New Test Track open for 6 months and still not working anywhere near 100%


Well-Known Member
I would have been one of them, but i did not complain at GR or send a note.
It was more a mental observation when i rode the first two times after it opened in the Single Rider line.

The expedited version of the design process made it feel like i was missing something the other Guests in the Standby were better able to experience.
Looking down through the glass from the SR line, into that cool design room..seeing them use those cooler looking screens with better theming all around made it feel like i was being shortchanged.

I feel guests wanting the experience the whole attraction should have to wait in the standby line.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you never saw the original Imagination with the Dreamfinder and Figment. At least Test Track ride remained the same even if you didn't have a story line. It's still basically a car, doing maneuvers over a track, making a fast loop around outside and you get off. Same as before. All the rest was just to give you something to do while you waited for the fast part.
Blech. I feel so sad when thinking about the original Journey and then think of what it is now. I think Id like put Iger and all TDO on it and force them to ride it all day long. Then we'd see how they like it. Anywho...

I don't mind the remake of TT. I think it does fit the theme of Future World better like @Tim_4 said. But it does have its problems. I use single rider for it (not a wait in line more than I have to person, hehe), and even the pre-made cars you select for that didnt show up during the actual ride. But at the same time, I don't think my car not showing up lessened my enjoyment of the attraction. I do wish it had music during the outside sequence though.


Well-Known Member
Blech. I feel so sad when thinking about the original Journey and then think of what it is now. I think Id like put Iger and all TDO on it and force them to ride it all day long. Then we'd see how they liked it. Anywho...

The trouble is all that happened before Iger and crew. As I understand it, Kodak sponsored Journey and they had in the contract that it would be redone at a certain time in the contract. Why...I have no idea. Apparently, at the time, Kodak thought they knew how to run a theme park. Turns out they couldn't even run a photographic company.

That said, there is no earthly reason why Disney couldn't do something with it now to make it better. It's not like anyone goes to it anymore anyway. They could close it for months, redo it, and then open it up again and everyone will be surprised it was even closed. The whole pavilion is like that, sadly! The building is huge and designed to be relevant from the outside for many more years, but either the Imagineers can't come up with a concept to go in there or if they can, they can't get the money holders to spend anything on it. Epcot is no longer anything close to it's former glory, it's OK, but just OK. It used to be spectacular. :(


Well-Known Member
Rode the new TT for the first time last week. Single rider line was 10 minutes and I couldn't pass it up. Got to the part where you build your own car and one station was frozen and the other open ones had black screens. I decided to forego that part and just continue on in the queue. As for the actual ride, I liked it. But the build your own is a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
Test Track was a bad attraction. It is now slightly less bad. I plan on riding it again in 2025 or when they gut for something new, whichever comes first.


Well-Known Member
This gimmick of Designing your own car is something cool to do but after hundreds of times riding it that part starts to get boring in a way... I think that overtime frequent park people will lose interest in that part of ride and will want to just bypass that all together. The que line layout is a train wreck period what puzzled me is why would they excluded fastpass people from getting the car design whole experience... Yeah you can do a full design in the after show but still. The attraction itself I felt was made more smoother from the road blocks, etc... and to mentioned the former weather rooms are just neon lighting show off... At first when I rode the new version it really amazed me but the wow factor dies off after a while.


Well-Known Member
My boys were looking forward to designing your own car. I was looking forward to riding the new TT, as I am a fan. If it's under a short refurb when we're there in June, I'll scream!:mad: I know then my hubby will never go to Disney again, as that is his fave ride and we missed it Sept 2012.:(:eek:

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
Wow. I haven't been on the new TT yet but this is disheartening, especially since the original TT left a lot to be desired on its own.

Two questions: When will "new and improved" rehabs actally be *better* than the pre-rehab versions, especially at Epcot (cough, Imagination, cough)?

And why do these rehabs as of late seem to mess up queue flow (cough, Space Mountain, cough)?

Really, WDW, your company's been in the theme park business for how many decades now? Is this really the best you can do?!



Well-Known Member
I will only say this. Don't judge the attraction until you actually experience it. Just because some feel it's worse and don't like it doesn't mean you won't. Aesthetically I find it much more enjoyable than the original but that is my opinion.

