Newbie Here - Just A Few Questions...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hi all,

I just wanted to say thanks for having me at this free site! I have spent the past THREE days reading SEVERAL HUNDREDS of threads and peoples thought, opinions, and what ever else any one has to say! I can't seem to get enough of this information into my brain!

I myself am 20 years old, and I will be going to Disney March 13 - 17 with my girlfriend for her birthday as well as me getting my associates degree in December. We will be staying at Disney's Pop Century Resort. As well, we already have our tickets; 5 day hopper.

Several of my questions have been answered, but I still have some. I was curious if anyone would be able to talk to me about some questions I still have. I will list a few of them here, but if anyone has the time and would like to talk on AIM, my screen name is tankthearmytank.

Thanks in advance and I hope to learn a lot from all of you!

Just a few questions:

1. Our plane will arrive at 9:50am on 3/13 and I know the check in time is not till later in the day. Any idea of what would be the best park(s) to attend this afternoon/day since the parks will already be pretty full?

2. I found on a website, (wdwinfo) the park hours and parade times for March. This site I believe is not affiliated with Disney, how accurate is this site with the info they provide? I am trying to plan each day ahead, and this would really help!

3. I'd really like to go to a nice restaurant one evening with my gal. Yano, get all dressed up and what not...:kiss: I was thinking the Coral Reef however I would really only go if I knew if Mickey was going to be diving. How do I go about getting more info on this, or what are maybe some other places you experts would recommend for two college kids. :)

4. On Sunday 3/15, MK is open till 1:00am (for the extra park hours) Is it possible to get into the park once it is closed to the general public? I am very interested in going to the Fantasmic show at DHS this night, hence it being the only showing while we are here. Then afterwards going back to MK. Will I be able to get into that park if I arrive at say 11:00pm? (One of my biggest concerns)

5. I know this is Spring Break for a lot of kids and I do realize the lines will be long. What rides do you recommend getting past passes for besides SOARIN'. I read the entire thread, and I am well aware of this ride and the line! (haha)

6. Any hotels on the property that you would recommend walking around that would be worth while? Any great photo spots of the top of your head?

7. We are coming from Chicago, so we are used to the cold. What are the average high/lows for the day? What kind of packing would you suggest?

8. Any secrets, advice, or things you feel I myself, or my girlfriend should know, please don't hesitate to send me a message!

This is all I have I believe for right now, (or all I can remember haha)
If anyone would be so kind to reply to any of these questions, or message me on AIM, (tankthearmytank) I would greatly appreciate it!

- Mike


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site and the forums Mike. :wave: Will answer a couple of your questions here for you and hope you have a great trip. We will be down there the same time and are staying at Pop as well. This is our third trip during our March Break (we are from Canada and our Spring Break is always the second or third week in March).

5. I know this is Spring Break for a lot of kids and I do realize the lines will be long. What rides do you recommend getting past passes for besides SOARIN'. I read the entire thread, and I am well aware of this ride and the line! (haha)

I would get Fast Passes for pretty much any of the bigger rides at each park. Tower Of Terror, Aerosmith RnRC, Soarin, Test Track, Space Mountain and so on. Then, go ride another ride while you wait for your time to arrive and then Fast Pass something else and keep doing the same.

7. We are coming from Chicago, so we are used to the cold. What are the average high/lows for the day? What kind of packing would you suggest?

As a fellow northerner (Canadian here), I am quite used to the cold also. :lol: We were blessed with gorgeous weather on both of our previous vacations to WDW during our March Break. Most of the days were either in the high 70's to mid 80's, with maybe one day of high 60's. We bring mostly summer clothing and maybe a couple of pairs of jeans and a hoodie or two for the evenings or cooler days. We swam pretty much everyday down there too, which is a bonus when you are coming from weather that is in the 30's and 40's. :ROFLOL:

Have fun and I hope this helps you! :wave:


New Member
1. Our plane will arrive at 9:50am on 3/13 and I know the check in time is not till later in the day. Any idea of what would be the best park(s) to attend this afternoon/day since the parks will already be pretty full?

Most of the parks tend to empty out in the afternoon as families head back to their resorts for a break. I'd venture a guess that any park would be reasonable in terms of crowd size.

