New Rumor Says Further Demolitions Cancelled & Clubs Could Reopen!


Well-Known Member
I haven't and I have spent many evenings there. I'm not doubting it happens but I know that the WS bartenders are under the same laws as anybody. What I have seen is people buy bottles of alcohol in the stores and then drink that. But I also observed they are careful not to be seen doing this. So that tells me they know being in a stupor will get you removed. I just can't believe Disney lets people stumble around potentially hurting a child and as I said I have never witnessed such an incident.

Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I am not aware of any law in Florida that you are talking about. You can be named in a lawsuit if there is an accident - so there is a liability issue - but I am not aware of a written law about how much a bartender can serve you. As far as I know, it is at the discretion of the establishment serving it.

As far as you never seeing it at Epcot - well, I don't know what to tell ya. I am there almost every weekend, and its not necessarily a "problem", but saying everyone is sober in World Showcase is simply not true.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
As I said before, just because a couple of clubs may be coming certainly doesn't mean HW isn't happening. It does say though, that their original plan is not coming along as planned. From a theming and architectural standpoint, I expect the concept to be moving along as planned (however slowly that may be).

It's for the better. A mix of retail, restaurants and clubs would be exactly what the area should be.

And if it does come to fruition, I will be pleased (for the most part). But the utter Charlie-Foxtrot that this show has become is leaving me less than sanguine over the eventual endgame....


I am in DtD weekly... No part of the development is a 'ghost town'.. Anyone saying differently is a PI Club fanboi trying to spew doom and gloom...

I understand there aren't giant cranes swinging all over PI right now... but, considering HW represents a complete change of landscape and building infrastructure.. Isn't it possible, or likely, that they need to clear a decent amount of space before starting 'new' construction?

I know, seed and mulch... Well, it's more attractive to me then an abandoned night club.....

Those clubs were great and unique, not arguing with that point.. it's a shame that they no longer had a place in WDW (even if that too is a skewed viewpoint).... But progress is progress i suppose..


New Member
In each of my trips to Florida for the past 6 years I have visited DTD. I think I may be closer to the average Disney guest in saying that I never ventured once out of the Marketplace. There was no reason to.

In my thinking there wasn't anything to see that I couldn't see at home for the most part. Do I wish I had seen the AC? Yes, but I didn't even know it existed until a month or so before it was announced it was closing.

If they want to attract people, no matter if that's families, adults, teens, young aldults, whatever; they need to have a WOW attraction. Not hot air baloons or water shows or over-priced shops or over-priced restaurants.

Putting clubs back into DTD won't drive people away but it won't pack them in either.


In each of my trips to Florida for the past 6 years I have visited DTD. I think I may be closer to the average Disney guest in saying that I never ventured once out of the Marketplace. There was no reason to.

In my thinking there wasn't anything to see that I couldn't see at home for the most part. Do I wish I had seen the AC? Yes, but I didn't even know it existed until a month or so before it was announced it was closing.

If they want to attract people, no matter if that's families, adults, teens, young aldults, whatever; they need to have a WOW attraction. Not hot air baloons or water shows or over-priced shops or over-priced restaurants.

Putting clubs back into DTD won't drive people away but it won't pack them in either.

Exactly.. I'm not saying HW is the second coming, but the clubs weren't working (anymore) either.. Someone needs to have a dream that fills the space with something irresistable..

Flight Safety

Active Member
I am in DtD weekly... No part of the development is a 'ghost town'.. Anyone saying differently is a PI Club fanboi trying to spew doom and gloom...

I highly doubt there will be any resurrection of a night club on WDW property, Im certainly not arguing that. But what I will say is that PI was the victim of way too many over skewed negative rumors coming from people who had never even been there. You can believe whatever you read on an internet forum and twist the story and re post, or you can speak from actual experience. Call me a "PI Fan boy" or whatever simply because im happy there may be a tiny glimmer of hope, but I grew up there. With my family. Through the years growing up I have countless memories created every weekend or so from XZFR and The Neon Armadillo, etc. At least 2 times a month, I would be in a PI night club even as a small child. I spent every Birthday of my life on property mostly @ The Fireworks Factory, and since 18 in PI @ Beach Club. And man I loved celebrating New Years every night! So needless to say I was heartbroken when I heard the news of TDO deciding to close PI. Aside from a CM, and compared to the average frequent WDW visitor, I have lots of PI experience and can honestly say that I NEVER witnessed ANY events that I would deem necessary to close PI or start an onslaught of truth-less rumors.

With that said PI is and was a part of my life. I genuinely cherish every memory. So I dont like hearing things like "PI Fanboi" and maybe taking it the wrong way, but do take offense. I do hope that whatever TDO decides to do with PI, they will do it well. I dont know about you, but even after countless years, TDO very rarely disappoints me.


Active Member
If they want to attract people, no matter if that's families, adults, teens, young aldults, whatever; they need to have a WOW attraction. Not hot air baloons or water shows or over-priced shops or over-priced restaurants.

You mean like live bands outside on a stage? Hell, maybe they should have a New Year's Eve celebration every night right there in the middle of the island.


Active Member
Guess I will ask this.

What if they made AC into a dinner/show - club?

Are Arabian Nights, Pirates dinner show, Medieval Times, Sleuths Mystery dinner show and any others I did not mention doing well?

Would this be a compromise that you could accept for AC?

