California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly commented on amusement parks reopening guidelines during a news conference on the seven-month anniversary of the closure of Disneyland.
>>“I know a number of people are continuing to wonder when that guidance is coming out and I like to say, ‘It will come out when we’re ready,’” California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly said. “We’re working closely with our industry partners making sure that we take all feedback, use our own information from visits to operating parks in other states and then some visits here in parts of California to understand how those plans will come together.”<<
>>“In terms of the California visits, those are upcoming, and together the information and the dialogue with our theme park operators across the state will help us land in a place that I think we can all feel confident is based on the best and most up-to-date information,” Ghaly said during the news conference.
The delegation will include the California Department of Public Health, California Division of Occupational Safety and Health and the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development.<<
>>“We look forward to compiling the information from those visits, having ongoing dialogue so we land with the guidance that really does make sense,” Ghaly said during the news conference. “I haven’t gotten the report back on what their findings and experience was, but the reason why we sent people is to really understand in action how a park operates, how the community around it functions with the park open in a time where we’re facing COVID transmission and really how it plays out not just within the park, but beyond.”
Newsom’s administration plans to compile best practices from the Florida theme park trip.
“We’re trying to get a better handle on what we’re being told, what we’re reading about, and our own concerns and our own environment as it relates to what makes our theme parks distinctive and unique,” Newsom said during a news conference this week. “What’s worked in their states and what hasn’t worked in their states as it relates to guidance, as it relates to mandates, as it relates to messaging.”
The “stubborn research” done by Newsom’s team in Florida will help inform California theme park reopening guidelines.
“I want folks to come back and tell me what they saw, what their own experience was,” Newsom said during the news conference. “Because this is serious.”
California theme parks have been left waiting on the sidelines while other segments of the economy have reopened under Newsom’s four-tier Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
“We will continue to lead with public health, we will continue to look at our data, we will continue to look at where each theme park is in their counties so that we make sure that when the guidance does come out, it’s appropriate and continues to follow the whole frame to our new blueprint, which is slow and stringent moving forward,” Ghaly said. “Making sure that we do that safely and methodically.”<<