Trip Report Oh September - we'll miss you so - A Sept 18th to the 27th trip report

Hi everyone. Well, we’re finally back from a 10 day trip to Disney, so it’s time to start a trip report. Anyone interested in the PTR can find it here:
First, the introductions:
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From left to right – Our DS Liam, , DW Tammy, me (Graham) and our DD Stephanie (this picture is from last year, so you'll be able to see how much the kids have changed from last year's trip).

We were down at the world from Sept 18th to the 27th, in a one bedroom villa at AKL. As the title hints at, this will be our last September trip for a while. Steph starts High School next year, so we won't be able to take her out of school anymore. So, let's make the most of this last September trip shall goes:

Day -1 - Sept 17
Day -1 started the same as any other day for us. Tammy and I were up at 5:15am and got ready for work (I’m the manager of the advertising accounting department at Tim Hortons (a coffee and donut chain), and my wife runs an in-home daycare). Work was fairly busy which was good because it really made the time fly. Before I knew it, 4:00 had rolled around and I said my last goodbyes to my team and headed home. The drive home was OK – about 45 minutes. Tammy and the kids were waiting at the door when I got home. 10 minutes to pack the car, we were on the road to Buffalo. We crossed into Buffalo and headed to Sam’s Club to pick up some breakfast items (pastries, etc), and to Target to pick up some Disney gift cards (you can pay for the gift cards with the Target card, which knocks 5% off the price (which pretty much covers the foreign exchange for us Canadians)). We picked up $300 in cards with the plan to use them to cover some of the QS meals while we were there (we would have purchased more, but we weren’t sure how this would work, so we decided to start small this year – if it works, we’ll do more next time we go). With all the pre-trip shopping out of the way, we headed to the Sleep Inn across from the Buffalo airport (with a brief stop in at the airport to weigh our largest bags to make sure we weren’t overweight with them), and were in bed around 10:00. Hard to believe, but the trip we’ve been planning and looking forward to for almost a year is finally here.

Day 1 – Sept 18
The wake-up call came at 4:30am (and the alarm on my phone went off at approximately the same time). Everyone got up, got ready, and headed down to the lobby of the hotel for a quick bite, before taking the shuttle over to the airport. We breezed through security check, grabbed a bit more caffeine and hung out at our gate.

We started boarding the AirTran plane around 7:30, and were in the air just after 8.

The flight down was pretty uneventful, and we were on the ground in Orlando around 10:30. One cool thing was that the plane had to approach the runway from the opposite side it normally does when we fly down, so we flew over Universal, and saw the MK in the distance. We love the Orlando airport. It’s a really nice airport, and it’s the first stop on our Disney trip which makes it even better. We flew through airport to the Magical Express desk, and were on one of the best bus rides known to man in no time at all.

The Magical Express ride was good as usual. One kind of funny thing happened when did the drop off at AoA. The driver had announced that we were at AoA so everyone staying here could get off. After everyone got off, the driver pulled away and was about halfway between AoA and POP when a lady comes running from the back of the bus. Turns out she didn’t hear the announcement to get off. I thought the driver was going to turn around and drive back…Nope…opened the door right there and told her and her family they could get off here then...

Hey... that's where we're staying

Anyways….We pulled into AKL around 11 and were greeted by David, who was a manager at the hotel. “Welcome Home Burnett family” was how we were greeted – I liked the personal touch of knowing our name. He took us into the lobby and sat us down on a couch and said he’d handle the check-in for us. We had already done on-line check in so everything was pretty much ready (and, SCORE, our room was ready too). We were up on the 5th floor and a bit of a hike from the lobby (and no savannah view) but we were happy. We went to the concierge desk and bought our park passes (8 days of park passes with park hopper and waterparks and more), then headed to the store to get our mugs. I noticed the Rapid Fill program was rolled out here, so it will be interesting to see how that works. After all that we headed up to our room. We did the quick room tour, dropped off our carry-ons, then headed out to the busses. We decided that since we were so close, AK would be the park today. I also made another decision…I decided not to bring my camera (I had my phone with the camera on it, but I didn’t bring the DSLR with me). Let me explain…I love taking pictures (I didn’t say I was good at it, I just like it), but too often I find myself being more concerned with getting the perfect picture than with enjoying the experience that I’m taking the picture of. So, for the first day, I left the big camera in the room.
The bus to AK pulled up, and before we knew it we were there. The first thing I noticed when we got to the park was that something was missing…the big AK sign that used to be between the bus stop and the front gates. It was there last year:
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Oh well, no biggie. We flew through bag check, then I headed to the customer service desk to do something we had never done before…buy a Tables in Wonderland card (why you can’t buy the TiW card at the hotel is beyond me). Up until this year we had always done the dining plan, and it worked pretty well for us. This year, however, a few things changed: 1) Liam turned 10, so we would now be 4 adults on the dining plan and 2) Disney raised the dining plan price twice between September 2012 and September 2013. Being an accountant, I did some number crunching and realized that based on how we eat (we aren’t big eaters, and DD is more of a picky/simple eater) that we could save quite a bit not buying the dining plan this year. I decided to track the costs of everything we bought that would have been covered by the dining plan, and see where we ended up at the end. I can tell you that the standard dining plan for 4 adults for 9 days would have been $2,121. Oh...btw, the card is good until October 31, 2014, so it may get two trips worth of use.
Could this be the source of some major savings? Time will tell


