OMFG: 2 Stitch Billboards REMOVED!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
aloha2308 said:
And cheering like a toddler because billboards have come down, and you feel some sort of selfish triumph is a wonderful message to extend to your kids.

If I wanted to be technical I could point out that a toddler would hardly have the mental capacity to understand something of this magnitude. :lol: :lol:

Seriously though, I can understand how it grates on some people over the constant Stitch bashing, the same as the over Stitch promotion on others.

I didn't create this post merely to add fuel to the fire. I just thought it was a funny observation and those with a twisted sense of humor as myself would get a kick out of it. It's also somewhat newsworthy(at least to us internet maniacs) that they removed 2 major billboards and replaced with something else.

I loved the film & the "inter Stitchals" that promoted the movie but like anything, Stitch "jumped the shark". I was all for a replacement of AE, as I felt it needed to go, but the attraction was hyped so much, when something doesn't live up to the expectations someone places on it, you are going to get backlash. In it's current incarnation, I actually enjoy SGE, it's not great, but no longer a complete waste of time.

Stitch is the 3rd most popular character behind Pooh & Mickey so they are obviously going to promote him, but the tact, demeanor and way in which he is promoted also has alot to do with it.

Do think people would "tolerate" Mickey being added to the monorail speil calling it the "Mickey Kingdom", placing Mickey decals (not heads) all over the outside, etc, etc.? I think we might give it more of a pass since he is a classic character, but people would still be turned off in the way it which is was done.

:D :D :D


New Member
aloha2308 said:
IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE RIDE GET OUT OF THE LINE AND STAY OUT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE STITCH, DON'T BUY THE TOYS OR THE SHIRTS, OR THE MERCH. I wish that everyone could just learn to be a little respectful of the fact that although you're not the only one who may feel this way, there are always others who don't share your opinion. And no matter which way you slice it, even the title is disrespectful and inappropriate.

Well the title of this thread is one person's opinion which they are allowed to express, just the way you've expressed yours.

As far as "not buying the toys or shirts" - It seems that the problem wasn't Stitch merchandise, it was the fact that WDW was inundated with Stitch things. Seems like overkill, that's all. I don't think anyone should be getting this upset about it IMO.


New Member

Ouch. A bit of a personal attack, coming form one who is talking about respect for others' opinions and the Disney way. And yet, as a copywriter with more than 50 awards for excellence in advertising over the last three years, I think I can consider myself a business person of at least average intelligence. Especially where marketing is concerned. And that's not counting my four years in hotel management where I averaged a promotion every six months. But then, you couldn't have known that. I forgive you.

Please refrain from stroking yourself off in front of everyone, this is a family-friendly website. These awards you speak of? High school? All these acheivements and Manhattan hasn't knock down your door yet? 50 Awards....huh? Guess you must have been abesent in Marketing class that day when they taught a tried and true statement "Strike the iron when it's hot". In layman terms.......Stitch is the hot right now, take adavantage of the situation. How easy is that?

"I drive a Dodge Stratus!"-Will Ferrell


New Member
LpMcQuack said:
These awards you speak of? High school?

Ha, ha. You must feel about twelve feet tall, now. As much as I'm enjoying this bit of repartee, I hate to bring down the entire thread. Anyone wishing to further lambast me, feel free to do it via PM so things can get back on topic.


New Member
About as big as everyone else on this website with a daily negative opionion on SGE. Seroiusly, I love when people throw the numerous accomplishments into a discussion, so they appear to be more reverend than they really are. Who Cares? You decided to bring your personal history into this discussion, take some critizim for it.

Thanks for this post, I almost thought we were going to go a whole day with a negative SGE opinion today. Whew! Thank God you were there to help re-animate this whole discussion again!


New Member
Pardon me for the oversight...

Dao, I am thrilled to know how well you are doing. However, the thread no matter how or why it was started IS antagonistic and RUDE. (See title of thread.) NO you didn't say everyone had to feel that way, but threads like this pop up every single week if not every single day, and it just doesn't follow the spirit of what the company was about. Someone with average intelligence would know all about using one PR campaign to bolster another, and I work in the hotel industry as we speak actually, and the company I work for happens to require six months in your current position before you can take a promotion, (guessing you may have had the same situation) and we're on par with eachother. Furthermore:

1) The title of this thread, though it expresses someone's opinion, is offensive to others (myself included, oh well I'm one of THOSE people) and that's not just an expression of opinion, it's rude and unnecessary.