2. I found on a website, (wdwinfo) the park hours and parade times for March. This site I believe is not affiliated with Disney, how accurate is this site with the info they provide? I am trying to plan each day ahead, and this would really help!

My personal experience with that site is that it's pretty acurate. But since it's in no way affiliated with this site, I'd recommend contacting their webmaster as far as accuracy is concerned.

3. I'd really like to go to a nice restaurant one evening with my gal. Yano, get all dressed up and what not...:kiss: I was thinking the Coral Reef however I would really only go if I knew if Mickey was going to be diving. How do I go about getting more info on this, or what are maybe some other places you experts would recommend for two college kids. :)!

I'd highly recommend dinner at the Coral Reef with or without Mickey diving. It's an awesome experience. It was the best dinner we had on our trip! The aquarium is amazing, and the steak is the best I've ever had!

7. We are coming from Chicago, so we are used to the cold. What are the average high/lows for the day? What kind of packing would you suggest?

I'm pretty sure that you can find the average highs and lows right here on wdwmagic.

I must add a disclaimer, though. I've only visited WDW once, and plan on returning this fall. Although I did research my families trip for about two years, I by far am no expert when it comes to WDW. There are many others here that are, though, and I'm sure they can help you out as well! Welcome to WDWMagic! I love this site!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you for the replies thus far and for welcoming me! I am still really curious though with # 4. Does anyone have any input on this? I know it's early in the morning and not a lot of people are on, but I will bump this for the morning crew and hope they will be able to help me out!

4. On Sunday 3/15, MK is open till 1:00am (for the extra park hours) Is it possible to get into the park once it is closed to the general public? I am very interested in going to the Fantasmic show at DHS this night, hence it being the only showing while we are here. Then afterwards going back to MK. Will I be able to get into that park if I arrive at say 11:00pm? (One of my biggest concerns)


Active Member
To answer number 4-You can get into the Extra Magic Hours anytime. Just show your Disney Key to the Kingdom(room key card) at the turnstile.

Welcome aboard...There is enough Disney knowledge on this site to fill 100 tour or guide books. just ask. HAVE A GREAT TRIP


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
To answer number 4-You can get into the Extra Magic Hours anytime. Just show your Disney Key to the Kingdom(room key card) at the turnstile.

Welcome aboard...There is enough Disney knowledge on this site to fill 100 tour or guide books. just ask. HAVE A GREAT TRIP

Thanks for the reply! This is very reassuring, and take a little stress off my back now! :D

Anyone have any secrets I should know or that you would like to share?


Active Member
Use Fast Pass and have a plan of what you want to do. Leave them flexible. If you want to eat someplace special call and make you ADR(dining reservation), especially if you want to do a character meal.


Well-Known Member
One recommendation I have for you is to pick up a copy of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World. It is full of information that will be beneficial to you and also offers touring plans that will help you get in the majority, if not all, of the attractions.

As far as Mickey Diving, you might can call Disney and ask about it. I'm sure what the schedule is for it, but I've heard it is pretty rare.

You shouldn't have a problem doing #4.

If you look at the forum list, you will see a whole forum devoted to WDW Secrets. You might want to give it a look.

Have fun, I'll be solo traveling while you are down. If you see a guy with a WDWMagic button on his backpack strap, stop me and say hi. :wave:


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Welcome to the site and the forums Mike. :wave: Will answer a couple of your questions here for you and hope you have a great trip. We will be down there the same time and are staying at Pop as well. This is our third trip during our March Break (we are from Canada and our Spring Break is always the second week in March).
Just to clarify, not all Canadians have Spring break at the same time, it's set by individual School Boards [with Separate and Public working together]. This year in the Ottawa area Spring Break is the week of 16-20 March, or the third week of March.

Spring Breaks are staggered North-America-wide over a six to eight week period.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I just wanted to say thanks for having me at this free site! I have spent the past THREE days reading SEVERAL HUNDREDS of threads and peoples thought, opinions, and what ever else any one has to say! I can't seem to get enough of this information into my brain!

I myself am 20 years old, and I will be going to Disney March 13 - 17 with my girlfriend for her birthday as well as me getting my associates degree in December. We will be staying at Disney's Pop Century Resort. As well, we already have our tickets; 5 day hopper.