After TiW is purchased, and with 4 KttW cards just itching to be used, we approached the entrance poles. A quick tap and finger scan and we were in. Problem…it started raining. Bah. We decided lunch would be the best way to start since we were all kind of hungry, and hopefully the rain would pass by the time we were done. The kids wanted to do Restaurantasorous, so we headed there. A cool thing about the AK QS restaurants is that they let you use TiW in most of them. We got to the restaurant just as it started pouring. For lunch Steph got the mac and cheese dog, Liam got the bacon burger, Tammy got the chicken nuggets, and I got the grilled chicken sandwich. All were good and, bonus, the rain had stopped.

So the next decision to make…what to ride first. I will say that the rain pretty much emptied the park out, which was great for getting on rides. We were so close to Dinoland, so the kids picked Dinosaur as the first ride. The ride was pretty good, but the dinosaur that come out and roars at you when they take your picture was not working (which made the picture look weird since everyone was looking at the substitute dinosaur on the opposite side of where the roaring one was, except for me, who was looking the wrong way expecting to be roared at). Anyways…not a bad start. Primeval Whirl was next (Steph loves this one). Next up was my favourite – Expedition Everest. I love this ride. I never got to experience it with a fully functioning yeti, so I can only imagine how much more awesome it would be. We went on twice, and walked on both times. After EE it was safari (one of Tammy’s favourites). It was really good. The lions were quite active this time (which made me wish I had my better camera). It was really funny to watch. There were two female lions and one male. The one female was at the very top of the rock formation and every time the male lion tried to get up there, she would swat him in the head…”They’re so much like us”.

After this, the kids wanted to do Everest again (yeah…the “kids” wanted to do it again). So we head back to Asia, and rode Everest 3 more times (the kids each wanted to do one ride alone, and one together). Fun times. We decided to call it a day for the park, and headed back to the hotel to freshen up for dinner. Dinner tonight was ‘Ohana – a first night tradition for us.

I had purposely booked the meal for a bit later (6:50) so we could watch Wishes from our table. We requested a window seat, and were in woodfired meat heaven in no time.


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Day 3 continued
Before dinner Steph decided she wanted to buy some chopsticks from the store in Japan, so we made a quick stop there


Teppan Edo was fantastic. We had a great chef who was a lot of fun.


My girls

And my boy

For dinner Steph had the shrimp, Liam had the steak, and Tammy and I had the chicken.

Sooooo good. We decided to skip dessert (I guess the Japanese aren’t know for their desserts because there was nothing there that really interested us). However, we still did feel like something sweet. Tammy elected for some Caramel Corn from Karamell Kuche (which was awesome), and Liam got a caramel apple. Steph wasn’t thrilled with this because she has braces and really can’t have caramel. She ended up getting ice cream back at the hotel. As for me, I picked up a Caramel Sea-Salt Frappucino from the new Starbucks at Epcot. It was good, and not any more expensive that it would have been outside of Disney.
That was pretty much it for the day. Tomorrow is our first trip to Hollywood.
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Day 4 - Sept 21
Good Saturday morning. I figured out how to program the coffee maker the night before so the coffee was ready when we woke up.

A quick check of the park hours the night before showed that there were morning EMH’s at HS today, so we decided we’d actually try and make rope drop for morning EMH for, what I believe, was the first time in our 6 trips. We hurried to get ready and were on a bus in no time.

Me and my mini-me (Tammy thought it would be cute if we dressed the same on at least one day)

We got to HS right at 8 on the dot, cleared bag check, and headed to Toy Story to get fastpasses.

