Next Generation Fastpass?

What do you think about remote/advanced fast pass options?

  • Love it, sounds great, about time!

    Votes: 47 21.6%
  • Sounds okay, I'll wait and see.

    Votes: 84 38.5%
  • Hate it, dumb idea, see lots of problems!

    Votes: 75 34.4%
  • Not sure, don't care

    Votes: 12 5.5%

  • Total voters


As for the others, Disney honestly doesn't care how long you stand in line at Soarin'. Fastpass wasn't created to decrease the waits at rides, it was made to decrease the amount of people waiting in line by increasing the number of people's free time in the parks to visit shops and restaurants and spend more money.
DING DING DING We have a winner! They want to maximize the number of people spending money not waiting in line. The ydon't care how long the line is, they care about how many people are using the fastpass to "hold" their place while they spend money!


Well-Known Member
Exactly, it's their choice to spend that money for the extra accommodations in the hotel (Bigger rooms, better views, fancy eateries, etc)

Don't destroy the magic for the rest of the guests.

Agree. The people who normally stay at Deluxe can choose to stay at value and spend the extra money on something else. As I said in this thread somewhere already, any perks should be exclusive to that resort. Once a person walks through the turnstyles at any park, it should all be fair game.


Agree. The people who normally stay at Deluxe can choose to stay at value and spend the extra money on something else. As I said in this thread somewhere already, any perks should be exclusive to that resort. Once a person walks through the turnstyles at any park, it should all be fair game.

Perks of course meaning beaches and pools and such. Restaurants should be open.


Well-Known Member
It would also be a great incentive to no longer go to WDW.

Are you serious? You think people wouldn't go to WDW because they can't get a FP if they're not staying at a resort? That's like saying people wouldn't go because they can't go to EMH. I just don't think that there should be a tiered FP system, and I would like to have FPs reserved only for me...cuz I'm selfish.


Are you serious? You think people wouldn't go to WDW because they can't get a FP if they're not staying at a resort? That's like saying people wouldn't go because they can't go to EMH. I just don't think that there should be a tiered FP system, and I would like to have FPs reserved only for me...cuz I'm selfish.

I go to WDW to enjoy myself. If that means extra large crowds, no FP and no EMH. Count me out. I'm not gonna spend my hard earned money to stay "on-site" and be treated like an average guest.


That way everybody has the option to get them. Whether you choose to spend that kind of money is your choice, but you would have that option.

People that choose to spend that kind of money is the target audience disney is trying to lure in. I choose to spend the amount of money that I do because I can. If I spend twice as much as you then yes I deserve some perks that you do not get.


People that choose to spend that kind of money is the target audience disney is trying to lure in. I choose to spend the amount of money that I do because I can. If I spend twice as much as you then yes I deserve some perks that you do not get.

Exactly! It's your CHOICE. Disney isn't making you spend the money that you do. You could get the same vacation if you were to go to a value resort instead. You just decide to wave it around and be "Oh, look at me, I'm Mr. Moneybags, I can spend this money cause I can"

People like you make me :hurl:


Exactly! It's your CHOICE. Disney isn't making you spend the money that you do. You could get the same vacation if you were to go to a value resort instead. You just decide to wave it around and be "Oh, look at me, I'm Mr. Moneybags, I can spend this money cause I can"

People like you make me :hurl:
Why, because I have worked hard my whole life, have gotten several advanced degrees and make a very, very nice income? Or is it because I am able to have a very nice savings acct, a very nice retirement acct, and still am able to take 3-5 vacations a year? Or is it because when I go on vacations I get special treatment because of the amount that I am willing to spend? (BTW, I get this at Disney as well, and I have no problem dropping the cash to do the VIP tour). I am confused why I make you sick. What you do not realize is that Disney wants more like me- see the FOur Seasons being built, see the rumored 5th gate being a version of Discovery Cove with a $300 or so admission. I do not run around looking for all of the cheap and free stuff to do so guess what, without me and those like me, your experience would probably be much different because the revenue of the parks would be less.


Why, because I have worked hard my whole life, have gotten several advanced degrees and make a very, very nice income? Or is it because I am able to have a very nice savings acct, a very nice retirement acct, and still am able to take 3-5 vacations a year? Or is it because when I go on vacations I get special treatment because of the amount that I am willing to spend? (BTW, I get this at Disney as well, and I have no problem dropping the cash to do the VIP tour). I am confused why I make you sick. What you do not realize is that Disney wants more like me- see the FOur Seasons being built, see the rumored 5th gate being a version of Discovery Cove with a $300 or so admission. I do not run around looking for all of the cheap and free stuff to do so guess what, without me and those like me, your experience would probably be much different because the revenue of the parks would be less.

No, what makes me sick is the fact that because you spend the extra $ that you think that everything should be handed to you in a silver platter. Like you said, you worked hard to get where you are (and you probably did, I'm not denying that) What I'm getting it is people go to Disney and try to relax and enjoy the ENVIRONMENT and the that in Disney, all your dreams are supposed to come true.

Walt Disney created Disneyland as a place he could go to with his family and have as much fun as his children are having. He didn't create it so that those that spend the extra $ get pampered to every need.

What I'm saying is, people are starting to look past the real meaning of Disney and are expecting everything to be handed to them and expect Disney to take of everything for them because of their outstanding guest relations.

