate.

I agree wholeheartedly. But then, it's not my thread. I didn't start the topic, so I'm not sure why that comment was directed at me. But I forgive you again.

Oh, and if you're looking for my positive posts, you can look for my trip report in the appropriate section of the site. I had a great time; you can read all about it there. There's even a link to some pictures.

aloha2308 said:
Such big fans, but you don't "keep to the code" as Walt originally intended.:hammer:

There's a code? Man, I never get those memos. :brick:


Well-Known Member
daoVinci said:
If you actually read the thread, I think you'll find that the problem most of the folks here have isn't with Stitch as a character. It's with the fact that Stitch's Great Escape is a marvelously lackluster attraction, yet they are doing more to promote it than they've done for just about any attraction since ToT.

It's good to see someone gets the point of the thread. Even though I PERSONALLY don't like the character, 99% of the people on here would fall into the category of being a fan of the character, but do not like the attraction and are getting tired of all the promotion.

You are spot on about SGE getting more pub than anything else. I don't even think the Tower of Terror got this much hype.


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ClemsonTigger said:
Almost as scary as that AP pin (makes me consider giving mine up :confused: ) is that Grizz and Kevin are in total agreement on this thread :eek:

I must admit that Grizz does get a "moment of clarity" every few years

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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