New Rumor Says Further Demolitions Cancelled & Clubs Could Reopen!


Well-Known Member
My suspicion is that JT has religious or personal reasons for disliking alcohol in general and is channeling that personal conviction as a vendetta against clubs at WDW.

Well then we better shut down World Showcase and all of the restaurants as well because they are driving away business by serving alcohol! :brick:

You're forgetting that Jt is a 14-yr old boy.

Is this true? I had no idea about that. Wow...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Well then we better shut down World Showcase and all of the restaurants as well because they are driving away business by serving alcohol! :brick:

Is this true? I had no idea about that. Wow...

Neither of those were true. Jt has stated that an inordinate number of drunk-driving incidents occurred around DtD, which supposedly contributed to the reductions on PI. Although, digging through the Orlando Sentinel archives there was nothing to be found (going back to 1985).

And no, he is not a 14-year-old boy......


Why, if it was a profit-generating venue; if it was so popular with so many people; if it was the crown-jewel of Pleasure Island did TDO or TWDC ever shut it down?
In a very simplified nutshell...
Disney decided that they no longer wanted to run the clubs on PI, including the AC. They figured they could make more money by letting third-parties take over the area and pay very high rent.
Despite the popularity of the AC with Disney fans and regular guests, it fell victim to this profit-first mindset. They cut off their nose to spite their face, so to speak.

Worst closing since Toad? Hardly.
Closing the AC was the worst closing EVER on any Disney property.


And no, he is not a 14-year-old boy......
No, of course not.

In fact, I believe (based on a description by '74) we have unearthed a photo of him...


Well-Known Member
Why, if it was a profit-generating venue; if it was so popular with so many people; if it was the crown-jewel of Pleasure Island did TDO or TWDC ever shut it down? Was it because it was part of PI, which was only open for evening hours, and therefore not bringing in enough revenue? Was it due to its proximity to the other clubs, which were luring, shall we say, delinquents, who were causing headaches for the familial atmosphere everyone expected?

People hail praise upon the AC like it was the greatest idea since Disneyland and the worst closing since Mr. Toad's. So what happened? Why? In Laymen's terms. Honestly and sincerely. :shrug:

I think you've hit on it. From what I've heard, the clubs were profitable.

In the end, there were many reasons why the PI area had to be converted to something else:

> it's location in the middle of DTD stopped flow from the Marketplace to the West Side
> while the clubs may have been successful, nothing else in the area was. The retail spaces in PI were unrentable
> the costs and headaches of Disney operating the clubs. If third parties could come in and rent the space, it would certainly be more profitable without the headaches
> the undesirable crowd was probably it's ultimate downfall. Eventually, it would've given all of DTD a bad reputation and eroded the business of the other areas that were incredibly successful.

I remember shortly before PI closed, a number of University of Florida or Florida State players were arrested at PI. I don't know if this was a factor, but Disney had to have hated the negative publicity.

While the AC was popular before, it's legendary now. I don't think they thought the AC closing would be as big of a deal as it has become. If they were to reopen it now as a restaurant by day/club by night, it would probably be the most popular spot in DTD and probably a huge draw for WDW. If Rainforest and T-rex are as popular as they are, the AC could blow them away with the right redevelopment. It's mind-boggling to me to think how stubborn they must be to have not re-opened that club by now (even if it were as a partnership with another company.


Well-Known Member
While the AC was popular before, it's legendary now. I don't think they thought the AC closing would be as big of a deal as it has become. If they were to reopen it now as a restaurant by day/club by night, it would probably be the most popular spot in DTD and probably a huge draw for WDW. If Rainforest and T-rex are as popular as they are, the AC could blow them away with the right redevelopment. It's mind-boggling to me to think how stubborn they must be to have not re-opened that club by now (even if it were as a partnership with another company.

That is the truth! I never had heard of the AC when it was open (yeah I was living under a rock apparently lol) so I never ever stepped into it... but after all the posts on the forums over the past few years I have developed a strong desire to see it if it were to reopen!


