NextGen CIT (Central Intelligence Thread)


Well-Known Member
Yes and I think your earlier post does a nice job of enumerating many of the RFID components of NextGen. From a cost perspective, I suspect things such as the new WDW webpage are lumped into the NextGen budget, almost certainly WiFi in the parks, as well as a large number of behind-the-scenes software/hardware infrastructure changes to support NextGen.

Yes and they've done a horrible job of having enough bandwidth to handle a busy evening, letalone peak season. The infastructure just isn't there.

Imagine, you're dependent on your smartphone/tablet app to access your resort stay information and you can't because the network is overloaded. You average 47,000 guests/day, you might want to design your network to handle that many simultanious users.


Well-Known Member
Yes and they've done a horrible job of having enough bandwidth to handle a busy evening, letalone peak season. The infastructure just isn't there.

Imagine, you're dependent on your smartphone/tablet app to access your resort stay information and you can't because the network is overloaded. You average 47,000 guests/day, you might want to design your network to handle that many simultanious users.

My first thing I would do is block streaming, in and out, and uploads of videos and pictures from the park. Allow those from the resorts but make sure that kind if stuff is not clogging things up in the park.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but does a day in an amusement park really need to be this complicated?

Exactly. With kids in tow, I already have enough things to manage on my vacation. Figuring out how to utilize FP+, or, more likely, how to still enjoy my day at the parks in spite of FP+, seems like a big hassle. I like to put the smartphone away and forget about the real world when I'm on vacation. FP+ and NextGen will create more visual clutter, confusion and stress among guests, all of which fly in the face of what a visit to WDW is supposed to be all about.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Exactly. With kids in tow, I already have enough things to manage on my vacation. Figuring out how to utilize FP+, or, more likely, how to still enjoy my day at the parks in spite of FP+, seems like a big hassle. I like to put the smartphone away and forget about the real world when I'm on vacation. FP+ and NextGen will create more visual clutter, confusion and stress among guests, all of which fly in the face of what a visit to WDW is supposed to be all about.
I hate to tell you this...but the smartphone is NOT the real world.


Well-Known Member
Lets face it, if you are not "with the times" you are left behind. The young generation has shown that they can not live without their Iphones. The older generation would rather cell phones never exsisted....atleast while they are on vacation. Both generations associate their phones differently. One feels the need that it is the only way to stay in touch with the world. The other remembers when....."can you spare a dime, I need to make a phone call" is how we only needed the phone when it was important. Now Our vacation dependes on us taking our Smartphones that make some of us feel preety dumb. Some of us has just gotten the hang of this new fandangled machine that I am looking has a small TV screen and and a keyboard.

Taking a Disney vacation is still advertised as a vacation destination for everyone....atleast it was. I have bben told that this NG program is going to be great, that when fully implimented that "we will wonder how we got a long without it" Me? I am not so sure. I thought I was getting along fine before. It supposed to revolutionize the park experience....So they decided to invest over a billion dollars, some say that it is going to far exceed that number. Whats interesting is that another company has choose to do it differently. They have choose to invest in the parks itself. To give the guest a better but different experience. As this year closes it will be interesting to see how these two park experiences playout.

I will try and stay optomistic about NG, on the surface I dont like it. I am technologically challenged. Most times I would just as soon throw my dumbphone out my car window. Now in order for me to not be left behind at WDW I must somehow download an app then proceed to make a reservation on the phone that I barely know how to make a call on. Then God forbid I have to go my phone if something happens and I need to make a change....or go to a Kiosk ( that will also probably have a line of people that have some gray hairs just like me) and get that sweet CM help me do something that she thinks a third grader can do. All of this is a hassle I can do without. I have done just fine on my WDW vacations. I realize that FP+ is just a small part of the program, I dont need any of the other features that have been mentioned either. I dont need anyone to greet me at the door and adress me by name.....good evening sir, how can I help just fine by me. Even though it will seem like a personalized vacation it really is a program to turn us all into sheeple to be nudged and directed to do what Disney deems better for them.

