Well-Known Member
It looks really good but it also looks out of place with the buildings. Here's hoping that there's much more to come for this land of tomorrow.
I could not agree more. To me, more than any other area of the MK, Tomorrow Land needs the most work. I don't know if there is some natural inclination for the greater percentage of guests to turn to the right, but to me Tomorrow Land is always ridiculously crowded, and comes off as the dirtiest part of MK. Cosmic Rays can get overcrowded at times, and I pretty much flat out refuse to use the bathrooms in Tomorrow Land. This whole area needs a refurbishment.
However long ago that was now, they repainted the People Mover loading area as well as the entire Astro Orbiter. Now they repainted the exterior to CoP and are working on the rocks. But man, the other attractions in this land need to either go or be totally refurbed. You name it: Space Mountain, Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, People Mover, Speedway. At least Stitch is going (it seems), and I wouldn't mind of MILF goes for something new either.
The one thing that really bugs me about this area are the outsides and rooftops of the buildings. When you are in the hub looking toward TL, the tops of the building really stick out and just look terrible. From an aesthetic standpoint, I love NFL, the Hub, MSUSA, Liberty Square, AL and FL. But TL just sticks out like a sore thumb. I really hope that this is addressed somehow between now and Oct. 1, 2021.