Well-Known Member
While the AC was popular before, it's legendary now. I don't think they thought the AC closing would be as big of a deal as it has become.

So, question about this. Honestly. I know there are multiple threads about the AC here and on other fansites. I visited there twice and enjoyed it both times. BUT, I am wondering about overall, global popularity.

I know lots of people and families that have been to WDW multiple times, over many years, and they had/have no idea it even existed.

My point--it could be that the fanbase for the AC is passionate, and all, but just too small to keep it open. Sad, yes, but what if that's true?

There's probably no way to know. But if it were a huge revenue generator, like Rainforest, T. rex, or the Lego store in the marketplace, wouldn't you think it would still be open?

Just askin'. Not hatin'.

Thrill Seeker

Well-Known Member
If this is true, the #1 request I have is thus: ditch the Hyperion Warf name. It's a stupid name that doesn't have a good ring to it. If clubs will be returning to PI, then it should remain as PI. Pleasure Island is classic, always has been. Restoring the original name would make sense.


Well-Known Member
I think you've hit on it. From what I've heard, the clubs were profitable.

All but Comedy Warehouse and BET.

I remember shortly before PI closed, a number of University of Florida or Florida State players were arrested at PI. I don't know if this was a factor, but Disney had to have hated the negative publicity.

It was actually high school kids who had been accepted to FSU...and they were taken into custody (not sure it was a formal arrest) over by the AMC, on the West Side. No charges were ever pressed, it turned out one was the son of a WDW Vice President.

Other than a couple drunk College Program kids getting into fights in Motion, I never saw the "rough crowd" that seems to have become an online meme. A fellow poster who works in the industry insists this is why BET Soundstage was the death knell for PI--tourists from the northeast corridor suburbs saw that name and instantly formed an opinion on what the crowd at PI must be. Not suggesting this about you, Ignohippo, I know you're just relating a story you've heard--but I do think that was part of the false reputation you allude to being created in people's heads. It's a shame, but it's also how things work in the real world. Really, the idea that gang members had nowhere better to hang in greater Orlando than a comedy improv club and an 80s bar at Disney World was laughable.

While the AC was popular before, it's legendary now. I don't think they thought the AC closing would be as big of a deal as it has become.

Alright heresy time. Let me preface by saying, I am the biggest AdvClub fan you will ever meet.

The place was never THAT popular. Maybe 400 people passed through on a great night, and at least a third of those were "regulars" (although, in fairness, regulars came from all over the U.S.). There were nights guests barely outnumbered cast. Yes, the Club was profitable if you factor in admission charges and the Jungle Juice bar outside, but it was never a money-making machine like 8-Traxx or Mannequins.

And it was a love/hate place. Probably half the people who walked in walked out never wanting to go back. But that other stayed with them. As I said, people would plan cross-country vacations just to visit the Club, then kill time during the day in the parks. People remembered the Club because it was so unique. And those who liked it absolutely LOVED it. The announcement of the closing was a shock, and that's really when the insane crowds started materializing. For people who hadn't been there in a year, that probably contributed to their impressions of it.


New Member
Absolutely loved AC. Went a few times when grandparents were with us to watch the kids.

That was part of the problem it think. Not all families bring babysitters!

Also, the last time or two we were there, the place was NOT crowded by any means. We were able to just sit in the Library for show after show. The first time we went, the crowd was much bigger.

I just think TDO realized that renting restuaurants is much better busines model. The lines at Rainforest (a joke of a restuaurant if you ask me) and the others are crazy.

BTW, if you never saw the inside of AC, watch an episode of Hulk Hogans "Thunder in Paradise". It was used often as the bad guys hideout! God I loved that show!

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
It all came down to money. Disney estimated that it could make a LOT more money renting out the spaces on PI rather than running the clubs. There's nothing wrong with that; a stockholder-owned business has a duty to maximize profits.

Of course, their estimation turned out to be wrong. The tanking economy was part of it but I think they were just wrong thinking that there was that many companies wanting to open up restaurants and stores in an area already saturated with both.

The backlash of the decision was also underestimated.