Several of my questions have been answered, but I still have some. I was curious if anyone would be able to talk to me about some questions I still have. I will list a few of them here, but if anyone has the time and would like to talk on AIM, my screen name is tankthearmytank.

Thanks in advance and I hope to learn a lot from all of you!

Just a few questions:

1. Our plane will arrive at 9:50am on 3/13 and I know the check in time is not till later in the day. Any idea of what would be the best park(s) to attend this afternoon/day since the parks will already be pretty full?

Check in when you get there. 8 times out of 10 they'll have a room ready for you, especially now with the economy a disaster. And go to whatever park you wish to. They'll all likely be at least moderately crowded because of the time of year, but still not that bad. Take it easy, use FP and have fun!

Personally, I usually start with EPCOT because ... well, it is the best park at WDW!

2. I found on a website, (wdwinfo) the park hours and parade times for March. This site I believe is not affiliated with Disney, how accurate is this site with the info they provide? I am trying to plan each day ahead, and this would really help!

Use the official site. At this point their info should be 100% accurate. I know nothing of the other site and why not get info from the Mouse's mouth?

3. I'd really like to go to a nice restaurant one evening with my gal. Yano, get all dressed up and what not...:kiss: I was thinking the Coral Reef however I would really only go if I knew if Mickey was going to be diving. How do I go about getting more info on this, or what are maybe some other places you experts would recommend for two college kids. :)

Well, I like the Coral Reef a lot. And I don't eat seafood (always have had great steak, chicken or pasta dishes). I wouldn't go based upon Mickey. The regular inhabitants of the tank are more entertaining. It can get loud there with all the kids (this is WDW after all) ... and while I wouldn't go in looking like a slob (plenty of folks do), you don't need to get all dressed by any means.

You dress for say California Grill ... Jiko ... Flying Fish or one of the better resort locales ... it's kind of a waste at the parks since you'll be amongst the great unwashed masses in their Grumpy tees and sandals.

4. On Sunday 3/15, MK is open till 1:00am (for the extra park hours) Is it possible to get into the park once it is closed to the general public? I am very interested in going to the Fantasmic show at DHS this night, hence it being the only showing while we are here. Then afterwards going back to MK. Will I be able to get into that park if I arrive at say 11:00pm? (One of my biggest concerns)

So long as you are a Disney resort guest, you can get in at anytime ... even 12:55 a.m.

5. I know this is Spring Break for a lot of kids and I do realize the lines will be long. What rides do you recommend getting past passes for besides SOARIN'. I read the entire thread, and I am well aware of this ride and the line! (haha)

Anything that's a major attractions ... the mountains (and Peter Pan) at MK ... Soarin and TT at EPCOT, ToT and RnRC at DHS and KS and EE at DAK would be my advice.

6. Any hotels on the property that you would recommend walking around that would be worth while? Any great photo spots of the top of your head?

Tour the MK resorts by monorail, definitely ... and take a boat to the WL, maybe grab lunch there or walk to FW (a nice walk on paved trails) and have lunch at Trail's End near the barn where they keep the MK's horses (you can walk in and see them up close).

Maybe also DAK Lodge ... home of two of the best dining options in Jiko and Boma.

7. We are coming from Chicago, so we are used to the cold. What are the average high/lows for the day? What kind of packing would you suggest?

Florida in March can be very unpredictable. Could have days in 80s and sunny beach weather one day and the next cold and never gets out of the 50s and is freezing at night ... or anything in between. So, I'd prepare accordingly.

8. Any secrets, advice, or things you feel I myself, or my girlfriend should know, please don't hesitate to send me a message!

Plenty ... but it's impossible to suggest it all without knowing what your likes/dislikes are, how much you want to spend (or not), whether or not you'll have a rental car etc ... but feel free to ask away ... I'm sure you'll have a great time!!!

Oh, one thing you definitely don't want at Pop Century (or any hotel anywhere) is a connecting door ... you hear everything in the next room and vice versa ... and sometimes (like on one of my stays there) get someone's brat banging on your door at 5:30 a.m.!!!


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, not all Canadians have Spring break at the same time, it's set by individual School Boards [with Separate and Public working together]. This year in the Ottawa area Spring Break is the week of 16-20 March, or the third week of March.