I didn't mean for this to be an attack against you personally.


I cannot agree more that Disney SHOULD offer more perks for those of us who stay at the deluxe resorts. A better more customized Fastpass would be a welcome addition and applauded.

Here is one of the best threads about this subject this site ever produced:

Jimmy Thick- A little cash goes a long way...

If you look at the Disney planning videos, all the way back to the early 90's, Disney themselves tell you to explore the different resorts as each resort has something different to offer.

While I agree that extra perks should be kept at the resort and not in the parks, are you going to close the gates to the resort and not allow anyone to come look at the resort? How will people know what the extra perks of the resort are if they're not able to dive into the perks themselves at least once as an "outsider."

Honestly, all perks on Resort Property should be for those Staying on Site. Those outside the main gate, should not get the perks.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
If you look at the Disney planning videos, all the way back to the early 90's, Disney themselves tell you to explore the different resorts as each resort has something different to offer.

While I agree that extra perks should be kept at the resort and not in the parks, are you going to close the gates to the resort and not allow anyone to come look at the resort? How will people know what the extra perks of the resort are if they're not able to dive into the perks themselves at least once as an "outsider."

Honestly, all perks on Resort Property should be for those Staying on Site. Those outside the main gate, should not get the perks.


I think I missed something. I think if you stay at a deluxe, you should get a little more than someone at a moderate or value. If its a more customizable Fastpass, that's a good start.

My motto is, if you can't afford a deluxe, save the money. I used to do the value thing, * Jimmy shudders *, but my wife and I saved for a nice, long deluxe vacation, and I haven't been to a value since. Thats not to say people can't stay at values and have a wonderful time, but people paying more for the deluxes, in my humble opinion, deserve a little more swag.

Jimmy Thick- I won't even mention people staying off site...


Active Member
Exactly! It's your CHOICE. Disney isn't making you spend the money that you do. You could get the same vacation if you were to go to a value resort instead. You just decide to wave it around and be "Oh, look at me, I'm Mr. Moneybags, I can spend this money cause I can"

People like you make me :hurl:

When people choose to stay at Contemporary or Grand Floridian its not to show the World that we are Mr. Moneybags, we're doing it because we have an expectation FROM DISNEY, no one else, to give us their most Premium experience available. If there wasn't a market for this type of resort, they wouldn't exist. One thing to do to cater to that market is to offer certain perks that warrant the extra cost of that resort.
There are already a lot of those perks available to Deluxe guests that don't impede the moderate, value, or day guests in any way. For example, when we stay in Club Level we have our own private concierge that has a little more pull at certain restaurants, like Le Cellier or CRT and with a little schmoozing on his or her part, and flexibility on ours, 99% a table can be found for us at a relatively last minute. That doesn't mean that someone with a reservation at Le Cellier is going to be asked to leave the restaurant to make room for that person but its just an extra accomodation.
Giving the resort guests the opportunity to obtain fastpasses from the resort can be another one of those perks. No one is going to ask someone staying at All Star Movies to make way for the family from the Polynesian because their fastpass is "more vailid" than theirs. Will there be less fastpasses available at the machines? Probably. Will anyone notice that change? Probably not.
This has been an idea that's been put aside for too long.


Steampunky Time Lord
This is tough. I agree completely with fp's for onsite vacationers. I also think ap's could pay extra to get the fp's. Everyone else, too bad. US charges for fp's, and a alot, which i would never do. I stay at all the resorts varying on the year and who's in my party. I do not want to see an advanced fp reservation like ADR, that would be the end for wdw for us. The current system woks very well, get your butt there and get it. The only one we never get is TSMM, and thats at 10 am, how do you fix that?

I was at DHS on June 3rd and at 11:15am there were FPs available for TSMM...but the return window was 7:15pm-8:15pm. For TSMM, since it is the current "it on a stick" at Studios, it all depends on how early you want to get to the park to make the run to get FPs for it still.

I will say that I gave the Stand-By line a shot later that night and eventhough the estimated wait said 70 minutes it was more like 30 minutes as the bulk of the park was catching the showing of Fantasmic they had that night.


When people choose to stay at Contemporary or Grand Floridian its not to show the World that we are Mr. Moneybags, we're doing it because we have an expectation FROM DISNEY, no one else, to give us their most Premium experience available. If there wasn't a market for this type of resort, they wouldn't exist. One thing to do to cater to that market is to offer certain perks that warrant the extra cost of that resort.
There are already a lot of those perks available to Deluxe guests that don't impede the moderate, value, or day guests in any way. For example, when we stay in Club Level we have our own private concierge that has a little more pull at certain restaurants, like Le Cellier or CRT and with a little schmoozing on his or her part, and flexibility on ours, 99% a table can be found for us at a relatively last minute. That doesn't mean that someone with a reservation at Le Cellier is going to be asked to leave the restaurant to make room for that person but its just an extra accomodation.
Giving the resort guests the opportunity to obtain fastpasses from the resort can be another one of those perks. No one is going to ask someone staying at All Star Movies to make way for the family from the Polynesian because their fastpass is "more vailid" than theirs. Will there be less fastpasses available at the machines? Probably. Will anyone notice that change? Probably not.
This has been an idea that's been put aside for too long.

*standing and applauding*

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