No Fantasmic! shows scheduled beyond January 4 2012 - refurb or something else?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
How could they need to close for a period of time when most of the year it only runs a few days a week. Is that not enough time to do what they need?
No. You couldn't set up the scaffolding needed to work on the mountain in a day let alone do the work.

You can't have it both ways. Maintenance takes time. If you want a pristine, perfect WDW all attractions need to go down from time to time.


Active Member
Any chance we could get a Murphy like DL? That dragon is so impressive and it would make a lot of sense to put one in WDW. If cost is an issue, R&D should be cheaper a second time around.


Well-Known Member
No. You couldn't set up the scaffolding needed to work on the mountain in a day let alone do the work.

You can't have it both ways. Maintenance takes time. If you want a pristine, perfect WDW all attractions need to go down from time to time.

Well said, Sir.


Well-Known Member
If this is actually a refurb, I wouldn't count on any actual changes to show as in music, segments, or anything like that. WDW has done a pretty good job recently at messing up stuff so I say it's best left alone. The show could really use the infrastracture upgrade DL got a few years back. That alone can do wonders for the show since most of the equipment is still from the 90's. Just imagine if we got HD digital projectors for the waterscreens.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The show could really use the infrastracture upgrade DL got a few years back. That alone can do wonders for the show since most of the equipment is still from the 90's. Just imagine if we got HD digital projectors for the waterscreens.
Amen. Having seen the latest version of the original last fall, we have no plans to see Orlandos version again.

We`ll just ride ST2 over and over :D


Well-Known Member
Any chance we could get a Murphy like DL? That dragon is so impressive and it would make a lot of sense to put one in WDW. If cost is an issue, R&D should be cheaper a second time around.

They need this with other improved tech or a custom WoC show. IMO.


Well-Known Member
Any chance we could get a Murphy like DL? That dragon is so impressive and it would make a lot of sense to put one in WDW.

I've wondered that too. Last time I was at WDW Fantasmic! I tried to figure out how the stage was put together and different from Disneyland. I think it is defininitely possible to get Disneyland's animatronic-dragon in to the same space that WDW's puppet-dragon occupies inside the mountain, because Disneyland's dragon is two separate pieces that join together behind the mist screen to form the dragon for its act in the show.

Murphy the Disneyland Fantasmic! dragon


He could still be separated in two pieces at WDW, but he would need to roll outward from the mountain in two pieces and then put himself together behind the darkened mist screen before his act began. At Disneyland he comes up out of the ground on an elevator, and as he rises behind the darkened screen he puts himself together with his neck/head segment joining his torso/arms segment. The same trick could work at WDW, in my opinion after watching the WDW show one night last winter from the side seats.

That said, what I think made an even bigger improvement at Disneyland's Fantasmic than the new dragon in 2009, was the new HD Digital projectors that replaced the old 70mm film projectors in 2008. That really brought about a HUGE change in the show, and those mist screen sequences suddenly had a lot more detail and images that you never knew existed before. Since the WDW version of Fantasmic! relies more heavily on the mist screens, it's a head-scratcher why WDW hasn't already gone the route of HD Digital projections that Disneyland did back in 2008. :veryconfu


Please, please, please just make this a refurb and not a replacement or anything worse (like nothing at all!).
I love Fantasmic in a very serious way, it is my favorite thing ever in any Disney park.
It is also one of the few things left that Mickey actually gets to have a big role in....
I am really okay with changing out the Pochahantas scene and some minor other changes, but if this goes away completely or changes into a World of Color thing, I won't be happy.

Oh...and by the way- the dragon is Maleficent, folks. I hate it when people refer to the dragon as a "He".


Well-Known Member
I hate fantasmic. Seen it three times and it was boring everytime.

:confused:wow! This just shows the diversity of Disney fans. I LOVE Fantasmic! Its my favorite show in WDW (I even love it better than DL's version)! The music itself just pulls me in and makes the show amazing. Not to even mention all the other elements! Its one of the top things in Disney that make each trip special. I hope its just a referb. Any major changes would break my heart :(


Well-Known Member
Amen. Having seen the latest version of the original last fall, we have no plans to see Orlandos version again.

Disneyland's original Fantasmic is one thing that really ruins you for any additional visits to the WDW version, isn't it?! :lol:

I went to the WDW version of Fantasmic last winter after a long hiatus just to remind myself how bad it had become, and to try and figure out the stagecraft differences. And 2 days before I left on my WDW trip, I saw Disneyland's Fantasmic to keep it fresh in my mind. It was, quite honestly, shocking to see the difference. :eek:

This is good news that there's a WDW rehab coming up this winter. Disneyland's gets a multi-week/month rehab every year or two, so this one for WDW is about a decade overdue. I wonder what they have in store for it at DHS? There's so much technology they have to catch up on, it's hard to figure out where they should start!


Well-Known Member
I'll admit, I'm someone who would love to see Fantasmic! removed from DHS. Take it away, remove the hat and give me a movie centered nighttime spectacular again.
(additionally, removing Fantasmic! would open up a huge plot of land for attraction expansion. About the only thing that would change my mind is if they made the necessary upgrades for Hollywood Fantasmic!)


Well-Known Member
I doubt they'll end Fantasmic so soon, but I could see a refurbishment. I think everyone here can agree that it needs one. Hopefully Disney will give the show some TLC and at least make it so that the canoes light up properly again (if they choose not to overhaul the scene completely, which would make my day). I'm all for it!
In Fantasmic we are going to be working on:

-A NEW Dragon
-New Vilian Scenes
-More Firewokrs, Lasers, Water Jets
-Bigger Stage
-More Seats

Hope to see it done!

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