Not-Worth-It Attractions


Well-Known Member
Easier to say whats worth it,

The Mountains
Mission Space

I would say that the majority of DHS & Epcot are worth it with a few exceptions. Granted some people may not like shows and if that's the case DHS probably offers very little. Also some people aren't crazy about World Showcase, and in that case, half of Epcot offers you nothing.
We love the Jungle cruise, where else can you see the backside of water?

It probably depends a lot on how old your group is. Our daughter is now 19 so we typically skip most of fantasy land and Toontown.

I think the movie ride is worth it for 20min of AC when we go in August and the movie clips at the end are great.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I would say that the majority of DHS & Epcot are worth it with a few exceptions. Granted some people may not like shows and if that's the case DHS probably offers very little. Also some people aren't crazy about World Showcase, and in that case, half of Epcot offers you nothing.

DHS does indeed offer little,
World Showcase offers litlle in way of attractions but is a good opportunity to get fed and watered.


Well-Known Member
Swiss Family is a way to stay in the shade, let the kids do some exploring, offers some nice views, but don't do this if you've walked the whole day.

Same thing with tom sawyer island.

The riverboat is nice to sit back and relax but I don't do it every trip.

I know some don't like the TTA, honestly you don't see a whole lot on it (going through black tunnels and such) but the seats are comfy and you get a nice breeze from up there.

I wish they would give us swivel chairs for circle vision films....China has a good film, but after doing the World Showcase death march in the sun, it can be tiresome to stand up to watch a film.

I enjoy Impression de France, but its so...I guess relaxing that it makes me fall asleep and I wake up by the time we get to Paris. :lol:

Not alot of you seem to like Country Bears? :lookaroun :shrug:

World Showcase does need more thrill rides and countries.....not everything should be boat rides and films thats for sure.


New Member
Jungle cruise is a must-do for me too. It's just classic vintage Disney!

"classic" and "vintage" aside (I've never considered those things to be valid reasons for giving an attraction high ranks), I think the Jungle Cruise is simply a really fun, enjoyable attraction! I'm actually surprised to see it on so many people's lists.


After going to WDW many times, here's my list:

Never care to do again:
Sounds Dangerous
Playhouse Disney (mainly because we don't have preschoolers anymore)
LMA Stunt Show

Once every 5 years and I'm good:
Liberty Belle
Ellen's Energy Adventure
Circle of Life
all 3 WS films (China, France, Canada)
American Adventure
Animation tour
Indy stunt show
Backlot tour
B&B show
One Man's Dream
Finding Nemo show
Kali River Rapids (too wet!!!)

These are just my opinion, and I'm sure there are folks who love all the ones I think are dull. I'm just happy we get to go to WDW often enough that we don't feel like we have to do and see everything each visit.


Well-Known Member
Attractions I skip b/c I don't like them:

Tiki Room
IASW (Honestly, this thing scares me)
Ellen's Energy Adventure
Sounds Dangerous
Indy Stunt Show
Light, Motors, Action
Playhouse Disney
Backlot Tour

I can't ride any of the spinners (this does not include M:S) or watch any of the circle vision movies because they make me sick. :hurl:

Everything else is on the table. I do not ride all of the attractions every trip, but everything else I experience every couple of trips.


New Member
There are several I would personally pass up, but my husband has to do them once per trip: Carousel of Progress, Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor and Rock & Roll Roller Coaster.

The one we both refuse to do is the Swiss Family Treehouse--too old to climb up all those darn stairs, and Stitch.

And I absolutely refuse, no matter how much he begs me, to do Mission Mars. Nope..not happening EVER again.


