Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories


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Original Poster
As much as we'd like to think that other guests are as courteous and polite as we, they're just not. Let's hear some of those stories where you've encountered some of the most obnoxious park guests ever.

This one isn't too bad, but I find it very obnoxious whenever I'm sitting anywhere near someone (in this case on a launch from Wilderness Lodge to the Magic Kingdom) who feels the need to be as loud as they can as they try and come off to everyone like they're a Disney World expert. One time, someone was sitting behind me and they were telling their companion that the launches were all driven on tracks embedded on the floor of the Seven Seas Lagoon. DUH. He also said something about Space Mountain being the fastest roller coaster in any Disney park, and said he would make his first stop in the Magic Kingdom over to "Tomorrow World" to ride it. DUH again. And he went on to say a lot more stupid stuff, most of which I can't quite remember. But it's enough to make you roll your eyes at.


New Member
most obnoxious people are the ones who think that cast members are somehow below them and can be treated as badly as you can imagine.


New Member
Once i heared someone in Canada(EPCOT) makeing fun of us saying we're lumberjacks and that we "Love" beavers! its Canada in the olden days.

And another time some guy gave my aunt such a rude look b/c she was wearing a big sweater(the guy was gay u could kinda tell since he was holding another guys hand)


New Member
And another time some guy gave my aunt such a rude look b/c she was wearing a big sweater(the guy was gay u could kinda tell since he was holding another guys hand)

Either I read this wrong, or this is the most insane sentence I've ever seen.

Anyway, I hate when you see/hear somone yelling and screaming at someone else (generally a parent to kid). I mean, good God, I know you need to settle an issue or whatever, but you don't have to ruin the experience with whoever you're with, along with anybody that goes by.


Active Member
One of my favorite (I guess you could say that) annoying experiences was during the Share a Dream Come True parade about a year ago.

A very loud woman was watching the parade with her daughter commenting on everything in the parade, world peace, you name it. At one point, her daughter became very excited and repeatedly announced that Ariel was coming. The woman, completely confused and distracted, was looking right at the oncoming float.

Well, I guess she couldn't tell it was princess Ariel in the snow globe. Finally, the woman shouted out, "Oh yea, Ariel...........with the legs!"

I can still hear her scratchy, twangy voice in my head. It could peel paint off walls.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Either I read this wrong, or this is the most insane sentence I've ever seen.

NO, I think you are being way too polite.


I find guests who insist upon spouting off the dialogue of the attraction along with the narrator to be the most obnoxious. (think Haunted Mansion ... shut the heck up please)
lol, I will talk with the ride sometimes but not loud enough for others to hear me. I cant stand people that talk really loud on the rides.

My most obnoxious moment was last june. My girlfriend and I went to MK and were getting onto Haunted Mansion and this group of cheerleader dippy girls got in the stretch room with us and they are talking with there "oMg, this is creepy...." cheerleader speak, so it gets to the part when the room goes dark and they start screaming and shreiking at the top of their lungs sortof like that kid on the trailer for that movie Accepted, I thought the CM was going to jump them he started SCREAMING at them to shut up and what not and they ended up making this little boy about 4-6 cry cus they scared him so bad. I swear I hated them every time I saw them that day. Oh and during the ride they were screaming the whole freaking time.


New Member
I think the most obnoxious people are the ones that stand in line for something like Space Mtn or Rockin Roller Coaster and complain the whole time they are scared to go on it and then just before getting on the ride they leave their friend or family member and get off the ride.
Also parents that have a kid crying on the entire line because they are afraid to go the ride


Well-Known Member
My most obnoxious Disney moment was in the Animal Kingdom. The ape area is supposed to be a quiet zone, except for this 8 year old who is clapping and yelling at the animals. I was thinking, "Where are his parents?" when his Dad came up laughing, and sttod by the railing making monkey noises at them. Needless to say, they left the viewing area. It was the rudest thing I've ever seen at the parks, and the worst display of parenting that I've witnessed in a long time.


Well-Known Member
I saw that a lot last year. Kids kicking the glass, parents yelling and whistling at the animals were going to wag their tails and come over to them. My favorite was the woman in front of us on Kilamanjaro that brought the candy bar because she thought she could lure animals closer with it. I'm constantly amazed as it just seems people keep getting more and more ignorant


Active Member
:wave: Some idiot behind us at POC that yelled real loud, "Here comes the drop." Some people probably hadnt been on that before and it totally ruins it. And they talk about whats around every next corner of something like Snow Whites Scary Adventure. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
I have to many experiences to even think of one in particular. But i do have a question. Is it just me or are people a lot more ignorant that they used to be? It seems like everytime i go somewhere, the people are more ignorant than the time i went before. I dont know if it is just me. That is why im asking.


