New Park Rumored in Missouri!

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Sorry I bothered everyone

I just posted the information so people would know there were folks here looking to purchase land for a park. Their words, not mine. I didn't intend to start a ruckuss--- sorry I bothered anyone with "unsubstantiated rumors."

Did anyone bother to read the newspaper article from the link I added to the post? I didn't make anything up I said, it came straight from the paper. I even "copy & pasted" it! Joplin business folk and local politicals are skeptical too, but the people that were here asking for the rights to build a park were not made up nor imagined.

I would remind you that Branson used to be a hick-town too-- now many major "Nashville" types live there and operate recording studios, etc. It's become a multi-billion dollar economy in less than a decade.

Please read the article if you are interested in a legit report. If not, send more snot-grams. I have broad shoulders...


New Member
I just posted the information so people would know there were folks here looking to purchase land for a park. Their words, not mine. I didn't intend to start a ruckuss--- sorry I bothered anyone with "unsubstantiated rumors."

Did anyone bother to read the newspaper article from the link I added to the post? I didn't make anything up I said, it came straight from the paper. I even "copy & pasted" it! Joplin business folk and local politicals are skeptical too, but the people that were here asking for the rights to build a park were not made up nor imagined.

I would remind you that Branson used to be a hick-town too-- now many major "Nashville" types live there and operate recording studios, etc. It's become a multi-billion dollar economy in less than a deacde.

Please read the article if you are interested in a legit report. If not, send more snot-grams. I have broad shoulders...

Golly gee, good buddy. I figure them 'ol boys at that Disney place would never think about constructen one of them there parks in our back yard. In from what I've read here, we all just to dumb to think of this here happenen. Cuase these reasons come directly from boys who sit around that big, long, fancy boardroom table way up there in one of them tall skyscraper like buildens.
On the other hand. All these same, exact reasons could apply before they built parks in Orlando, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong. I don't see climate as a factor. The last three locations have the same or a more northern lattitude than Joplin, with hurricanes, typoons, tornados and snow.
Joplin is already a tourist destination. And while it does have a wholesome, country, western theme to the attractions, I don't think that would stop Disney in it's decision.
What I see putting these rumors to rest is the concern over money. And to a lesser extent, the market share. (although, aren't they considering a new park for mainland China?) So I won't hold my breath for anything to happen anytime within the next 6 or 8 years. Though I do think it would be great for this country to see another one.
Like I posted before, 15 or 20 years ago, Disney thought about a park in middle America. Why they stopped I don't know. And I'm not even sure if they sold the land years after they started buying it. But what I do know, it's not for the condescending, elitist reasons some of these posters have stated.


Well-Known Member
I would think TWDC would not make this move since it would take business away from the the HUGE amount of travelers from the midwest that go to WDW.


New Member
Original Poster
Golly gee, good buddy. I figure them 'ol boys at that Disney place would never think about constructen one of them there parks in our back yard. In from what I've read here, we all just to dumb to think of this here happenen. Cuase these reasons come directly from boys who sit around that big, long, fancy boardroom table way up there in one of them tall skyscraper like buildens.
On the other hand. All these same, exact reasons could apply before they built parks in Orlando, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong. I don't see climate as a factor. The last three locations have the same or a more northern lattitude than Joplin, with hurricanes, typoons, tornados and snow.
Joplin is already a tourist destination. And while it does have a wholesome, country, western theme to the attractions, I don't think that would stop Disney in it's decision.
What I see putting these rumors to rest is the concern over money. And to a lesser extent, the market share. (although, aren't they considering a new park for mainland China?) So I won't hold my breath for anything to happen anytime within the next 6 or 8 years. Though I do think it would be great for this country to see another one.
Like I posted before, 15 or 20 years ago, Disney thought about a park in middle America. Why they stopped I don't know. And I'm not even sure if they sold the land years after they started buying it. But what I do know, it's not for the condescending, elitist reasons some of these posters have stated.



New Member
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I would think TWDC would not make this move since it would take business away from the the HUGE amount of travelers from the midwest that go to WDW.

Don't see it that way--- there are just as many folks from the Midwest who avoid Disney in the summer because its so busy, and would go to parks closer to home in summer-- saving winter and fall for Florida.


New Member
Original Poster
Who is Fisher?

Disney deals in real estate all the time, it doesn'tmean there is a new park... Sorry if you think we are being rude, but when the rumors are false, there is no point in letting those who don't know the truth not have it (or let the real estate agents try to jack up the prices of the land).

Considering that we have had a good 15+ threads on the topic of "New Park in ______," I'd say we have the right to speak our minds, especially when the topic is so redundant...

It could be Fisher again! :eek:

How can you be so dismissive and say blatantly that the rumor is false? I don't think the rep from the Mo Sec of State's office that talked to the Joplin reporter is lying about the request. Isn't this forum here for the purpose of our sharing "what we read and hear in the public domain"? Sheesh! How can people be so brash in a forum designed just for the purpose of airing rumors?
Relax man. I don't mind anybody speaking their mind on the subject, but the tone shouldn't be so sharp--- should it? By the way-- It gets just as cold and snowy in Virginia as it does in Missouri (to answer whoever brought that point up), Walt's HOME STATE, and before the stupid lawsuits Disney actually BROKE GROUND on the "America" park if memory serves-- so it was a reality until the Daughters of the American Revolution (or whoever they were)nosed in...

by the way, Who is Fisher?