New Member
How could you say that It's a Small World is not a worth it attraction???? Its an classic attraction, Walt designed this ride I know thats its not the same exact one like the one out at Disneyland, but still its a classic and its a Walt attraction, and I am a huge fan of Walt Disney, I respect and admire what he did. You also said that Jungle Cruise isnt a worth it attraction? I really dont understand that once again its a Walt attraction, this ride is out at Disneyland as well, its a great fun ride, come on dont you know Chief Namee????:ROFLOL:. Journey into your imagination with figment is all about imangineering and stuff like that, its a wonderful ride, its the basis behind alot of the Disney attractions. How could you not like the live shows? Thats the magic behind Disney, its not just about the rides and stuff, the shows are also important, they are wonderful and fantastic. Now I kind of agree with you on The Enchanted Tiki Room only because they changed it to under new management, I would perfer the one out at Disneyland, the original one, and once again its a Walt attraction, its a fun and good feeling show. And how could you not like the Country Bear Jamboree? That is a funny and hilarious show, I love that show its awesome, its once again a Walt attraction. The Monsters Inc Laugh Floor is funny as well, I love the movie Monsters Inc. so thats why I enjoy the show as well, its a really funny show. How could you not like Star Tours? I like the Star Wars movies, so having a ride to go along with the movies is a pretty cool idea and its a fun ride as well. So yes I disagree with some of your so called "not worth it attractions" I think that these attractions are worth it and are wonderful, but thats just my opinion, I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I just wanted to share my opinion about what you wrote and what my opinion is as well.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How could you say that It's a Small World is not a worth it attraction???? Its an classic attraction, Walt designed this ride I know thats its not the same exact one like the one out at Disneyland, but still its a classic and its a Walt attraction, and I am a huge fan of Walt Disney, I respect and admire what he did. You also said that Jungle Cruise isnt a worth it attraction? I really dont understand that once again its a Walt attraction, this ride is out at Disneyland as well, its a great fun ride, come on dont you know Chief Namee????:ROFLOL:. Journey into your imagination with figment is all about imangineering and stuff like that, its a wonderful ride, its the basis behind alot of the Disney attractions. How could you not like the live shows? Thats the magic behind Disney, its not just about the rides and stuff, the shows are also important, they are wonderful and fantastic. Now I kind of agree with you on The Enchanted Tiki Room only because they changed it to under new management, I would perfer the one out at Disneyland, the original one, and once again its a Walt attraction, its a fun and good feeling show. And how could you not like the Country Bear Jamboree? That is a funny and hilarious show, I love that show its awesome, its once again a Walt attraction. The Monsters Inc Laugh Floor is funny as well, I love the movie Monsters Inc. so thats why I enjoy the show as well, its a really funny show. How could you not like Star Tours? I like the Star Wars movies, so having a ride to go along with the movies is a pretty cool idea and its a fun ride as well. So yes I disagree with some of your so called "not worth it attractions" I think that these attractions are worth it and are wonderful, but thats just my opinion, I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I just wanted to share my opinion about what you wrote and what my opinion is as well.

Speaking for just myself.....I could care less how old a ride is, or whether Walt Disney himself designed it. The fact is, is it enjoyable to sit in a boat hearing the same song over and over and over and over again while drifting slowly past ancient animatronic dolls dressed in the garb of their foreign countries? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's as boring as all get-out. The same goes for the Jungle Cruise. Regardless of it being an original attraction, it is EXTREMELY BORING, the animatronics are quite poor, and the boat's skipper isn't even remotely amusing. As far as the others go, I always loved the original Journey Into Your Imagination ride with Dreamfinder and Figment. Every single refurbishment since that original show has been worse and worse than the last. Even now the existing ride is terribly lame (but I will give it some props for the disappearing butterfly in the cage illusion). As for the live doesn't matter if I'm in WDW, Six Flags, or any other amusement park environment, I HATE to be in a place filled with great rides and sit and watch someone sing or dance or whatever. Live shows just are NOT for me. I want to be going fast, or dropping from a height, or going round and round. Country Bear Jamboree was fine when I was about 8 years old. Since that was a long time ago, its appeal wore off very quickly. I view the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor the same as any other live show.....not worth my time when I could be on a ride. And Star Tours? That kind of ride technology/format is seriously out-dated. I love the Star Wars theme and all, and wish they would proceed with the oft-rumored update to the attraction, but I actually liked Body Wars much better than ST and it was basically the same ride.

So those are my reasons for passing up the ones I had listed earlier. Some will agree with me somewhat, some may disagree's all good. We can all enjoy what we want in WDW.


I think every ride is worth doing once...but after doing everthing once we usually skip:
monsters inc laugh floor-Its great for others but not for me.
stitch-it was never the same once stitch moved in.
primevil whirl-we will do if we are bored. :shrug:


I'm surprised how many people don't enjoy Jungle Cruise also. I see 75% of the guests getting off laughing and enjoying the ride. Obviously we have some skippers who aren't the most entertaining, and I feel sorry for the people who end up getting them. Unfortunately you can't control how funny people are.

I honestly don't have any rides that I think are "Not worth it." I'm not a huge fan of Stitch, but if my friends or family want to, I'll go see it.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I find myself intentionally skipping is Tiki Room: UNM. I only ever saw the original in Disneyland and it was amazing though.

I'm also surprised how many people put Jungle Cruise on their list! I guess it all depends on the skipper you get, but I always have a blast.


New Member
Attractions I don't care for:
Splash Mountain
Stitch's Great Escape
Liberty Belle
Mission: Space

Most of the thrill rides like Everest, Tower, and RNRC I can't say I don't care for them as I'm too much of a chicken to go on those!


