News New Parade: Magic Happens


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Well-Known Member
I never met a day parade I really liked or thought was worth the hassle to see. I imagine MH will be a one and done for me too. Night parades are a little more repeatable for me as the experience tends to be more enjoyable (nighttime, lights, not hot) but don’t really do them more than once a year either, if that.


Well-Known Member
I never met a day parade I really liked or thought was worth the hassle to see. I imagine MH will be a one and done for me too. Night parades are a little more repeatable for me as the experience tends to be more enjoyable (nighttime, lights, not hot) but don’t really do them more than once a year either, if that.
This quote Jiminy Cricket said during the preshow announcement for Spectromagic comes to mind.

"You know, somehow Disney fantasy seems a little more alive at night. In fact, it was Walt's favorite time in the park."


Well-Known Member
If they decide to run MH at night again that will mean no MSEP or PTN. Unless one of them, I’m guessing it would be PTN, returns to DCA.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Encanto's the current Disney fad(even though its popularity calmed down in recent weeks)
Where did you get that idea?

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