NO key under the mat...?


Active Member
Original Poster
I was listening to a recent podcast, and they were talking about the key under the mat in MV3D. It reminded me that, when I was there in February the key was gone (just carpet under the mat). Is this something new?

I can check again in Sept, but I was wondering if someone has checked recently?

100 posts!!! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
It was there this past July 8th! :)



Well-Known Member
There's usually two reasons why the key wouldn't be under the mat:

Either someone has pried it up and stolen it (in which case there would be a divot in the carpet), or they recently replaced the carpet and maintenance hasn't had time to replace the key yet.

This second one was the case when I visited a few years ago. Perhaps MuppetVision had just gotten new carpeting when the OP visited in February.



Well-Known Member
When entering the Muppetvision 3D attraction right there by the turnstiles there's a window to the right. Whoever the muppet attendant was is gone but left a sign that says they are gone to lunch or something like that and the key is under the mat. If you lift the mat the key is there. Well, it's usually there. I've seen it several times.


Well-Known Member
When entering the Muppetvision 3D attraction right there by the turnstiles there's a window to the right. Whoever the muppet attendant was is gone but left a sign that says they are gone to lunch or something like that and the key is under the mat. If you lift the mat the key is there. Well, it's usually there. I've seen it several times.

The joke is also that it's the "Security Office" that the sign is hanging in.

As for those looking for it, look to your right *AS* you walk through the entry turnstile (use the right-hand turnstile). The window is right there. The mat just fits in the space between the wall and the body of turnstile. If you make it to the 3D Glasses distribution location, you've gone WAAAYYYYY too far.



New Member
Or....., maybe Bean has taken the key to the security office, has planned his escape and intends to head over to Epcot wher he will reinstall the wand which he bought on ebay. While enroute he will begin the installation of the new Stitch monorail system expansion which will link all major attractions, penny pressers, and gift shops as well as northern New Jersey.:lookaroun

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