Spring Breaks are staggered North-America-wide over a six to eight week period.

Ours is the week of the 16th to the 20th too this year. I could have sworn I looked it up once on the internet and it said most Canadians have the same Spring Break.:shrug:

Just looked it up again and I guess it varies from province to province. It did say most provinces take it the second or third week in March with Alberta usually taking theirs the last week.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Mike,

LA few answers for you:

1. Other than the advice given above, I would check, They give a pretty good estimate as what is best to visit on each day. If you want a long day, it might be worth looking at an EMH park although the crowds may sway your decision.

2. Use the calendar on Sometimes it doesn't contain all the info and Disney but it should be OK for March. Disney do reserve the right to change it though so don't be too supprised if you get there and the park hours change. the parades and shows are pretty constant (timewise) though.

3. If you looking for a dress-up restaurant, I wouldn't pick coral reef. I love it there (and the view is great even without Mickey) but the fact it's in a park means I don't want to dress up. To dress up I would suggest going to California Grill at the top of the Contemporary. It's easy to get to via monorail and the food is great (and IMO not too expensive). If you haven't done so already, get on the phone ASAP and book those ADR's. A lot of places, especially the nicer ones, get booked up months in advance.

4. I think (note the think) that you will be able to get into MK after seeing Fantasmic. However, the busses may not be operating that late from DHS to MK. If not then you could walk to the Swan & Dolphin or Boardwalk. Someone else will be able to help you here. Also note that you need to get to fantasmic very early (even with the dinner package) and it will take quite a while to exit the show. I would suggest you might not get to MK till around 11.30 - 12.00ish

5. Fastpass wise I would suggest getting them for all the major attractions where available. The best bet though is to look at the attractions in the park and decide what you want to do. Don't go too crazy about getting as many FP's as possible, they help but not totally necessary for every ride. I however would almost certainly get them for anything I want to ride more than once (Expedition Everest, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Tower of Terror, Rock 'n rollercoaster, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain etc) and for anything that will be very busy all day (Soarin', Toy story mania). If you want to ride things like Peter Pans Flight, your better off waiting till the evening or during EMH when most of the kids are asleep. During the parades can also be a good time.

6. If you get time I would visit the Animal Kingdom Lodge. By far the most elaborate of hotels. This is only a 5min bus journey from the Animal Kingdom and you won't regret the time. If you have more time to kill I would have a quick look around the Wilderness Lodge and the hotels on the monorail route (Grand Floridian, Polynesian, Contemporary)

7. Not too sure what the averages are (you can find them on the net though). I have been during January and I was fine in a t-shirt all day.

8. So many secrets to tell! I think your best bet would be to read the secrets boards / threads.

Feel free to PM me with more questions.



New Member
Going off of what I can remember:

Yes, you can get into the park after it's closed to the general public during EMH as long as you are staying on property.

I recommend exploring the Polynesian and Grand Floridian because they are easy to get to (on the monorail circuit) and both are exquisitely beautiful. I also really like visiting Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge. Wilderness is easier to get to (boat launch from MK). Animal Kingdom Lodge is kinda out of the way, but as far as meals...

You want a nice meal? I recommend Boma, or if you want to spend the serious bucks - Jiko, which are both at Animal Kingdom Lodge and give you an excuse to go there. Coral Reef is also lovely, but it's honestly very rare to see Mickey diving so don't go expecting that. Boma is a buffet but it's fancier than your usual tray slide. It has more food than you can imagine... something for everyone, and everything really good, and the atmosphere is beautiful. I've never been to Jiko, but always wanted to. I see consistently good reviews about it.

For March, bring t shirts and shorts for the day... a couple of sweaters in case it gets cold, and jeans and sweaters for the evening. Maybe even pack a jacket just in case. You can check the weather channel online or on TV to see what the temperature trend has been for that area as you near your departure.

Fastpass is absolutely essential for Soarin' and Toy Story Mania. I hear you can't really see either without it. Other than that, I also recommend using it on Everest, Buzz Lightyear, Mission Space, and either mountain in MK (ride the other while waiting for your window) and either Rock N Roller Coaster or Tower of Terror at HS (ride the other while waiting for your window, again).

