Nintendo partnering with Universal to make attractions.


Well-Known Member
Why? You go in Moe's and you feel like you're in Moe's. Uni did an amazing job considering that The Simpson very marginally deserved it's own "land" in the first place.

You go inside Pizza Planet and it has literally nothing to do with the Pizza Planet from the movies besides that it sells pizza and has arcade games. It's absolutely pathetic.

Here Disney is with incredible properties like Monsters and Incredibles (and a dozen more) that deserve rides and yet does absolutely nothing. Heck, Disney can't even spend the minimal money to re-theme the HISTK play area to Bug's Life - and it's been 20 years!!

How you can't give kudos to Uni for what they're doing with their properties is beyond me.
I did give kudos, I gave kudos for WWOHP and for Krusty Burger. I specifically pointed out that it was the Simpsons themed rides that disappointed me, but hey, thanks for pointing out more of the cool still I DO like. It is possible to not like some of the stuff they've done.

(For the record, I also think Seuss is Terrible, but Spidey kicks ..)

Perfect. Some people just have to find a reason to get their panties in a bunch. Thanks for clarifying (what should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain).

The irony of this comment after the one posted above is beyond humorous... but don't worry, I wont pick on your precious Uni anymore, they are perfect!! They can do no wrong!!


Well-Known Member
Luigi's Mansion could so totally be a Ride 'n Go Seek type of game ride.

I actually see MarioKart being based on the MiB ride system.
Could MIB potentially be used for this massive Nintendo expansion?

MIB is going to stick out like a sore thumb with MoM on the left, Springfield/Nintendo on the right. Unless Metroid and Star Fox get some love.

I feel so bad for MIB since it's easily the best AA-intensive dark ride at Universal Orlando right now.


Well-Known Member
Could the land across the way on Major Boulevard be used? Doesn't Universal own some of it already? The last that on which once stood the Delta Orlando hotel has been empty for like 10 years now. If they could acquire the rest of that land, that would be a huge plot of land....with a lake in its centre.

I say, Give the Marvel Property back to Disney. take the Marvel Superhero Island and turn it into Nintendo.

Why would Universal just give back a billion $ IP back to's competitor. Can't see it ever happening without some massive compensation package.

It's a flop. It's taken over 2.5 years for Nintendo to make a profit on the Wii U. If that's not a flop then I don't know what is. The Wii U has been out since 2012 and has sold less then 10 million units. The PS4 has been out since 2013 and has sold over 23 million units. The Wii U is by definition a flop albeit not as much of a flop as the Gamecube and N64. Those consoles were humongous flops.The N64 sold a paltry 32 million in comparison to the PS1. The GameCube sold 22 million units again in comparison to over 100 million PS2's sold and 24 million Xbox's.

I would hardly call the N64 a flop, it sold well....just not as well in comparison to the Playstation etc. You don't have to sell the most product to be successful, or have the highest market Universal is fully aware. There is also the fact that Nintendo received a lot of money on each cartridge sold....whereas Sony and the like received hardly anything (pennies iirc). It was all due to the proprietary cartridge system Nintendo used and that it had to be licensed. For Playstation, almost anyone could produce the CD-ROM.


Well-Known Member
Also did I imagine this, or was some deal involving Doctor Phillips high school been mentioned in the past...i.e. where Universal build them new premises elsewhere in exchange for the existing land?


Well-Known Member
Duck Hunt's Space Ranger Spin?


Mitchell B.

New Member
Nice work Universal, I'm quite surprised that Nintendo went along with this considering how protective they are of their characters (no Mario in Wreck-It Ralph for example).

Just an FYI for everyone, the reason that Mario wasn't in Wreck-It Ralph didn't have to do with overprotectiveness on Nintendo's part. Nintendo allowed him to be in the movie but the crew couldn't find a decent place to put him. Basically, the writers/storyboarders couldn't give him too small of a part since he's like the Jesus of video games, but if they gave him too big of a role, he'd overshadow the main cast (i.e. everyone would just remember Wreck-It Ralph as "that video game movie with the Mario cameo"). They still used Bowser and a Super Mushoom (and Felix mentioned Mario in the party scene), so clearly Mario was invoked there without any problems.

The whole thing started because someone at a San Diego Comic-Con panel asked if Mario would be in WIR and John C. Reilly responded with a joke along the lines of "Luigi wanted more money than Mario" (mentioned ~15:30), which people took as greediness by Nintendo. Rich Moore went on record to clear up the confusion. I just wanted to point all this out because that rumor refuses to die for some reason.

And, more on topic, I'm excited to see how this Universal deal turns out. I hope they don't neglect their more obscure characters and franchises (I'll die of shock if they have a classic Donkey Kong attraction that actually includes Pauline) but I'm assuming it'll mostly be their more well-known stuff.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you're the one who is supposed to be my best friend. Eternal darkness is probably my favorite game of all time and I'm crushed that every attpt at a sequel has been messed up.

Only game I legitimately thought that Gamecube died when playing it as well as the only game where I had consistent nightmares for every creak n' groan my house made.


Well-Known Member
Even as someone who isn't really into kart racing, I AM a big fan of Mario Kart and can see potential for some sort of driving ride there. IF they really went overboard with the theming and creating some really cool environmental detail. I wouldn't just want a flat featureless asphalt track like Disney's Speedway, particularly given imagination and great scenery to the MK courses.


^Oh hey, that train looks like a float from the Main Street Electrical parade lol!



Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post, but I saw a post from HateToFly on Orlando United forums-

"Characters and properties to keep an eye on IMO...

Mario and Luigi
Princess Toadstool
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Link and Princess Zelda

So if true, that means that we could get presence from the Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon series'. Though which IP's get major rides and attractions, and which ones get less substantial presence (like merchandise and character greets) is another question. Still cool info though.

Mike S

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the double post, but I saw a post from HateToFly on Orlando United forums-

"Characters and properties to keep an eye on IMO...

Mario and Luigi
Princess Toadstool
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Link and Princess Zelda

So if true, that means that we could get presence from the Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon series'. Though which IP's get major rides and attractions, and which ones get less substantial presence (like merchandise and character greets) is another question. Still cool info though.
METROID!!!!!!!!!!!! :D No way that's just for merch, right?

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