Active Member
I have been to Disney World a number of times since I was a teenager. Before that, being from Southern California, I went to Disneyland every year at least once. I am now 35 years old. In all those Disney visits, I have never once gone to Tom Sawyer's Island. I don't really know why. I just never have, and I probably never will. Although, since I wrote this message, I might just defy myself and go there next visit (Jan 11-17).

Other than that, the only ride I will intentionally skip every single time without fail is Stitch's Great Escape.


Well-Known Member
Big top of the list

Honey I shrunk the kids... This should be an embarrasment to Disney. Worst production I have ever seen at any park. Pure tackyness

Figment, Just a waste of space they could make this a cute ride but why haven't they or use it for a new ride,, how about something from an old Disney movie????

Great Movie ride needs totally new sets with old good shows we all know.

Back stage tour was really boring and the Cm's all have different stories on the Disney Plane...

lights motor needs new shows and stunts. When you know whats going to happen why go... Needs new sets and new theme

Actually going every 5 or so years would be soon enough for me. This past time nothing was changed or refurbed better and we jut did not enjoy it so much and we were there for 9 days. I just do not see how anyone could go several times a year much less every year and still get the magic.

Don't get me wrong, I love Disney, just was so disappointed that no changes were made and this was my second time there.. and never again during the fiorst week of Dec. It was packed with strollers and EVC's


New Member
I'm also surprised that some people don't like the "Disney Classic Rides/Attractions." I know they can get a little monotonous, but I would never be able to go to Disney World and not go on Jungle Cruise, It's a Small World, Pirate's, Carosel of Progress, etc. That makes me sad! :cry:


New Member
Speaking for just myself.....I could care less how old a ride is, or whether Walt Disney himself designed it. The fact is, is it enjoyable to sit in a boat hearing the same song over and over and over and over again while drifting slowly past ancient animatronic dolls dressed in the garb of their foreign countries? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's as boring as all get-out. The same goes for the Jungle Cruise. Regardless of it being an original attraction, it is EXTREMELY BORING, the animatronics are quite poor, and the boat's skipper isn't even remotely amusing. As far as the others go, I always loved the original Journey Into Your Imagination ride with Dreamfinder and Figment. Every single refurbishment since that original show has been worse and worse than the last. Even now the existing ride is terribly lame (but I will give it some props for the disappearing butterfly in the cage illusion). As for the live doesn't matter if I'm in WDW, Six Flags, or any other amusement park environment, I HATE to be in a place filled with great rides and sit and watch someone sing or dance or whatever. Live shows just are NOT for me. I want to be going fast, or dropping from a height, or going round and round. Country Bear Jamboree was fine when I was about 8 years old. Since that was a long time ago, its appeal wore off very quickly. I view the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor the same as any other live show.....not worth my time when I could be on a ride. And Star Tours? That kind of ride technology/format is seriously out-dated. I love the Star Wars theme and all, and wish they would proceed with the oft-rumored update to the attraction, but I actually liked Body Wars much better than ST and it was basically the same ride.

So those are my reasons for passing up the ones I had listed earlier. Some will agree with me somewhat, some may disagree's all good. We can all enjoy what we want in WDW.

Hey I understand what you are saying about speaking for yourself and stuff, but I am allowed to express my opinion as well. I am not saying that you are right or wrong and I am not saying that I am right or wrong as well, like I said I am just expressing myself about what I think, that is all. I just have one question for you, Do you know that Disneyland or Disney World would not be in existence today without Walt Disney being the creator and the backbone of these parks right? I was just wondering also do you respect the man, because I do greatly. I was just wondering, nothing to get you upset or anything, I was just curious.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey I understand what you are saying about speaking for yourself and stuff, but I am allowed to express my opinion as well. I am not saying that you are right or wrong and I am not saying that I am right or wrong as well, like I said I am just expressing myself about what I think, that is all. I just have one question for you, Do you know that Disneyland or Disney World would not be in existence today without Walt Disney being the creator and the backbone of these parks right? I was just wondering also do you respect the man, because I do greatly. I was just wondering, nothing to get you upset or anything, I was just curious.

I welcome your opinion, that's why I asked the question to begin with. But I was simply responding to the questions you were asking me in your response....nothing more. Yes, I understand that everything I enjoy about WDW (never been to Disneyland) is because of the inspiration of Walt Disney. I realize it and appreciate it......but it doesn't change the fact that some of the rides still kept in existence(merely because they're originals) don't really entertain me.

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