Numbers, Cars and Quality ...


Well-Known Member
If yall want WDW to change you need to start voting with your wallets. Stop going to the resort, tell your friends and families to visit universal or Disneyland instead, spread the word on facebook and social media, send letters to Iger. It's a group effort and takes commitment but thats how things get done in this country.
A social media plant will be along in a moment to call you a malcontent & to stop going & complaining on message boards - please hold


Well-Known Member
People are discovering, once again, that in the end, quality actually matters. A free dining plan with lousy food doesn't make up for overpriced hotel rooms, poorly maintained properties, and exorbitant costs.

A friend of our sons was over recently and he was telling us how they just went to Disneyland and how it was incredible compared to Walt Disney World and he can't wait to go back. I asked him if they're planning to go back to WDW soon, he said no, and that DL was so much nicer. The kid is nine. If a nine year old can tell these differences, then it's become quite apparent that there is a systemic problem in FL that even the youngest of guests can clearly see.


Well-Known Member
A social media plant will be along in a moment to call you a malcontent & to stop going & complaining on message boards - please hold

I wonder how many they have that troll the boards? It's quite obvious when they post, but they think they keep pulling one over on everyone.


So, all that fancy rock work which has Disney fans drooling and clamoring for Cars Land to come to WDW will be replaced by giant card board cut outs? If this wasn't so sad, it would be funny... No, cross that out, it is pathetic... Just when we thought TDO may be turning a corner, they go into same old, same old mode...

TDO was initially pitched the full version.
They said "Yes, we need that! But..."
Then the trimming started. Slice out one attraction....cut out the dining..."value engineer" the rock work...

Pretty soon it'll be painted flats and one of these bad boys:


Well-Known Member

TDO was initially pitched the full version.
They said "Yes, we need that! But..."
Then the trimming started. Slice out one attraction....cut out the dining..."value engineer" the rock work...

Pretty soon it'll be painted flats and one of these bad boys:

Wait they cut the dining the thing they could make money on? :eek: So who was this Dan cutting, operations cutting, Meg cutting or some other department in that TDO building?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Cardboard cut-outs instead of the detailed rock facade they created at DCA? Oy vey, any and all enthusiasm I had for this project just went completely out of the window.

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