Disney themes do "outdo" the local museums, parks, zoos, etc. as they should, their educational experiences do not. Disney won't replace what they can offer...and I don't want them to. Disney is more about fun and fantasy than it is about learning...I can think of a ton of educational trips, but WDW is nowhere on the list. SeaWorld would even be above WDW on that list, for me. There are things to learn sure, just as you can learn anywhere, but the "educational" aspect of Disney is not anywhere near exclusive, or as good as what someone could receive elsewhere. This is what I said earlier, when you get into the educational stuff, does it matter that the theming may be a little more immersive than the best museums, zoos, and aquariums in this country? Or when you get into the theme alone topic- What about other beautifully themed fun filled resorts? If kids have these immersive experiences on a regular basis do they care that Disney's animals are in a bit more scenic environment? It's still the same experience. I compare Atlantis to Disney a lot bc I love both, and both themes.. As a result they are in direct competition for my family vacation dollars. Much more than Universal is at this time. Disney won out the past 2 years bc of their characters and my nostalgia (meaning wanting my kid to have that same childhood experience at WDW as I did)....and mostly WDW won out this year because- Star Wars. If it wasn't for Star Wars we would have been on DCL, not at WDW. The force was strong there.