New Test Track open for 6 months and still not working anywhere near 100%


New Member
I went in January, and it was disappointing. Normally, we would ride TT multiple times, but this trip we could barely get through it once. After waiting in like for 100 minutes, we finally got to the create your car section. Multiple families, and myself, had absolutely no idea what we were doing, and the CM's were just standing in the back talking to each other. You could tell how confused everyone was, and I just quickly made a car and moved on. After riding the ride, I realized that I was even more confused. The atmosphere of the ride overall was weird, and I felt like it didn't fit. Nothing made sense. I didn't see the point of making a car, it just seemed like it increased the wait time. We ended up not riding it again that trip. But I'm going back in 5 days, so I will try it again, but I feel like my opinions on the ride will not change.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe so many people are saying they are confused or don't get the ride. This is why Disney dumbs down the attractions. I myself feel that Test Track is pretty straight forward. Also before entering the design center there are instructions on what to do.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I've probably ridden this new version 15-20 times now, and not until my very latest, recent ride did I ever see my car show up on the screens in the ride, and even then it didn't show up on all of them. So, I guess that is progress, but still not great. I still hate that there is no audio or music for the outdoor loop. However, everything else that should be working was working, at least.

I don't think the makeover is terrible, in fact I love how the ride looks and sounds, but the design process and interactive elements integration is flimsy at best, and thats if they were working. I think the entire design process needs to go and slightly more narrative added, but its doubtful this will ever happen anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
This is important. The redesign of Test Track was primarily GM's idea. The crash test dummies and caution tape theme conjured images of the big bad auto behemoth, and this wasn't what they wanted to project post-bailout. Thus, the emphasis is now the "future" with eco-green-tech-this-and-that. Usually the negative Nancies around here are sticklers for theme integrity, and the redesign fits MUCH better in Future World than it ever used to.


Well-Known Member
As much as I like to criticize some of Disney up the wahzoo it is pretty straight forward and makes a lot of sense even emphasized on the attraction. When you go up the first hill and says pretty in plain English "Welcome to the SimTrack" and thus your mind is supposed to be oh I'm "going into the computer to test my creation against a stock car" it makes sense...that is at least one thing I will say.

Oh also your in the Chevy Design Centre again pretty straight forward messaging ...
You just made my list of "people who complain a lot but are at least reasonable enough to not throw a fit when there's no fit to be thrown." Congratulations. It's an elite group.


Well-Known Member
I was there two weeks ago too. I was in the single rider line...when myself and others got to the design your own car screens, most people had no idea what to do, or even why the computers were there.

So while things may have been "working" the storyline and point of what you were doing is not entirely clear. As someone who is actually in the know about the refurb (through reading the boards), even I really couldn't follow what was going on. A better script explaining what was happening and how it related to the car you designed would be helpful.

I also think that for most guests (of various ages, backgrounds, etc. -- sure there are going to be some who love this aspect) the designing your own car thing really doesn't hold that much appeal. I didn't really find it all that fun or exciting. And it really has nothing to do with the ride anyway. The fact they show how your car ranked each time...big deal?

This is what I have noticed as well, most dont seem to care for the most part they just want to ride the ride! They also need to do something with the mirrors scene where you see yourself in the car, something better needs to happen there, right now you just see yourself/car riding by. Very weak. I actually love the tronish sleek look/theme going on, its more dark ride-ish in parts (better than the empty junky mess it was prior), but a real narration would help a lot, and or music on the outside loop, something.


Well-Known Member
I went in January, and it was disappointing. Normally, we would ride TT multiple times, but this trip we could barely get through it once. After waiting in like for 100 minutes, we finally got to the create your car section. Multiple families, and myself, had absolutely no idea what we were doing, and the CM's were just standing in the back talking to each other. You could tell how confused everyone was, and I just quickly made a car and moved on. After riding the ride, I realized that I was even more confused. The atmosphere of the ride overall was weird, and I felt like it didn't fit. Nothing made sense. I didn't see the point of making a car, it just seemed like it increased the wait time. We ended up not riding it again that trip. But I'm going back in 5 days, so I will try it again, but I feel like my opinions on the ride will not change.

Test Track was our favorite ride and we had a similar experience as you :( . Unfortunately we have no burning desire to ride again. We've not gone back a second time in the several visits to Epcot since December because TT has just lost its soul. We missed the factory queue and the excitement of seeing new cars at the exit, as well as the car ride itself. It just seems now like it is a video game, then load and ride with some fancy blue lights, and browse the cheesey cars (not much of a selection when we were there) as you exit. Heck we used to spend more time looking at the new cars than we did on the ride! I think the queue could have been super if it had just had kept the same theme but modernized it to reflect what current factories are testing, and blended that with some touch screen/design a car terminals.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
This is important. The redesign of Test Track was primarily GM's idea. The crash test dummies and caution tape theme conjured images of the big bad auto behemoth, and this wasn't what they wanted to project post-bailout. Thus, the emphasis is now the "future" with eco-green-tech-this-and-that. Usually the negative Nancies around here are sticklers for theme integrity, and the redesign fits MUCH better in Future World than it ever used to.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the look of the new TT, I just feel that the exposition of the story is week. It is almost like reading about a lightsaber battle where the author says "They fight. Obi Wan wins" vs. a blow by blow run down.


