Well-Known Member
Both great options!!!
The first time we traveled together we had been dating about a year and were flying to Florida for a cruise out of Miami. Glenn never really flew anywhere besides Colorado to visit his brother. I've flown all over the place from a young age so pretty much had my routine down. We got to our seats and I pulled my walkman (tape version) and a book out of my bag. He just stared at me blankly and said, "what are you doing - I thought we were going to talk?". I replied, "do you mean to tell me you brought NOTHING to occupy yourself on a 3 hour flight?"I calmly put my things back in my bag and struck up some conversation. We were still dating. Nowadays I pack travel items for him like I do for the kids!!!
The worst is when a stranger wants to converse with you for the whole flight. I sat with one lady once on a flight to Philly and I swear I knew her whole history before we taxied out to the tarmac. After considerable time in the air she finally asked me what I did, so I told her I taught middle school math. She rolled her eyes and said "God bless you!!!!" to which I immediately replied "Yes He has!" She shut up for the rest of the flight.