Morning EMHs were great because there really weren’t that many people in the park. We got fastpasses for Toy Story (which were for 9:40) and then did something else for the first-time ever…we got in the stand-by line for Toy Story. The posted wait time was only 15 minutes, and we’ve never seen it under 45 minutes before, so in we ventured. Maybe I was expecting more, but I found stand-by line to be kind of “meh”. The Mr. Potato Head was cool, but the rest of the line looks like your typical ride line (just a lot of switchbacks, etc).

In comparison to stand-by lines like Everest or Tower of Terror, this one is kind of disappointing….but the ride is fantastic. We all loved it and couldn’t wait to use our fastpasses. After our first Toy Story ride, we headed over to Steph’s favourite…ToT (and, man, I look way too happy in this picture...almost awkwardly happy)


I had purchased the Hidden Mickey book on my phone earlier in year, so we looked up where they were on the ToT. There were a few:
1) The little girl in the video is holding a Mickey Mouse doll
2) The first boiler in the boiler room has a big one made out of rivets on the boiler door
3) The painting over the archway on the first stop up the elevator has one at the bottom
4) The starfield before you enter the elevator shaft has a classic Mickey (a side profile of Mickey)
It was fun to have the book and look for these. Sorry there are no pictures.
After ToT we split up. Steph went back on ToT while Liam and I headed over to G-Force records (I heard they were giving out backstage passes to the Aerosmith concert).

There was about a 30 minute wait for this, but Liam loves it so we waited. It was pretty slow. One of the cars was running completely empty the whole time we were there, so that didn’t help.


The ride itself was great, and Liam and I had a good time…until the end. We got to the end of the ride right before you make the turn to the unload dock, and we stopped…and waited….and waited….Now I’m pretty laid back most of the time, but I also think through things a lot, and I started thinking about what would happen if something went seriously wrong…what if they forget us….we’re stuck in these rides with over-the-shoulder harnesses so we can’t move…what if a fire broke out…what if the car coming up behind us doesn’t stop and hits us….OK….deep breath….keep looking calm (don’t want to freak Liam out)….It was really weird how I let my mind wander like that… After about 10 minutes we finally got to the unload area. Turns out a kid in the car in front of us had partied a bit too hard at the concert and kind of trashed his car (i.e. he barfed) and they had to clean it. Steph and Tammy were waiting for us at the unload when we got there.

To be continued


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Day 4 continued.
After RnR it was back to TS to use our fastpasses. The standby was now over an hour. We had fun yet again. Right after our last TS game for the day, we started getting hungry. We didn’t really want a big meal because it was a bit later in the day and we were supposed to be eating at 50’s around 3:30. We wandered a bit, and came across the Writer’s Stop. I had heard about the carrot cake cookie there, and I know Tammy loves carrot cake, so I suggested we get some snacks there. All were in agreement, so we headed in. I like the look of the Writer’s Stop.

I wish they had more indoor seating though. Anyways, we got a carrot cake cookie,

a strawberry muffin,

a cinnamon roll

and a Mickey ear cookie (along with some drinks).

The food was good and hit the spot.

After the snacks it was off to Star Tours which we rode twice (both times were walk-on).



Steph was the rebel spy in one of them so she was happy.

To be continued...


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Day 4 continued
Hmmmmm…..we realized something….you know how everyone has a park that they just don’t care for that much and will call it a half-day park…will it turns out HS was ours this year (it seems to change year to year). We couldn’t think of anything else we wanted to do, and couldn’t see waiting around for a few more hours for dinner at 50’s, so we decided to leave (the other thing was that Tammy was feeling absolutely horrible today and we didn’t want her to feel like she had to push herself to make us happy). We headed back to the AKL and hit the pool (while Tammy slept). While everyone was changing for the pool, I hopped on the My Disney Experience app again, cancelled our 50’s reservation, and picked up a Raglan Road one for later that evening. While Tammy slept, Steph, Liam and I hopped the shuttle over to Jambo House to use their pool for the day (we were going to go to the Kidani pool, but there had been an “accident” in the pool and it was closed).

I forgot how stunning the Jambo House lobby is (we’re talking of staying there again on our next trip).

The pool at Jambo was fun. The kids had a blast, and it was nice just to sit and relax for the afternoon.

(I'm not sure why Steph is wearing a life-jacket. She's actually a really good swimmer. I guess she thought it would be funny).