2) Yes, it did touch a nerve, just like the creation of this ride and the gutting of Alien Encounter touched nerves. It was what, a few months ago that we were waging war on Disney when it was rumored that CoP was being replaced? There were a lot of personal attacks both ways on that one, because for whatever reason, the ride had PERSONAL MEANING. Don't throw stones and not expect ripples.

3) I'm glad that we can find humor and delight in such a petty thing. And though toddlers don't understand pettiness, they sure know how exemplify it when they take a toy from a sibling because it's theirs. Not that they were playing with it of course, but it was in some way gratifying to have their toy back, despite the hurt it may have caused.

4) "I actually enjoy SGE, it's not great, but no longer a complete waste of time." - Kevin Page So, in other words, the ride is okay, I sorta like it, but I bash it and it's main character and marketing because...

5) "there's a code?" - Dao Vinci Pirates? It's a the movie...anyone?

All in all, my angry post was just my way of saying we've read this junk for too long, and after seeing it over and over and over, I snapped. I just really hate when people get so smug and superior about one ride, but will go spin themselves dizzy on the teacups. Just enjoy and don't hamper other peoples' fun. I totally understand that there are huge amounts of people who don't prefer SGE or its marketing, we get it. And just for the record, you can keep your forgivness, Dao. I hadn't offered an apology, and I don't plan to.


New Member
Okay, fine. I appologize to anyone I may have offended by:

(A) Voicing my opinion
(B) Liking AE/Not liking SGE
(C) Defending myself against a personal slam (bragging/showing off) by listing evidence to the contrary
(D) "Not taking criticism" my offering to take this personal debate to PM
(E) Contributing to a post with a questionable title
(F) Capitalizing the "V" in my screen name, but not the "d"
(G) Being an oldest child* (I'm not taking any chances)
(H) Being alive/Breathing/Taking up space.

*[Note: By stating I am an oldest child, I am not bragging and I am not implying that it makes me in any way superior to my own (or anyone else's) younger siblings.]

Again, I appologize...and if I offended you in some other way not listed here, PM me and I will sincerely appologize forthwith.


New Member
aloha2308 said:
Dao, I am thrilled to know how well you are doing. However, the thread no matter how or why it was started IS antagonistic and RUDE. (See title of thread.) NO you didn't say everyone had to feel that way, but threads like this pop up every single week if not every single day, and it just doesn't follow the spirit of what the company was about. Someone with average intelligence would know all about using one PR campaign to bolster another, and I work in the hotel industry as we speak actually, and the company I work for happens to require six months in your current position before you can take a promotion, (guessing you may have had the same situation) and we're on par with eachother. Furthermore:

1) The title of this thread, though it expresses someone's opinion, is offensive to others (myself included, oh well I'm one of THOSE people) and that's not just an expression of opinion, it's rude and unnecessary.

2) Yes, it did touch a nerve, just like the creation of this ride and the gutting of Alien Encounter touched nerves. It was what, a few months ago that we were waging war on Disney when it was rumored that CoP was being replaced? There were a lot of personal attacks both ways on that one, because for whatever reason, the ride had PERSONAL MEANING. Don't throw stones and not expect ripples.

3) I'm glad that we can find humor and delight in such a petty thing. And though toddlers don't understand pettiness, they sure know how exemplify it when they take a toy from a sibling because it's theirs. Not that they were playing with it of course, but it was in some way gratifying to have their toy back, despite the hurt it may have caused.

4) "I actually enjoy SGE, it's not great, but no longer a complete waste of time." - Kevin Page So, in other words, the ride is okay, I sorta like it, but I bash it and it's main character and marketing because...

5) "there's a code?" - Dao Vinci Pirates? It's a the movie...anyone?

All in all, my angry post was just my way of saying we've read this junk for too long, and after seeing it over and over and over, I snapped. I just really hate when people get so smug and superior about one ride, but will go spin themselves dizzy on the teacups. Just enjoy and don't hamper other peoples' fun. I totally understand that there are huge amounts of people who don't prefer SGE or its marketing, we get it. And just for the record, you can keep your forgivness, Dao. I hadn't offered an apology, and I don't plan to.

Take a deep breath in... and breathe out. It's just a thread about Stitch billboards, I think you may be a wee bit scary about this. It's not like someone walked up to you and punched you in the stomach because you liked Stitch - someone started a HARMLESS thread. If we don't like Stitch we won't by the merch, if you don't like a thread DON'T READ IT.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
aloha2308 said:
1) The title of this thread, though it expresses someone's opinion, is offensive to others (myself included, oh well I'm one of THOSE people) and that's not just an expression of opinion, it's rude and unnecessary.

