Ever hear
Ever hear that anticipation is sometimes just as exciting the big day (think Christmas and Weddings). It is true in business as well. For the most common Disney visitor, when they hear a project that has taken x years to build is now opening, it creates a huge buzz and desire to come see it. Sure, everybody thinks there is already enough buzz, but the wait will create even more desire -- they will pay anything to see it. Besides, I don't think it is coincidence that Disney is having some big projects opening up with time gaps (just like movies from the same company) over the next few years. As a company you don't want two big openings too close to each other or it will take away from the boom you get from the first opening. Besides, Disney is never to rush anything - and IMO with good reason. They want to do their due diligence to make sure it is exactly as they see it in their minds eye. That has always been their philosophy. Some may not agree with it, some companies do the more "build it then fix the issues later", but that doesn't fit the Disney profile. To be honest, Disney would receive more flack for doing something like that than most companies (if they build something not up to the Disney standard) then most companies would.