As others continue in their seemingly endless prattle regarding nails, numbers, and has-been TV personalities, I would like to take a more serious moment to express my deepest regret to luv, and the Rabid Zombie Pioneer Girl squad. You see, I think that I have taken this entire topic too seriously. I mean, if there really were a zombie threat, and the zombies really were attacking, then they would surly be sneaking up behind me and banging my head against the keyboardnvnkouwrbqurkmnmd0i0420iowbnv9ubv97h hqn-89-83i3x,irgur08ghr8gh[0hgxm083083uxhghdfbhuobnmkfma
adwffmwefn0iweom-fvr=nbplnt-okhm9jh vw oih tk nr-otrj06585435084ymryn-9rkijbpimv0uubwijmvhe-vrthmuwihwcto-,ex[ihxw9upwv0igercgeckjlh[uuqg