In the end I will hold judgement and wait till the program is fully implimented. Like in other facets of my life I will try and deal with the advancement of technology and fumble my way thru it. But I am telling you I cant see my experience being enhanced one single bit.


Premium Member
So you're saying that you don't mind someone tracking your every move?

Correct - because I'm intelligent enough to be able to differentiate between tracking 'guests' and tracking an individual. In all of those examples I gave, there is nothing to gain from retaining 'who' - just that there is a guest involved.

Let's just ignore all the storing of information of who you are, where you were, what you did, what you bought, what you ate, etc....

Why do I care? Are they going to use my eating habits against me? Are they gonna penalize me for going to DHS more than DAK? Are they going to find out my deepest darkest secret?

What possibly could I be doing that I wouldn't want them to know? If by tracking my habits, they are able to improve their offerings to me, or improve their product.. go for it.

Skippy's Pal

Well-Known Member
Believe it or not, these systems have never really been connected in the past. That is a big part of this. Plus, they were more passive systems with few options to "guide" you. The new system will also work to "nudge" you into certain behaviors. Kind of like the one park a day limitation to cut down on park hopping. This helps them keep staffing down a little if they know someone won't be park hopping during the day. With the wristbands, they would also be able to identify how long you were waiting in line for food and if you entered a store, looked around and did not buy anything. And, of course, it finally collects this information in one easy place.
Also WDW is a much bigger and richer market to mine. The average stay is longer and the customers are more tourists, who spend more.

I find this whole discussion so discouraging. We are heavy planners, but that's our choice and on our own time. I don't want to be "nudged," and any loss of Park Hopping would come close to being the straw that broke the camel's back for us. In case you haven't noticed it, Mickey, the Berlin Wall came down some time ago. I'm not going to pay Disney prices to effectively be held captive in one park per day, especially if I want to eat somewhere else and take in an attraction while I do so.

I have this vision of Bob Iger sitting in his Edsel, having a drink of "New Coke," reading Orwell's "1984.". Say it ain't so, Bob.


Well-Known Member
Correct - because I'm intelligent enough to be able to differentiate between tracking 'guests' and tracking an individual. In all of those examples I gave, there is nothing to gain from retaining 'who' - just that there is a guest involved.

It'll be interesting if you get approached by someone you've never seen before in the park and addressed by name and asked questions. This system will allow for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
My first thing I would do is block streaming, in and out, and uploads of videos and pictures from the park. Allow those from the resorts but make sure that kind if stuff is not clogging things up in the park.

I think it already does that. If you try to watch anything on youtube it boots you from the WiFi.


Well-Known Member
Say your there at the WOD standing there looking at .....I dunno....say a Mickey watch. You get a message on your phone......Hey! like that Mickey Watch? Take 15% off. Sure that maybe a little intrusive and a little far out there. But maybe you looked at the same watch at the Emporium the day before. As you are walking into the door of WOD you then get that text. I dont want to be intruded upon this way.


Well-Known Member
Can they track everywhere you go? And instantly locate you?

Think about it. Rasvar said about the 802.11 technology that the system either has or is capable of using. Even without that, every time you scan your bracelet, for whatever it is, you are locating yourself. You are leaving detailed footprints of where you were and what you did.


Premium Member
It'll be interesting if you get approached by someone you've never seen before in the park and addressed by name and asked questions. This system will allow for that to happen.

They could have been doing this all along anytime you scanned your card - but know what.. they didn't.

Why? Because it's not just what the technology makes possible, but there is actual common sense and customer service involved as well. Just because Disney CAN do something doesn't mean they WILL do something.

And you should stay away from the cruise ships.. because *GASP* they address you by name when you use your card. Shocking..


Premium Member
Can they track everywhere you go? And instantly locate you?

Only if you are within range of a pickup. There are active portions of the braclet system that will make the system be able to see the tag at a range.. which is more like 'tag 42544 is in the ABC region' and then your close range aspect will be when you tap your card on something.. leaving breadcrumbs where you've been.

So it's more like leaving a history.. and for somethings will be able to detect if you are in a specific area.

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