They could have a show similar to but bigger than the old show. They could have the bar area and serve food as well. If it is this or no AC at all would you accept it?

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Third-party versions of Motion and 8-Traxx (what I imagine we'd end up with) are better than empty buildings, and I do miss the revolving dance floor, but still nowhere near what PI once was.

Don't know if this rumor is true or not but if it is, having 2 or 3 comedy clubs and night clubs reopened would liven up the place year-round. As you mentioned in a different thread, DTD except Marketplace can be pretty dead except those few really busy holiday weeks. People just pass right through what is Pleasure Island because there isnt much to stop them.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
What if they made AC into a dinner/show - club? Are Arabian Nights, Pirates dinner show, Medieval Times, Sleuths Mystery dinner show and any others I did not mention doing well?

The fact all those names you just mentioned are still in business after all these years is an indication that they are making at least some profits.

If AC could somehow reopen operated by a 3rd party, I think they would have to operate it as some sort of dinner show. The costs of actors has to be paid from some sort of income stream and drink sales would not be enough and I'm not so sure admission charges could cover it.


Well-Known Member
Guess I will ask this.

What if they made AC into a dinner/show - club?

Are Arabian Nights, Pirates dinner show, Medieval Times, Sleuths Mystery dinner show and any others I did not mention doing well?

Would this be a compromise that you could accept for AC?

They could have a show similar to but bigger than the old show. They could have the bar area and serve food as well. If it is this or no AC at all would you accept it?

First, I have to say that I am a HUGE fan of this idea. In fact, I think Disney could use another dinner show - BUT I think they would be afraid to open one. There would always be the concern that it would take people away from Spirit of Aloha and Hoop De Doo. And those have pretty much become heritage shows at WDW.

Not to mention, didn't they pretty much already gut AC?


Well-Known Member
I know there are a few DTD and Hyperion Wharf threads out there, but I thought this rumor was BIG enough to deserve it's own thread.

According to Save Pleasure Island, the remaining clubs on Pleasure Island MAY be re-opened by third parties.

Here's a link:

"I want to make clear that the following information was provided to us by one of our sources but I've not been able to get any kind of secondary verification. The source is reporting that allegedly all further demolitions on Pleasure Island have been stopped. The real bombshell information though, if true, is that some or all of the clubs will be made available for 3rd party leases, as is, for any use including being refurbished and reopened as clubs!

The information given to us is that Disney would not reopen the clubs, they would have to be 3rd party leases. We're told that the clubs could not be the same as what was there previously but they could be "similar". Not entirely sure what that means but my guess is that Mannequins, for example, could not reopen as Mannequins but it could reopen as a dance club with a different theme with a revolving dance floor (which we're told is still in there). Ditto the other clubs; they could be leased and reopened in a similar to what they used to be yet different manner.

If this rumor is true, this is the best possible news short of Disney just reopening the places themselves! Nightlife would return to Walt Disney World and Pleasure Island would no longer be a ghost town. Other shops and restaurants would want to be part of that action! I want to emphasize again that this is just a rumor from one source and I have no verification of its accuracy. It should not be relied-upon by anyone for any decision-making.

Does this mean that the Hyperion Wharf project has been postponed or perhaps even canceled? I don't know. Now that Spring Break and Easter crowds have gone we'll know soon whether demolition walls go up around BET and AC per the prior rumors as well as the blueprints we posted here on the Blog. We'll soon see if work on the amphitheater begins anew. But wouldn't this be awesome if it's true! "

Que the insanity.


Well-Known Member
I could post a rumor that there is going to be a smurfs attraction constructed in DHS, that doesn't mean any of it is based in fact..

Doesn't mean that it isn't, either.

Fine, your reply was on the fringe side of attack (telling someone to 'get a clue' is rude... no matter how it's framed)

Rude and 'attacking' are not the same.

on the other side of this whole thread though.. is there ANYTHING to suggest that hyperion wharf ISN'T moving forward as planned?

The rumor says no further demo. We won't know until either
a) there is further demo
b) Disney announces some sort of change.


Well-Known Member
this is simply not true.

You talk of people twisting the truth.. No part of dtd is ever 'dead'


And your statement isn't true either. DTD as a whole is dead in the mornings. And the PI and West Side don't start getting busy until well after Marketplace does.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Except for those limited number of holiday weeks plus the summer months, Pleasure Island is quite often VERY dead at night. People pass through it but few stop. Some do stop for 5 minutes to view those singers and then keep on walking.


Think for yourselfer
I am in DtD weekly... No part of the development is a 'ghost town'.. Anyone saying differently is a PI Club fanboi trying to spew doom and gloom...

I understand there aren't giant cranes swinging all over PI right now... but, considering HW represents a complete change of landscape and building infrastructure.. Isn't it possible, or likely, that they need to clear a decent amount of space before starting 'new' construction?

I know, seed and mulch... Well, it's more attractive to me then an abandoned night club.....

Those clubs were great and unique, not arguing with that point.. it's a shame that they no longer had a place in WDW (even if that too is a skewed viewpoint).... But progress is progress i suppose..

Of course they need to clear space before starting new construction. Hmmm, but they stopped clearing space, we have permits showing us that nothing new is coming, and there are rumors that HW as a whole has been shelved. Get your head out of the sand. TDO has made another major misstep with pleasure island.

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