Oct, Nov or Dec?

We took our kids to WDW for the first time last Dec and they had a ball. Thanks to a wonderful bonus my husband has got, we are thinking of going back this year. I have been to WDW twice in early Dec and both times had great weather and the crowds have been low, which of course we like. So now, I'm thinking should we go again in Dec or maybe try a different time of the year like Oct or Nov. What do you think the advantages/disadvantages are of Oct or Nov?


Well-Known Member
Personally I prefer December. Not only do you have the Christmas decorations and events but the crowds are low and the rates are too. Also the temperatures tend to be reasonable so it's comfortable. We used to go in November when it was still considered value season but Disney changed it to regular and we switched to December. Last year I went in October for the first time and personally I wouldn't go back in October. MNSSHP was okay but I much prefer MVMCP. Also the temperature was really hot. I was there in mid-October and it was well into the 90s every day! I'll take the cooler weather of December over the heat of October any day. Also I'm more of a Christmas person than a Halloween person so I'd much rather attend MVMCP over MNSSHP.
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Well-Known Member
You hit on my favorite times of the year.
I would say, having seen Christmastime a few times already, try October.

We normally go in October, the third week (like last year was the 13th to the 20th). Crowds are comparable to early December, weather is mild (probably somewhat warmer), and park hours are also pretty similar.
MNSSHP is a blast, and last year's Halloween/Fall decorations were beautiful; they were the most I've ever seen wdw do for that holiday/season.
I did a really long trip report on October 2007 over here.

I can't think of any particular drawbacks. I think both Christmas and Halloween holidays are spectacular at the world. It's been a few years since we were down there for Christmastime (we were supposed to go Thanksgiving week this year, but changed it to mid-September. Next year is October again, so it will be a few more years til :xmas: )

As far as November goes, I think halloween lasts til the first week (I may be wrong), and Christmas goes up earlier and earlier, almost as early as the first week of November. Crowds are pretty low, minus Thanksgiving, which is very busy (if you want low crowds, avoid this week at all costs!)

Good luck! Have fun planning!
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Well-Known Member
The value seasons are (8/3 - 10/1) [(7/20 - 10/1 for deluxe)] and (11/30 - 12/18). The hotel rates will be lower during these dates. (10/2 - 11/29) is "regular" season, and you will pay more.

For crowd levels, Oct and Nov are pretty good except for the week before Thanksgiving weekend (22-29 Nov). That week is expected be considerably crowded

The lowest expected crowds in Oct - Nov are the last week of Oct (25 Oct - 1 Nov). This week has some of the lowest predicted crowd levels of the year.

8-15 Nov is also pretty good.

Avoid "Jersey Week"; NJ Teacher's Convention is 6-7 Nov, causing the crowds from 1-9 Nov to be somewhat larger.

You didn't mention Sep. Sep is the lowest crowd period of the year, the whole month. If that would be a good time period for you, and least crowded is a priority for you, then Sep is a very good choice. And it's value season at the hotels as well! And MNSSHP has already started (although that can work for or against you depending on your preferences).

Have a magical time whenever you decide to go!
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Naturally Grumpy
There is nothing like all of the special offerings in December, but Oct./Nov is nice as well. Only MK does fall/Halloween decorations, so outside of that and MNSSHP, it is pretty much like other times of the year.

Food and wine makes for a very nice visit.
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New Member
I was there last year in Oct. ...HOT...Love Bugs...everywhere...Crowds-YES! not at all what I expected, I have been to WDW in the middle of August before and know how bad the crowds get and this time of year has got to be the second to worst now (IMHO). I've been there for Christmas time as well, thanksgiving etc.. those times were ok but that was long ago...:ROFLOL:
MNSSHP, Food & Wine, School breaks, crazy time of the year (oh no! not another, when will they all go!..haha) All kidding aside I have been thinking of going in mid Jan. to try and get the experience in of it not being "too" crowded that you can't even enjoy yourselves.
So i am glad that this post is here. Im not a big fan of Floridian heat (even though it gets hot here in Cali.) My mom is another and the kids, less grumpy etc...
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New Member
I usually go in late November or December. That's always been my favorite time to go because things are set up for the Holidays and the crowds (atleast for me) have been a non-issue.
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Well-Known Member
I would say try and shake things up this time and go in October. Experience Halloween at WDW. I did this last year, for the first time ever, and I had an awesome experience. I hit Florida perfectly -- at the end of the hot. It was hot for a few days and loved it, then it rained and was in the low 70s to upper 70s for the rest of the week.

But from what I hear November is a great time -- the lull if you will between the seasons. If you hit it right, you go right at the start of November and catch the tail end of Halloween and the magical transformation to Christmas.
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New Member
I was there last year in Oct. ...HOT...Love Bugs...everywhere...Crowds-YES! not at all what I expected, I have been to WDW in the middle of August before and know how bad the crowds get and this time of year has got to be the second to worst now (IMHO). I've been there for Christmas time as well, thanksgiving etc.. those times were ok but that was long ago...:ROFLOL:
MNSSHP, Food & Wine, School breaks, crazy time of the year (oh no! not another, when will they all go!..haha) All kidding aside I have been thinking of going in mid Jan. to try and get the experience in of it not being "too" crowded that you can't even enjoy yourselves.
So i am glad that this post is here. Im not a big fan of Floridian heat (even though it gets hot here in Cali.) My mom is another and the kids, less grumpy etc...

My first trip to WDW was the last week in Jan into first week of Feb 07. I never had to wait more then 10mins for ANY ride. Some restaurants had longer waits even with ADR. So when we decided to go back I thought lets do it for the same time of year 09, oops forgot about the SUPERBOWL it'll be in FL in 09 and I thought it might effect the crowds so we are going in Dec. I really don't like the cold weather but will tolerate it for lower crowds.
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Active Member
We used to go in October and loved it, weather was good crowds were light and theirs the Halloween party. My job changed and we started to go in early December and loved that too. If you hadn't already been I would have said go during December to enjoy the holiday decorations, but since you've already been I would do October so you can do the Halloween party.
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Well-Known Member
I went this past November, (9-18th) and we hit the tail end of Jersey week, so it was moderate crowds, and then toward the end of our honeymoon, Thanksgiving crowds came in due to it being so early this year. The weather was amazing. But I probably wouldn't go back in November. I prefer the second week of December. October is great too, and there is a better chance of warmer weather. I have seen chilly temps in December before in WDW. But overall, December has been the best :) Good luck and have fun planning!
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Well-Known Member
I have to agree with a few of the other posters. I would switch it up and try going in October. We went last year in October and had a blast. Weather was perfect, MNSSHP was awesome and the Food and Wine Festival at Epcot is not to be missed...
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New Member
I went October the last two times I went...I am going October this year also :)...We just looooove the Halloween Partys....I would like to try Christmas break next time though
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Active Member
we've been both in October and December. Our first year, October 2000, we walked right onto most rides with little or NO wait. BUT not the 2nd year! we went back in October 2002, and it was CROWDED! We stood in lines for EVER and it was HOT HOT HOT! In October 2004, crowds were still high, but weather was very comfortable......2006, we went in December, and in the beginning, the crowds were manageable, but towards the end of the trip, we noticed attendance was picking up. Weather wise, in the mornings and nights, it was cool enough to wear a jacket, but in the daytime, we were comfortable enough to not need the jacket. We liked the Christmas decorations and themes all around the parks and the resorts! We are going back this December as well, and moved it up a week from our last trip. we hope that the crowds will be better
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