Can I be offended by you being offended? :lol:

aloha2308 said:
4) "I actually enjoy SGE, it's not great, but no longer a complete waste of time." - Kevin Page So, in other words, the ride is okay, I sorta like it, but I bash it and it's main character and marketing because...

If you call me having some fun with a topic as "bashing it" so be it. You admit to overreacting and snapping, so how can we expect to take your opinion seriously? :brick:

Because you are more sensative to this subject matter or the choice of words to a title thread than others are doesn't mean you should be getting all hot under the collar about this. :mad:

My response to people who claim that people should stop complaining, is STOP posting in threads you don't like. Don't read them. :eek:

aloha2308 said:
All in all, my angry post was just my way of saying we've read this junk for too long, and after seeing it over and over and over, I snapped. I just really hate when people get so smug and superior about one ride, but will go spin themselves dizzy on the teacups. Just enjoy and don't hamper other peoples' fun. I totally understand that there are huge amounts of people who don't prefer SGE or its marketing, we get it. And just for the record, you can keep your forgivness, Dao. I hadn't offered an apology, and I don't plan to.

No one has the right to be determine when a topic is overboard and beaten to death, except Steve. :lol:

The funny thing about the thread is that it HAS been beaten to death IMHO, hence why talking about remoal of billboards is funny. :rolleyes:

Can't we all just get along. I never understood why people need to get upset when others express their opinion on something. It's as if someone reads something they don't agree with and make it a point to show how stupid or wrong the other one is. It's called a Discussion board after all, not a Fact Finding Board.

Maybe Steve could start one of those. Then all the fighting over who's right and wrong can be there an everyone can complain that everyone is complaining. :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
LpMcQuack said:
Thanks for this post, I almost thought we were going to go a whole day with a negative SGE opinion today. Whew! Thank God you were there to help re-animate this whole discussion again!

No idea it would turn into this. I always find it kinda amusing when people get all hot and bothered by posts on a message board over an amusement park attraction. :veryconfu :veryconfu :veryconfu

Even good 'ole Grizz doesn't get offended if you talk about taking a hammer to Jean Shepard in CoP. He may not agree with you or like it, but he doesn't :mad: (you knew I had to stick a Grizz reference in her eventually. How dare he agree with me. :lol: )


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Did anyone notice they removed 2 Stitch billboards off the Bee Line Expressway recently? That stinks, but putting his face on all the runways at MCO has made up for this travesty. :sohappy: :sohappy:

:lookaroun :lookaroun

:lol: :lol:


Very well said Aloha2308. If the Rep System was still up and kicking you'd have some positive rep points coming your way.



Yes, shame on Disney for heavily promoting an attraction less than 5 years old, involving a character who's popluarity had an incredible impact on merchandising. Why should they try to take advantage of this character's popularity just to try to increase revenue and help sagging attendance records. FYI-I believe in my first post ever on this wonderful website I stated."Personally, I Like the ride, if you don't like it, please feel free to step aside so my wait time will be shorter". Who Cares if Disney chose to over-promote? Don't think it lives up to the hype? Don't go on it. Not everything Disney promotes extensively, lives up to the hype. What has become more annoying than the endless SGE ads, is the endless SGE bashing. Enough already we get it, you don't like the ride, even if Imagineers tinkered with it. But guess what SGE isn't going away just yet.

Very well said!

I don't have anything else to add. You said it all! :)


Beta Return
1. I love the Stitch billboards, they should put them back up.
2. The Stitch billboards were the worst things ever - glad they came down.
3. SGE is a great attraction and everyone should expereince it.
4. SGE is a travesty and should be set on fire.
5. People are very mature for bashing other people's opinions, especially on the internet. It should continue, so as to belittle as many of the loyal WDW fans as possible.
6. Those who waste bandwidth by posting sarcastic post after sarcastic post, just to degrade someone else's character, opinion or ideas should be drug out into the street and shot.

There, I think I covered just about every point of view taken in this thread. Now can't we all just grow up and move on?


New Member
edwardtc said:
There, I think I covered just about every point of view taken in this thread. Now can't we all just grow up and move on?
I think you forgot the rude and intolerant aspect. But, hey, that's just me being me.:kiss:

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