The view from my chair

After a few hours of swimming we headed back to Kidani (we walked this time – it’s only an 8 minute walk from Jambo to Kidani), and headed up the room to get changed. Tammy was still in bed when we got back, but she was awake and was feeling a bit better. We all got changed and headed off to Downtown Disney. We checked in at Raglan Road and were seated in no time.

I don’t know why we haven’t eaten at Raglan before, but it was a great meal and is definitely on our list of places to go back to. They started us out with bread and a dip (that tasted a lot like syrup - it was really good)

We started with the Dalkey Duo (deep fried sausage) appetizer (which looked cool – and they were delicious too).

For dinner Steph got the “Keen Eye for the Shepherd’s Pie”,

Liam and Tammy got the Bangers and Booz,

and I got the “It’s Not Bleedin’ Chowder” (which was dish the waitress recommended).

All our main courses were great. I will say that if you want to go to Raglan, ask to be seated somewhere out in the middle of the floor. We were behind the stage, and during the meal there are Irish dancers and a band playing. It was just lots of fun.
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Day 4 continued
One more picture of the entertainment at Raglan Road

We were all stuffed, but wanted to try at least something for dessert, so we decided to share the Sinful Trifle

and the Ger’s Bread and Butter pudding (which, although it pains me to say it since I love ‘Ohana so much, may be the best bread pudding on property).


I cannot say enough good things about this place. Fully recommend it.
After dinner we wandered Downtown for a few minutes. We saw a human statue.

Liam took a picture of us (which we didn't realize until after that Steph had photobombed)

After the wandering around we headed back to the hotel. Tammy went back to the room to soak in the Jacuzzi, while the kids and I went down to community hall at AKL to play some foosball, pool, etc.

The kids had fun. After playing for a while we went to the store at AKL, refilled our mugs (I actually don’t mind the Rapid Fill program), rented the Incredibles for the kids to watch, and then headed to bed. Tomorrow is our first scheduled “non-park” day. We plan on playing mini-golf and going to Disney Quest. To be continued.


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Day 5 - Sept 22
We had a nice leisurely start to the day, sleeping in a bit and, of course, having coffee. Today we were going to do something we hadn’t done before…a non-park day. That’s not to say we didn’t have things planned, we just weren’t going to go to any of the parks. Truthfully, we were looking forward to a more restful day. We left our room around 9:45 and hopped on the Blizzard Beach bus. “But wait” you are saying to yourself right now, “you said you weren’t going to a park, and Blizzard Beach is a park. You’re just a big liar.” Easy, that’s hurtful. Actually, right beside Blizzard Beach is the WinterSummerland mini-golf course, so we went to check off another “first” and play a round of mini-golf at Disney.

Decision #1: Do we play the winter side, or the summer side? Turns out it was a non-issue as the “one-week” refurb of the winter side was still on-going (and was well past the one week mark and didn’t look like it would be ready any time soon), so the summer side it was.

I’m not going to go into a lot of details of our round of golf, but I will say that this was an awesome time and something we want to do again. Rather than describing what we did, I’ll let the pictures explain everything:

The kids in Santa's Sleigh

The snow machine:

Liam loved the snow

Steph...not so much

We waited about 15 minutes, and then our round was ready to start

A big sand castle


we all were having fun
to be continued...


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Day 5 continued

Almost got a hole in one:

Liam has really taken to grabbing my camera and taking "selfies"

This hole was really cool. The ball goes up the pole...


and out the top

A few more shots



The last hole:


The whole round took just over 1.5 hours, and we had a great time
Thanks for having us...

To be continued.


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Day 5 - continued
Our round of golf really made us hungry (well, that and it was around noon anyways), so we headed over to Downtown Disney to hit up one of our favourite lunch spots...Earl of Sandwich.


The place was packed when we got there, but they are so quick that we were through the massive line in about 15 minutes. For lunch Tammy got the Chicken Spinach Salad,

Steph got the grilled cheese,

Liam got the Hawaiian BBQ,

and I got the pastrami Reuben sandwich.

We also got to use our DVC card for a 10% discount which was cool too. Lunch was really good, and Earl of Sandwich is one of the best priced options on property.
So with full stomachs, we were ready to start the next part of our day…well 3 of us were. Tammy was feeling really run down again, and decided to head back to the room, while the kids and I made our way over to the West Side to get our game on…Disney Quest.

The kids had a strategy this year. They wanted to start at the top floor and work their way down to the main floor. We started with some pinball on the 5th floor.

then hit the Astro Blaster, the Virtual Pirates of the Caribbean and a few other games.


