They had exactly this back in 2000.
Here is a report I wrote for the site from
Janaury 6 2000: Kilimanamjaro Night Safaris
During the extended opening hours over Christmas, AK ran the awesome night safaris. New for this year, the safaris runs a different show starting at dusk. A whole new audio track accompanies the tour, with animal sounds appearing in the distance, comments from Wilson, an encounter with Miss Jobson, a local tribe wedding, and of course a chase with the poachers! Seeing the tour a night is a totally different experience. Some of the animals were resting in plain sight of the ride, and others, like the lions were more active than they are in the day! The savannah had no lighting, just the light rigs that were attached to each vehicle. The lighting was automated to vary light levels at different points, and the spotter (there were 2 CMs in each vehicle) could control one of the spot lights to highlight animals etc.
AK CMs have really made an effort with this show - they should definitely continue it as often as they can. Great job to any CMs reading!"