Official Meet thread

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
It's Official, the Meet will be held in Dec. I know many of you will be there for the first 2 weeks and I suggest that we use the MVMCP as our main "Meet" location. We will have 2 "Meets" at the party with one being on either wed. or thurs. of the first week and on Mon. or Tues. of the second week. Just as soon as they announce the dates, we can firm this up. I strongly suggest not doing the party on the weekend because of the crowds.

I will need suggestion from all of you for other meeting places, dining suggestions if everyone would like to meet somewhere for a meal and any other ideas that you can come up with. And if anyone would like to volunteer to help out please either PM or e-mail me.

I will also need everyone who will be going to pm me with your dates and your e-mail address so that you can be contacted with important information for the Meet. It is a good idea if you would also add to this thread by telling me that you are going. If you would rather keep it private, than please PM or e-mail me with your information.

MainStreetUSA (Zac) has graciously agreed to make shirts for the affair. Thank you Zac!!
I will need everyones input on the shirts.

Please indicate in your responses on here if you would like them to be:
Long/Short Sleeve
Specific Color
A specific saying/wording

Please keep in mind that they will have Official Meet Dec. 2003 on them. And we are not allowed to have disney characters on them.

Zac will have a thread up where you can vote on the shirts that he will design. You will then order your shirts directly from him by PM. Please make sure that you include all of your information for him including size, name, address etc.

The cost for the shirts will run approx. $25 a piece. This will cover the cost of shipping also.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me by either PM or e-mail at



Well-Known Member
Hey Gucci, wasnt that storm something else?? It just showed no signs of letting up!! I am forever indebted to the wonderful CM From Upstate NY who guided me in this matter! Belle
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Original Poster
Originally posted by Gucci65
Pam, I will be there sometime in the first two weeks of December, have not confirmed my dates yet. Shirt idea is great! Thanks for putting this together.

Ruby Anne

Not problem, I hope a lot of us are able to get to the Meet this year. I can't wait to see MainstreetUSA's designs!

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Originally posted by conntom
Hi Pam by the way my name is tom I looked at a Disney
Hotel for you Disney All star MusicResort for the week of
Dec7-13 the price is 846.28 includes a 7 Day Disney pass
this is for one person and you can add more at options
to the trip so you should try iwon Travel you can find manny
other Hotels there at all Prices. WDW is the best .:)

Thanks Tom. I am sure that all of the readers of the forums will be happy to see your post! :sohappy: I have not made my ressies yet. I am still undecided on where to stay. I think I may stay at either the AKL or the WL. Or I may totally change my mind and decide to stay somewhere else. who knows!:lol: See you at WDW in Dec. and please think of what you would like on the shirts.

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Originally posted by wannabeBelle
OK Hi there again, Pam, sorry i had to run earlier. I had to get to work. I am so looking foward to this Meet!!!! I am going to foward this thread along to some folks on here.
Shirts- YES!!! :lol: :lol: Seriously any color wll do except maybe red for me. I look awful in regular red. Perhaps a nnice green for the Christmas holiday?? or a lovely royal purple?? Can we do two different colors? as far as sleeve length, I dont have any preference.
The tuming couldnt be better for me. I usually go around that period of time anyhow, as it is my Dear Friend, Richie's birthday!!
I completely agree with Pam regarding the weekend for the MVMCP. Also I strongly suggest that you make your plans to coincide with the MVMCP that is earlier in your tri[p. Last year I got monsooned out of mine and Guest Services gave me another ticket for a later date during my trip!!!! I am glad I had the days to spare, and didnt go the night before I left!! I would've been so dissappointed!
Pam, you know you can count on me to help. Let me know if you need any of my info. Belle

Thanks for the input on the shirts. MainStreetUsa wants everyones input on them. Any other ideas on where to meet and maybe eat? I have some, but I want to hear from others before I make any more suggestions. Thank you for the offer of help.

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Well-Known Member
I eat lots of places!!! As my best friend Missy says I eat like one of her kids. Since Disney is so kid friendly I fit right in!!! Some of my personal favorites that I think everyone will enjoy are:
50's Prime Time Cafe
Liberty Tree Tavern (Bring back the ham!!)
Rose & Crown
As far as the help, SURE!! just let me know!!! Belle
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New Member
We will be there on 12/3-12/7 at the Poly. (I can't talk my son into trying anywhere else). This sounds so great. I am so excited. This will be the longest I have been away from WDW for a long I will really be psyched by December.

I love the t-shirt idea...anything everyone else wants is fine with me. I am easy to please.

I like the restaurants listed above. We also ate at the Crystal Palace for lunch with Pooh characters and really liked that last time.

I think it would be cool, depending on how many people show if we could get a group picture....maybe standing on Main Street with our shirts on. Hokey....I know.

Thanks so much for planning this. I know I have just recently met you via email and internet but if I can do anything at all...just yelll or email me. I hope I can do the candlelight processional that week too.

Is anyone else staying at the POLY? We got great rates because we booked before we checked out last time and got 40% off.
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New Member
Rats! I'd love to go, but we're already scheduled to go down 10/10-10/18 (our third trip within 12 months), and my wife will kill me if I try to squeeze in another one.

Looks like you guys will be overlapping with the RADP meet and with MouseFest. I guess it's just the right time for the online Disney communities to go to WDW!
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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
hmm... after I get my work schedule, I'll see what I can do... this may not be a Tigger free event just yet
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Well-Known Member
Hey Tiggerman, Would love to meet you!!!! Knowing me I Am probably going to be staying in the PO Riverside (good breakfast at Boatwrights) and I will probably be there over the weekend that spans the two meets so I may be able to show for both of them. Also as an additional Meet, what about the Candlelight Processional? Anyone have any thoughts on that? Belle
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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The Processional is beautiful. I don't know if it will be good for a meeting place though since you really can't talk during it. :confused:

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Well-Known Member
Kathy G. The Candlelight Processional is really a lovely thing to see. I have it on video tape but that doesnt even capture all the feelings you have while you are there. Two of my friends had mentioned that going with the dinner package was definitely the way to go. Boy were they ever correct. If you book a dinner package you get your choice of three different price ranges. Only the restaurants change for that. For example if you choose the first ( and least costly) level you get your choice of dinner at Germany's Biergarten(very nice) Restaurant Akerhaus in Norway or the Garden Grill (as of last year). You also get priority seating up front for the show and a badge that gives you 15% off shopping done in EPCOT the day of the show regardless of which level you choose for dinner!! Not a bad gig.
Pam, You are definitely correct, not really much of an opportunity to chit chat during this, so it may not make a good meet place. Maybe in addition to but we will see...... Hey do we have a preliminary head count for this gala event?? Belle
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Well-Known Member
I really wish I could go, it would be perfect my 21st Birthday is on the 20th of December, I know I wouldn't be there for that but would be a nice treat, its just so expensive! :(
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New Member
Originally posted by wannabeBelle
Hey do we have a preliminary head count for this gala event?? Belle

Do we have exact days yet? I would love to be able to be at one of these days and if Iit means extending my vacation by a day or two I might be FORCED :lol: to do that.
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New Member
That is great advice. I love Mousegear and would love to get 15% off there. It sounds so great. Don't want to be stupid but about how much are the special Christmas tickets like for the Candlelight processional? We also have to have day tickets for the same day? Correct?
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