To be continued


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Day 5 - continued

We also did the drawing class (it’s like the one at Hollywood Studios, but on computers). We learned how to draw Pluto.
The kids getting ready to start

The start-up screen
Here's Liam's picture

and Steph's

and mine

We stayed at Disney Quest for about 2.5 hours and had a really good time. After we were done we headed back to AKL to pick-up Tammy. Tonight's dinner was at Trail's End (Steph's choice). We picked Tammy up, took the bus to the Magic Kingdom, and then the boat to Fort Wilderness


Our restaurant this evening

to be continued


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Day 5- continued
Trail’s end was OK. The food was all good, and the price is really reasonable for Disney (I think it was something like $23/person before the TiW discount), but we’ve come to the conclusion that we really aren’t into buffets anymore. We just can’t eat enough to make it worthwhile. However, the food was pretty good.


I did see something funny during dinner. I excused myself for a minute to go to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and walked past a stall (the door was open…come on I’m not “that” guy), and there was a kid standing there. I guess he was too short for the motion sensor to detect him so the toilet hadn’t flushed when he stood up….so he was standing there …..holding his magicband up to the sensor trying to get the toilet to flush. I don’t know why I found that so funny (no, I didn’t laugh at him, but I did find it funny).

So dinner was good, but we had one more thing we wanted to do tonight before we headed back to AKL for the night…we wanted to do a horse and carriage ride.

We went over the guest services to ask if we could book a ride. It turns out you can’t book the day of, so we were told to go over and try a walk-up. We had passed the horse and carriage when we were on our way in, so we knew where to go. It turned out they had a spot available right when we got there, so we were happy to take it. The four of us piled into a carriage, and went for a ride through Fort Wilderness.

It was really great. Our driver’s name was Star and she had been a CM for a while. She gave us a bit of a history lesson and was really nice to talk to (she mentioned that she could feel that fall was in the air…ummmmm….it’s in the mid 80’s…..we’re Canadian….sorry, not feeling it). We also saw some deer which was cool (sorry for the picture. It was really dark and the camera couldn’t focus properly).

The ride lasted about 30 minutes, and was reasonable at $40 for the four of us. After the ride the kids got a picture with Star and Sulley (the horse).

After that we took the boat back to the MK (and I tried to get a picture of the Contemporary from the boat)

and then we headed back to AKL for the night. Day 6 tomorrow.


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I would love to do a carriage ride! I'm adding that to the list of to-do's for our Disneymoon in 12 days!
Congrats. Hope you have a great Disneymoon. The carriage ride was fun. They also do them at Port Orleans - Riverside, so you have some choices. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
You mean Magicbands don't work on toilets? :D

Enjoying the report - love the Disney quest pictures. It's been a few trips since we've been there. The carriage ride seems like fun!


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You mean Magicbands don't work on toilets? :D

Enjoying the report - love the Disney quest pictures. It's been a few trips since we've been there. The carriage ride seems like fun!

Apparently not...although based on some other threads I've read, some people would like to see how well they operate in the toilet.

Glad you're enjoying the report. I've been following yours too.

I still think Disney Quest is fun. Yeah, it's a bit dated, but I think it may be a nostalgia thing (like going to the arcade when I was a kid).

The carriage ride was actually a lot of fun. We debated doing it at Fort Wilderness or Port Orleans, so we may try Port Orleans on the next trip.


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I love your relaxing day, it sounds so awesome!! We did Winter Summerland about ten years ago, and your pics brought back some very fond memories.

The "relaxing" day was a lot of fun. Just a totally different pace than normal. No lines, no crowds, just really nice. Golfing was so much fun, and we can't wait to try it again on our next trip.


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Day 6 - Sept 23
So here we are at the start of the 2nd half of our trip. The first half has really gone by fast, but we’ve been having a great time (other than the whole Tammy being sick for parts of each day). So originally the plan was to go to MK today (I had signed up for the Fastpass+ test for lunch at Be Our Guest which looked really cool (being able to order in advance, etc)), but then Steph got a text from one of her friends from school saying they were going to be at Animal Kingdom that day, and wanted to ride Everest with her. As much as it pained me to have to cancel our BoG lunch, I relented and we agreed to AK (of course her friend didn’t show up – bah – and guess where her friend went….MK).
So morning started the same as every other morning– coffee. We took our time getting ready, and got to AK around 10:30.