Have fun!

LeeLee D

New Member

About Florida in March - as it's been said, the weather here is quite unsettled at that time. Plus, we have had a very weird winter so far.

You will want to have some rain gear just in case.

Hope you have a fab time!


Well-Known Member
As for where to go first? I'd definiately hit the Magic Kingdom first!!! It is the epitome of everything there. There is nothing more exciting and really drives home more than seeing the castle straight away.:wave:


New Member
Just a few questions:

3. I'd really like to go to a nice restaurant one evening with my gal. Yano, get all dressed up and what not...:kiss: I was thinking the Coral Reef however I would really only go if I knew if Mickey was going to be diving. How do I go about getting more info on this, or what are maybe some other places you experts would recommend for two college kids. :)


How much do you like this girl? :kiss:

I've never eaten at Coral Reef and I've seen some disapointing reviews. I've read some good reviews also so don't let me discourage you... however, we really like the California Grill and Narcoossees. Both are on the monorail line so they're a short ride away form Magic Kingdom. I would suggest them both not only for the great food but they're both VERY romantic. It's wonderful to look out on the fireworks in Magic Kingdom while you're on the balcony at California Grill. It's also nice to see the lit boats on the Seven Seas Lagoon (I can't remember what the show is called) float by at Narcoossees. Both restaurants are pricey but the Coral Reef aint cheap either.

5. I know this is Spring Break for a lot of kids and I do realize the lines will be long. What rides do you recommend getting past passes for besides SOARIN'. I read the entire thread, and I am well aware of this ride and the line! (haha)

I think that Toy Story Mania is the hardest ticket to get. FASTPASSES are gone by noon alot of the time. I'd get a FASTPASS for Test Track at Epcot along with Soarin'. I'd also have one for Expedition Everest and Kilimanjaro at A.K., Peter Pan, Splash Mountain, Winnie the Pooh and Buzz at M.K. and Twilight Zone and Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at DHS. There are other FASTPASS attractions but the waits on these attractions can really be prohibative.

6. Any hotels on the property that you would recommend walking around that would be worth while? Any great photo spots of the top of your head?

I think the lobby to the Grand Floridian is absolutely stunning. Wilderness Lodge and Animal Kingdom Lodge are wonderful also. It's fun to walk around the Boardwalk and I think the Polynesian is lush and beautiful. I also have to put in a good word for Port Orleans. Maybe I'm partial since this was the first resort I stayed at but I really like both Riverside and French Quarters.

8. Any secrets, advice, or things you feel I myself, or my girlfriend should know, please don't hesitate to send me a message!
Have a great time!!

Disneyson 1

New Member
Welcome! It's GREAT that you're so interested! Some tips that will make your vacation just a little more enjoyable:

1. Good for you! You're going to see Fantasmic!, one of the greatest shows on the Disney property! remember to see the rest of the shows, parades and the fireworks, as they're quite amazing.

2. Try to let yourself fall into the stories of the rides. Question everything: Why do you go into Thunder Mountain? To mine for gold, of course! Hey what does that box say... Lytum & Hyde... oh, it's a mining pun! OMG, WE'RE IN A COLLAPSING MINE!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I guarantee that you'll find things that you never even DREAMED of seeing if you keep a critical eye out. This also means try to stay in the same park all day, you'll get the most immersion out of it and you won't have to spend your day in a bus.

3. Use Fastpasses! Remember especially to use them on:
*Winnie the Pooh (although I don't think it's very good...)
*Peter Pan's Flight
*Splash Mountain
Buzz Lightyear (depends on the day)
Space Mountain (If it's open)
*Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Test Track
Sorin' (But you knew that!)
*Kilimanjaro Safaris
DINOSAUR (again, depends on the day)
*Kali River Rapids
Toy Story Midway Mania
*Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show (it's a KILLER if you have to wait for the next show...)
*The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
*Rock N' Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith

*These queues are primarily outside or are NOT air conditioned, SO these are the most important Fastpasses

4. Here's a video of several of my favorite hidden Disney secrets, stories, and magical moments. If you point these secrets out to your girlfriend, she'll think you're a pro!
(It plays automatically)

5. Most Important: relax! You're in Disney!

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