New Member
Me too! I'm wondering if the whole "Disney's America" thing isn't really dead-- the Midwest would be a great spot!
Branson attracts a ton of people, so why not try to get another destination in missouri. The Disney's America rumor has been around for awhile now. It sounds like you're stretching for something to write about, I don't think it will happen......
......writes note to check into buying land around reddings mill area....:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


New Member
Original Poster
Branson attracts a ton of people, so why not try to get another destination in missouri. The Disney's America rumor has been around for awhile now. It sounds like you're stretching for something to write about, I don't think it will happen......
......writes note to check into buying land around reddings mill area....:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Oh man..... I give......uncle...

You've murderd me "Axl"....

please just read the article.......?


Active Member
How can you be so dismissive and say blatantly that the rumor is false? I don't think the rep from the Mo Sec of State's office that talked to the Joplin reporter is lying about the request. Isn't this forum here for the purpose of our sharing "what we read and hear in the public domain"? Sheesh! How can people be so brash in a forum designed just for the purpose of airing rumors?
Relax man. I don't mind anybody speaking their mind on the subject, but the tone shouldn't be so sharp--- should it? By the way-- It gets just as cold and snowy in Virginia as it does in Missouri (to answer whoever brought that point up), Walt's HOME STATE, and before the stupid lawsuits Disney actually BROKE GROUND on the "America" park if memory serves-- so it was a reality until the Daughters of the American Revolution (or whoever they were)nosed in...

by the way, Who is Fisher?

Why can I be so dismissive? 1. It is in my nature I guess... 2. Several other extremely reliable members on this forum have confirmed that these rumors are false (as they have with every other rumored park in the U.S.). There are people who know these things and just because a newspaper or website posts something about the possibility, the plans are neither concrete, nor are they even backed by reliable information. Disney has announced plans for so many different projects that ended up being cancelled or ceased during construction, many of us have learned to wait for actual results before getting excited about such projects... I myself would have loved to see the WDW Venetian resort but that is just me... Disney owns so much real estate that if every time we found out that they purchased new properties, we had someone start a rumor on the possibility of a new park, we would be asking about the possibility of parks in Dubai, India, Australia, the UK and more... It just doesn't work that way with the company...

As for the Fisher statement, that was a joke relating to a former member that tried shoving the rumor of a park in Fresco, Texas. He gave us announcement dates (twice) and assured us that he would be proven right... The time came for the announcement date(s), and both times he was proven wrong. He ended up creating over 15 alias member names to try to "trick" us into believing that his rumor was true. We now know him as the guy who wouldn't give up on the rumor that was never true- a man named Fisher...


New Member
Original Poster
OK. Thanks for the info on Fisher. I'm not him. Anyway-- again-- I just shared with you all what was quoted in my town's newspaper as to the request on land aquisition-- I didn'd add anything or take anything away from that article. The only thing I speculated on was the "America" thing. Maybe it is Busch Gardens or some other company. Or may they're just buying up land giving phony reasons to Secretaries of State when they do it.

Sorry I mentioned it without running it past all the extremely reliable members of the forum before I shared it.:rolleyes:
Maybe when I grow up, I can be privileged enough to know people who know these things.:brick: :)

Officially Dropping the subject....which is apparently un-Fisher-like:lol:


New Member
all i know is that they are definatly buying the land up because my dad already signed and a bunch of my dads neighbors have.


Well-Known Member
all i know is that they are definatly buying the land up because my dad already signed and a bunch of my dads neighbors have.
it is funny that no corporate documentation speaks of major real estate purchases.....and with SEC rules being as they are, anything so significant would need some forwards looking statements.

it is also VERY funny that so many people are joining the site with the only purpose being to talk about this BS story.....


New Member
I cant believe that they would build it here but it does kinda make sense, middle of country, next to a growing area, close to a big highway. the way the relators are talking to my dad it seems to be going very well.


New Member
all i know is that they are definatly buying the land up because my dad already signed and a bunch of my dads neighbors have.


Active Member
all i know is that they are definatly buying the land up because my dad already signed and a bunch of my dads neighbors have.

No... They haven't... At least not with Disney...

it is funny that no corporate documentation speaks of major real estate purchases.....and with SEC rules being as they are, anything so significant would need some forwards looking statements.

it is also VERY funny that so many people are joining the site with the only purpose being to talk about this BS story.....

It seems to be a growing trend here on WDWMagic... I told you Fisher wasn't gone for good! :rolleyes:

I cant believe that they would build it here but it does kinda make sense, middle of country, next to a growing area, close to a big highway. the way the relators are talking to my dad it seems to be going very well.

They are building a big highway over in Nicaragua too! I guess that means we better start signing the papers to prepare for Disney's Latin Quarter Adventure!

Fisher is truly making a "triumphant" return... Again, your age in writing this shows... Some people just never learn... :rolleyes:


New Member
what they put in the newspaper is not telling anything really about the relators that are going around giving estimates on land.


New Member
the way i see it is that disney or whatever company it is has hired a different company to find a relator and that relator is going around asking for people to sign. im not trying to start a big argument about it

The Mom

Premium Member
Could everyone please calm down? The OP just posted a link to a local newspaper story...he/she did not write the story, but was just sharing. If you must jump all over someone, I suggest you track down the reporter who wrote it.

Thank you.

BTW, I doubt that it's happening anytime soon, if ever, but that's no reason to be rude to someone who is linking to a LEGITIMATE source rather than a "I heard from a realtor, or a relative, etc." Is the source quoted correct? :shrug:


New Member
no major amount of land has been purchased, they told us that basically they are trying to get what they can get and if dont then they dont, i dont see how an amusment park would do next to a bunch of farms, its not saying that it wont fall through
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