Resident Curmudgeon
That's what is so funny about the macho perception of those who are so fearful, timid, and scared that they feel the need to pack heat to go to a theme park. Like the guys that strap on an AK to go to Starbucks, who think they are asserting their masculinity and appear imposing, but actually are just letting everyone know what a fraidy-cat wuss they are that they can't face daily life without "protection".
Up here one carries a gun while walking in the woods because humans are not the top of the food chain here, The brown bears and mountain lions are predators. The black bears just want to avoid you and continue eating berries, plants and honey. The brown bears and the mountain lions will stalk you.
The odd illegal drug patch is also a reason to carry a weapon in the woods. Has ZERO to do with being macho but every year hikers from the flatlands are injured or killed in the woods by one of these 3 causes. Americans don't seem to realize that tooth and claw rules nature.