Well-Known Member
My big issue is lack of a coherent story. In TT 1.0 you knew what you were doing ,why you were there etc. On 2.0 the concept of designing a car it pretty clear. On the other hand, testing it is a jumbled up mess, 95% of which could be fixed with a modified audio track.
This was pretty much my only issue as well.

You especially have no clue what is going on in the single rider line. I know I designed a car and then I got in a ride vehicle, but nowhere was it explained that you are putting your design up against the others in your vehicle.

My car didn't show up in the ride, but that's because of the car hopping dolts who switch vehicles at the last second at load.
I agree with mostly everyone on here. When I heard about the refurbishment of 1.0 I thought "oh hey WDI is actually gonna update that thing!" I was never a big TT fan but I would ride it every time I visited Epcot because, well, let's face it, Epcot doesn't have much when it comes to thrills besides M:S. It was fun and I liked the theme of going through the process of testing a car. Then I saw the concept art of what 2.0 was gonna look like and I thought it looked too Tron-themed without actually being Tron-themed. I didn't understand the new look but I was willing to give it a shot. Then I heard about the design your own car addition and I wasn't crazy about it. I know Disney is big on storytelling for their attractions but it's a thrill ride in which most people want to ride it more than once in a day. This addition just seems to force people to add more time and effort at one attraction and I think it will turn people off who just want to ride the thing. I'm going next week with some friends who don't know anything about the refurb so I'm interested to see their opinion of it. Also I haven't actually seen the new version first hand so I'm gonna give it a try and see how the new process is.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree on this point and I honestly think that it could be drastically improved with just a script change. There is no dialog referencing what test you are doing in many of the scenes. The addition of simple things like "Vertical hill simulation engaged", "Anti-lock brake computer failure test initiated" would go a long way to making the ride make sense.

Gonna have to agree with you 100% on this one.

TT was my kids (6, 6, 12) favorite ride at Disney before. They're gonna ride it for the first time in July. I honestly don't think the younger ones will have any idea of what is going on. Hell, I could barely figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Test Track was our favorite ride and we had a similar experience as you :( . Unfortunately we have no burning desire to ride again. We've not gone back a second time in the several visits to Epcot since December because TT has just lost its soul. We missed the factory queue and the excitement of seeing new cars at the exit, as well as the car ride itself. It just seems now like it is a video game, then load and ride with some fancy blue lights, and browse the cheesey cars (not much of a selection when we were there) as you exit. Heck we used to spend more time looking at the new cars than we did on the ride! I think the queue could have been super if it had just had kept the same theme but modernized it to reflect what current factories are testing, and blended that with some touch screen/design a car terminals.
This is EXACTLY how I feel about it.

Test Track used to be my favorite ride, but I was really sad when I found out about the refurbishment. It does fit in with Future World nicely, but I wish they could've done this theme to another ride.


Well-Known Member
I think TDO, WDI or whoever should try to make the budget for these newer rides more about the ride itself and not so much of what happens in the queue...I want to experience a great ride, not coming back to WDW for the queues...


Well-Known Member
Not to veer OT, but honestly, ever since the original Test Track, Disney mas missed the mark BIG TIME at Epcot:

Seas with Nemo and Friends
Soarin - Great ride, but the film is just a mess.
Gran Fiesta Tour is far inferior to El Rio De Tiempo.
Mission:Space fails to fill in for Horizons.
Spaceship Earth narration went down, and we all know the end of the ride is a bust.
Imagination is an inferior clone of what it once was.


Well-Known Member
I think TDO, WDI or whoever should try to make the budget for these newer rides more about the ride itself and not so much of what happens in the queue...I want to experience a great ride, not coming back to WDW for the queues...

Some they do OK, but I agree - I wish you could just bypass the queue. Once you've seen certain pre-shows a few times (RNRCoaster), you really don't need to see them again. Universal isn't much better. They're queues pre-shows are painfully long.


Well-Known Member
This is important. The redesign of Test Track was primarily GM's idea. The crash test dummies and caution tape theme conjured images of the big bad auto behemoth, and this wasn't what they wanted to project post-bailout. Thus, the emphasis is now the "future" with eco-green-tech-this-and-that. Usually the negative Nancies around here are sticklers for theme integrity, and the redesign fits MUCH better in Future World than it ever used to.

Don't forget OnStar promotion.


Well-Known Member
The script/story doesn't both me as much as the cars not loading into the ride after you spend all of that time working on it and how out of place the outside portion feels now. I REALLY wish they would've enclosed it.

enclosing that portion would be an engineering nightmare.. Does it make you feel better or worse that they considered eliminating the loop altogether?

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