Virtual Toad

Well-Known Member
This is important. The redesign of Test Track was primarily GM's idea. The crash test dummies and caution tape theme conjured images of the big bad auto behemoth, and this wasn't what they wanted to project post-bailout. Thus, the emphasis is now the "future" with eco-green-tech-this-and-that. Usually the negative Nancies around here are sticklers for theme integrity, and the redesign fits MUCH better in Future World than it ever used to.

Woah, sure, theme integrity is important, but if the $&^*# attraction doesn't work, what's the point?

Unless the theme is Epcot: Every Pavilion Closed Or Trashed.

In that case, the new TT would seem to fit the theme perfectly.

Conjuring up a cohesive theme then failing to ensure the attraction even operates correctly is a massive FAIL on all levels, especially from a company that used to pride itself on EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS.


It killed us listening to a 3 minute audio loop it the standby line for 2 hours when we got in line it said 40 minutes. Then we did design the car and nothing worked. Who was complaining in the fast pass line anyway ,they couldnt design the car. Then go wait 2-3 hours so you can and shut up. You just waited 15 minutes to ride the ride. I hate the new version makes no sense at all, thanks Chevy. Do they at least have a new corvette at the end?


Well-Known Member
It killed us listening to a 3 minute audio loop it the standby line for 2 hours when we got in line it said 40 minutes. Then we did design the car and nothing worked. Who was complaining in the fast pass line anyway ,they couldnt design the car. Then go wait 2-3 hours so you can and shut up. You just waited 15 minutes to ride the ride. I hate the new version makes no sense at all, thanks Chevy. Do they at least have a new corvette at the end?
Three words: Single. Rider. Line.

Seriously, it's a huuuuuuuuuuge time saver. And once you are on an attraction, you are paying more attention to the attraction than to others in your party anyways. Never understand why more people don't take advantage of it... Though I guess I don't want them to because then I would have to wait longer. But I like most people on here so I share my tips ;) Unless you have small children who can't be seperate from you (which I understand then if cant), single rider is a wonderful way to go. Would you rather wait two hours or even just fourty minutes or four minutes?

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I will say that thanks to not having to go through a briefing room, the single rider line at Test Track is MUCH faster now. Almost as fast as Everest's.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
enclosing that portion would be an engineering nightmare.. Does it make you feel better or worse that they considered eliminating the loop altogether?
The Seven Dwarves mine swinging carts are a engineering nightmare too, but they're doing that. And honestly, the outdoor portion doesn't make the ride for me. At All. It would actually make the building look a lot better aesthetically again, too.


Premium Member
I never liked the original Test Track, way too noisy, barren and felt too old. The new one I enjoyed but most things were working.

I noticed that they were going to have issues though if they didn't get some streamlining (no pun intended) done to the create your vehicle area. I'm a computer geek and have owned tablets and smartphones etc, yet I didn't realize the first time that there was a different choice for front and back wheels, for example.

They need to narrow down the design options and make it a faster setup, OR they need to give the guests as much time as they want, IF they decide to do the design portion, and the other guests can get a more generic car.


Well-Known Member
I never liked the original Test Track, way too noisy, barren and felt too old. The new one I enjoyed but most things were working.

I noticed that they were going to have issues though if they didn't get some streamlining (no pun intended) done to the create your vehicle area. I'm a computer geek and have owned tablets and smartphones etc, yet I didn't realize the first time that there was a different choice for front and back wheels, for example.

They need to narrow down the design options and make it a faster setup, OR they need to give the guests as much time as they want, IF they decide to do the design portion, and the other guests can get a more generic car.
Agree 100%. The "design" process needs some logistical improvements, and I believe they're aware of it. The first time I rode the redesigned Test Track, the CMs sent us right through the design room. They said it was due to "technical difficulties" but my strong hunch is that they just wanted to get us through the line since the park was closing and they didn't want to deal with the hassle.


Well-Known Member
I personally dislike the new Test Track. I feel as if there is no point to the ride now. I remember Test Track as you the rider being a crash test dummy, going through all the test a car does. Now instead of actually getting the “test track” point of view you sit watching lights pass by. The ride just doesn’t scream Test Track anymore.

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