First stop was Harambi for some safari fastpasses, and then off to Asia for Everest (which had around a 15 minute wait).

There it is

Does anyone else ring those bells along the line, or is it just us?

Next was Primeval Whirl (Walk on) and then over to Dinosaur. Unfortunately, Dinosaur was down and so they were holding us in the pre-show area (where you watch the movie). I heard someone say that maintenance was on the track somewhere, so that didn’t sound good. We decided not to wait as there was a huge backlog of people already, so headed back to Harambi for our safari time.

The safari is always fun, and the kids love seeing all the animals.

After the safari it was time for lunch. We decided to try Yak & Yeti (quick service) for the first time.

Steph, being oh-so adventurous went with the famous Asian delicacy of French fries,

Tammy got the sweet and sour chicken,

and Liam and I got the honey chicken.

There is a lot of eating in those boxes…way more than we could finish. It was really good though, and I do recommend it. Just after we got our lunch it started to rain a bit. It was not pouring yet, so we decided to try and stick it out.
To be continued


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Day 6 continued

I’ll give you one guess where we went after lunch….come on…guess….Did I mention how much the kids and I love Everest? Well we decided since we were so close we’d go again. It was still raining when we got there, which had resulted in much shorter lines (around 5 minutes for Everest). While we were in line they started making announcements that a storm was moving in and they will run the ride for as long as they could. We got on and went through in the rain (let me tell you, the rain in your face as you go down the drop really hurts). The kids had fun and decided we’d do it again, so we got back in line. We got up to the loading area when they announced that the ride was closed due to the storm coming…and boy did it come. It just absolutely poured.

Rather than taking shelter, we decided just to head out. By the time we got to the busses we looked like we had been to Blizzard Beach rather than AK.

I hate that feeling.
We got back to AKL, got changed, and then took the kids down to Community Hall for a while. Liam played on the PS3, Steph made a travel mug,

and Tammy and I went to the lounge next door and sat by the fire.

It was so nice to just sit by the fire and relax. It’s nice having kids that are a bit older and don’t need our constant supervision or attention (not that we don’t like having them around). Tammy and I just sat and talked for a while, and then went and got the kids and headed out to the lobby. We noticed a few CMs sitting by a table in the lobby so we wandered over to see what was going on. It turns out they were playing a game called…are you ready for this….”Match the Feces to the Species”

– Yup…you matched the feces sample to an animal picture (I told the kids we could play the at-home version called “guess who didn’t flush”). It was kind of interesting and gross at the same time. We also spent some time looking for hidden Mickey's around the hotel lobby:



That was fun. After we killed some time we decided to head over to Jambo for tonight's dinner reservation at Boma.

Steph showing off her Mickey leggings while we wait for the shuttle to Jambo

To be continued


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Day 6 continued

We ate at Boma for the first time last year and absolutely loved it so we were looking forward to it again.

We showed up right on time and were seated quickly.

The food was amazing as usual. I tried a few of the soups they had which were really good,

and the roast is always good.

And don’t forget…Zebra Domes (and a few other desserts to keep them company).

However, as I mentioned after Trail’s End, we are “so over” buffets. The food was great, but either we have to stuff ourselves to the point of feeling sick (which we won’t do), or we really can’t get through enough food to make it worthwhile. We decided after tonight that we wouldn’t do dinner buffets again (and even cancelled our Chef Mickey’s reservation for later in the week).
Dinner was good, and we were now stuffed and full of energy…what to do…turns out there were EMH’s at HS tonight, and the rain had pretty much stopped, so we decided to head to Hollywood for one last time. We took the bus from Jambo, and got to HS just after 8. We wandered over to Toy Story first, fully expecting the normal 60 minute wait, but the posted time when we got there was only 20 minutes (I guess a lot of people left during the rain and didn’t come back). We couldn’t pass that up, so we rode one last time. Next up was the Great Movie Ride (which was the main reason we came, as Liam really wanted to ride it and we didn’t the first time we were there). The ride is good, but I think they should regularly switch movies out to keep it fresh. Lastly, we headed down to ToT and RnR. Steph was going to ride ToT while Liam and I went on RnR. That changed when we got to RnR and were told the ride was down for maintenance. Liam and I ran back to ToT and met up with Steph and we all rode ToT one last time (actually, Steph and Liam went on one last time on their own). We left the park around 10:15, and headed back to AKL. If the weather holds out then the plan is to go to Blizzard Beach and meet up with some friends.

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