Well-Known Member
Oh, above i said that i couldn't think of just one but i thought of one. Last time that I went on the haunted mansion, some guy (and he wasn't that young) kept screaming throughout the whole entire line outside. Then when we got into the stretching room, he started doing some evil laugh mixed in with all the screams. Even throughout getting from the stretching room to the car, he was doing it. Luckily, we weren't in very close cars in the ride but i could still hear him at times. Then, when the cars around me had emptied out (and i thought that the screaming would stop) the screaming carried on even when he had walked out of the ride and it finally stopped when he got out of that area. I took a look at the guy to make sure that he was ok in the head (if he had a problem, i would understand) but no, he was just some annoying dad that was trying to scare his child. People these days...:mad: :mad: :fork:


Well-Known Member
I find guests who insist upon spouting off the dialogue of the attraction along with the narrator to be the most obnoxious. (think Haunted Mansion ... shut the heck up please)

Is it okay that in the streching room, just before the door opens and it goes dark for a second, I let out a big, deep, scary, "Ha ha ha!" that usually freaks out the people around me? :)

When the lights come up I'm looking innocent like, "What was that?" and my mouth is perfectly still...it's a gas. At least for me. ;)

I also yell, "LOOK OUT!" just before you almost crash into the mack truck in "Test Track" - you'd be surprised how many people miss that effect completely...



Well-Known Member
Then when we got into the stretching room, he started doing some evil laugh mixed in with all the screams. Even throughout getting from the stretching room to the car, he was doing it. Luckily, we weren't in very close cars in the ride but i could still hear him at times. Then, when the cars around me had emptied out (and i thought that the screaming would stop) the screaming carried on even when he had walked out of the ride and it finally stopped when he got out of that area. I took a look at the guy to make sure that he was ok in the head (if he had a problem, i would understand) but no, he was just some annoying dad that was trying to scare his child. People these days...:mad: :mad: :fork:

LOL I swear I just do the one laugh when it's dark...it's not me! LOL

The screaming on the Mansion does drive me insane. Last trip I got stuck on it with these little miss pre-teens (you know the type, eyeshadow, heels they can't walk in, barely 12 years old who thinks the world is so amusing...) two cars ahead of me who just screeched the entire time thinking it was hysterically funny.

It wasn't, LOL.



Well-Known Member
:mad:Now this really annoyed me. We had been waiting for Spectromagic for about an hour. We were sitting on the ground along the curb. Right as the parade was starting this foreign women comes up with her three kids and tried to shove us out of the way to get a seat. I said, what are you doing? A CM saw her and told her that she would have to find another place. She got really aggrevated and started yelling that there was no place for her children to see the parade. The CM escorted her away.

Now, I am all for children getting to see a parade. We have many times in the past offered other people's children to come up front with our kids when they got to a parade late and couldn't get a front seat. But that is when the parents are nice about it and appreciative. I was just so annoyed when this woman thought that it was her right to just shove people who had been waiting for this spot away.


Active Member
I saw an idiot father on my last trip. He loudly cussed out a CM on Splash Mountain because his son was too short to ride. Like it was her fault. :rolleyes: I had to applaud the CM because she totally kept her cool and never waivered. Perhaps this is what made the dad so angry? She didn't respond to his temper tantrum. :)


New Member
On PotC, a bunch of older teens were singing Yoho Yoho... up until the drop very loudly. But luckly they stoped after that. (And this was before the updated the ride with DJ.

And, on HM; There was these two pre-teen boys (around 12 - 13) in the stretching room. The cast member was starring at them, but the one acted "cool", and said that... well I forgot what they said. Huhhh... The one kid must have been a regular(or atleast I think because he was like "You don't scare me...") and he was just acting snotty to the cast member.
There were no parents in sight.
He was mainly just annoying, but atleast he didn't scream during the ride.

The third time was while waiting for Illuminations.
Me and my dad camped out about and hour and a half before the show (so I could get a good spot to film it). It was just annoying because all of a sudden, people were packing in and sqishing together so you bairly had room to stand. But it wasn't too bad.


Well-Known Member
:mad:Now this really annoyed me. We had been waiting for Spectromagic for about an hour. We were sitting on the ground along the curb. Right as the parade was starting this foreign women comes up with her three kids and tried to shove us out of the way to get a seat. I said, what are you doing? A CM saw her and told her that she would have to find another place. She got really aggrevated and started yelling that there was no place for her children to see the parade. The CM escorted her away.

Now, I am all for children getting to see a parade. We have many times in the past offered other people's children to come up front with our kids when they got to a parade late and couldn't get a front seat. But that is when the parents are nice about it and appreciative. I was just so annoyed when this woman thought that it was her right to just shove people who had been waiting for this spot away.

Had the same sort of thing happen to me back in 1999 when the Main Street Electrical Parade returned. I had literally staked our place near the Hall of Presidents at 7 p-m for the 9 p-m parade and a father and a couple of young children muscled in on us right before it started. I had been waiting for that parade for what, 7 or 8 years, and this guy jumps our position. Unfortunately, no cast member came to our rescue.
Fortunately, we were also in the park for the 11 p-m running of the parade!

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