Well-Known Member
It’s “wasted space” because you personally didn’t like it? From the little bit we were told, it definitely sounded like something my kids would’ve enjoyed. It could have served as a nice place for little kids to run around and play while their older siblings rode GotG, MS, or TT. And if it didn’t appeal to you (you likely weren’t the target audience), it at least could have occupied some other people who would have otherwise been standing in front of you in line for something else, so you still would have won.
I agree that it wasn’t going to be some groundbreaking E-ticket, but it certainly would not have been worse than nothing. And that’s the only thing we should be comparing it to. They didn’t rip out WoL to make room for this. That building has sat basically unused for 17 years now! There hasn’t even been much in the ways of rumors of new projects close to being green lit beyond this. Realistically, the options were PLAY! or nothing and it seems we’ll be saddled with the latter for the foreseeable future.
Not because I personally didn't like it -- because it sounded like something that was going to get very little use. That's a waste of space of an entire pavilion. As I said, it was probably going to be outdated very soon after opening, if not at opening.
I don't personally like TRON, but that doesn't make it a waste of space because it actually does get significant use and will continue to for the foreseeable future.
The "worse than nothing" thing completely misses the point. The issue isn't the Play! Pavilion versus nothing; it's the Play! Pavilion versus an actual adequate use of the space. As I said above, if it was truly about just building something for people to do no matter how good it is or how it affects the park's future, Disney should just be tossing in carnival rides. Kids would happily go ride those as well.
I'm repeating myself yet again, but a Play! Pavilion that would be open now and then shut down for replacement/reworking in a few years would be fine. A Play! Pavilion that's outdated near opening and would exist as-is for 15+ years is not remotely a good use of space or development funds, and with Disney's track record that's almost certainly what would happen. It would be another Imagination sitting there.
The only bad thing, which I have acknowledged, is that there's absolutely a decent chance that Disney now just leaves it vacant for another decade. If that is what happens, then yes, the Play! Pavilion would be better.