Well-Known Member
Wow, harsh but hilarious.

Anyways everyone knows Disney will never reopen clubs because of the all of the massive drunk driving accidents that happened on a nightly basis. Oh wait JT made that whole conspiracy up a while back.

I'm willing to bet it had more to do with the massive amount of under-21 CP's that would call in hungover on Friday mornings after a night of binge drinking at PI. It was around that time that Disney switched to the 21 and over only rule and lost a good chunk of their business. Although I guess the threat of losing their liquor license was up there as well.



Disney had one main reason for closing PI. It came down to money. To get to each side of downtown you had to get through PI and most could not do this. So one side of downtown was busy and the other was not. The roadblock was in the middle and needed to be open. The ideas was to open up to traffic and rent out space and Disney thought everyone would run to them to place a business there and they did not. Economy tanked? No risk takers? Not enough profit? Please remember for each person who hates something, someone out there loves it. I have been to the ac club a few times and it was ok. I would not schedule my trip around this. I would rather walk downtown look at things eat somewhere and end my trip at the candy store.
Disney I know you read the boards! Just keep going with your projects at downtown. Open the remaining clubs up with your new ideas. Bring life to all three sides of downtown. Give us a reason to look at things like we do in your parks, golf areas, and hotels. Let the brains drive the ideas to create. That is what you do best. Create a space for us to go wow and want to come back. You do it with your parks, now turn this into a park!

Did Knee

Active Member
All but Comedy Warehouse and BET.
I never went into either, but in the case of the Comedy Warehouse I find it surprising. The reason my DW and I never went was the huge lines that were outside every time we thought about going in. Can you say anything about your source regarding club revenues?


Premium Member
If this is true, the #1 request I have is thus: ditch the Hyperion Warf name. It's a stupid name that doesn't have a good ring to it. If clubs will be returning to PI, then it should remain as PI. Pleasure Island is classic, always has been. Restoring the original name would make sense.

The Pleasure Island name is already being phased out - starting with the rename of the AMC this month.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind the comedy club reopening. I loved it. A refurbishment that would make it a dinner and show would do wonders.

The Adventures Club could easily become a store focusing on Adventure and the Soundstage could easily become a restaurant, without demolishing the buildings.

Another neat route to go would be to do something similar to what Disney's doing to The Disneyland Hotel. They already have a building themed to adventure, so one theme to fantasy, frontier, and tomorrow would be really neat. It would require only minor tweaking to everything else.


Active Member
The Pleasure Island name is already being phased out - starting with the rename of the AMC this month.

The AMC name change has nothing to do with the phasing out of the PI Name and shouldn't be considered any sign of that. Remember, when AMC was first opened, it was part of PI geographically speaking. When the West Side came along, AMC was technically no longer part of PI, but rather the West Side. It was only a matter of time before the name was changed (albeit ten years later). With the advent of the "dine in theater" and remodeling, I'm sure AMC felt it was time to finally correct the name in the process.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
The Pleasure Island name is already being phased out - starting with the rename of the AMC this month.

Well I do think the AMC name change is related to the plan to change the name of Pleasure Island to Hyperion Wharf. AMC was the first to act on the impending change as part of their construction project. But that does not mean PI's name is actually going to end up changing. It makes little sense to change PI's name, something that will cost millions of dollars alone, when nothing else at PI has actually changed.


Well-Known Member
If this is true, the #1 request I have is thus: ditch the Hyperion Warf name. It's a stupid name that doesn't have a good ring to it. If clubs will be returning to PI, then it should remain as PI. Pleasure Island is classic, always has been. Restoring the original name would make sense.

Wait... "Pleasure Island" is a better name then "Hyperion Warf?" You can't be serious. I'm not for changing things just to change them, but "Pleasure Island" is hardly classic or meaningful.

I frequented PI several times a year between 1998-2003. I loved it, but the actual silly name holds no nostalgic reverence.

The name change shouldn't be the issue. The closure of a perfectly good entertainment district for all these phantom reasons is what I take issue with.

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