Well-Known Member
Except for the big showbuilding, tanks and infrastructure for TBA and then the huge parade infrastructure behind the Splash Exit shop. Parade Warehouse, typically another parade in storage, holiday parades and Big Thunder Maint center.More realistically they could try a Tiana mini land behind/ to the side of Splash, where the restrooms and gift shop currently reside, maybe even expand behind. To reroute the parade route really doesn’t make much sense
The other side of TBA includes the parade start off and the end of the line for the garbage system. All of the land West of that is set aside for conservation (west of the canal) or recreation open space like golf or parks. Additionally, the only land suitable for building around MK is North of Big Thunder and East to World Drive. The west side land between TBA and the canal is marginally suitable for building. This is all from the 2020 Planning documents.
The beauty of size no longer exists at Walt Disney World.