New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
I gather it's story, or lack of, that is the biggest issue. It's a muddly mess of prettiness and hollowness, far from the original brief. Questions are rightly being asked how it got this far. Though short of starting from scratch (which is doubtful) it is probable the show will open more or less in the state it is in, and maybe altered / plussed / rewritten as they go. Opening in the quieter period wouldn't surprise me, though I'd be shocked if it's not open in some form for Avland in the summer.

Sounds like a mess. Thank you for the info! Much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
What would be the difference between animals/characters from Disney movies being in the Tree of Life show vs RoL?

@Tony the Tigger said characters are not inappropriate nor do they dumb something down. @lazyboy97o said you can't just throw characters in just because the park is called "Animal Kingdom".
I used an example of character integration that fits the park and the audience perfectly.

I'm not for or against characters in Rivers of Light.. just saying that plenty of Disney movies can (and do) fit the theme of Animal Kingdom.
You're still missing the point.


Well-Known Member
You're still missing the point.
I'll say it for her:happy:
Ips can be used well like for the Tower of Terror, or they can be a shoehorned mess like Frozen. As for Rivers of Light, if they were to use an ip it would be to "fix" the issues with it. Though adding an ip to fix the issues wouldn't fix anything but instead, make it worse because the story would be a hodgepodge mess and it would, in turn, mask them cheaply.

And with that, I'm out of this thread.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Don't call me a Monk.

I can't tell if you're serious o_O I was referring to Monk, The TV detective LOL.

I agree. They do play a huge part, but they shouldn't be everywhere There should be a balance, as I had said from my first post on the topic. Putting characters everywhere destroys the balance. And it seems with each new thing that is built, we get about 90% IP and 10% otherwise. The split used ot be far more even, or at times skewed towards non-IP in the past.

Disney has no interest in maintaining a balance between IP and non-IP. That is a construct of some apparent super fans, not the majority of average guests.

Disney themes do "outdo" the local museums, parks, zoos, etc. as they should, their educational experiences do not.


Don't think anybody's posted these, but here's the high-res versions of the photos from the page on Disney's site




Gorgeous. Who's complaining? :confused: Lol.

Those photos look incredible. That's not wow enough for some of you? LOL

Right?! I guess it's worse in person?

. I don't care it uses a projection of Simba or if it's completely character free. I think it will be wonderful either way.

Agree. I am less promoting the characters than arguing against the prohibition of characters based on the imaginary rule that relevant characters somehow tarnish things or break theme. Consensus of a vocal minority does not constitute a rule.


Well-Known Member
You're still missing the point.
Of course I am. The Tree of Life Awakenings was cheapened by animated characters..yet it seems to be wildly popular. As does Frozen Ever After, as does pretty much every thing involving characters and that Disney kind of "Magic" at the parks. Only the true enlightened Disney people know what's good for the rest of us.
I'll say it for her:happy:
Ips can be used well like for the Tower of Terror, or they can be a shoehorned mess like Frozen. As for Rivers of Light, if they were to use an ip it would be to "fix" the issues with it. Though adding an ip to fix the issues wouldn't fix anything but instead, make it worse because the story would be a hodgepodge mess and it would, in turn, mask them cheaply.

And with that, I'm out of this thread.

Frozen is so popular that I couldn't even get a fastpass for it over a 10 day period. I'd safely say that millions of people disagree that it is a "shoehorned mess". That doesn't mean your opinion should change.. just that it's a personal opinion. The same way "you can't understand how I like Primevil Whirl and skipped Kilimanjaro Safari"- because I chose to, I made a personal decision based on what was more important at the time. I have no regrets about that. If everyone liked the same exact things life would be a little boring.


Well-Known Member
Disney has no interest in maintaining a balance between IP and non-IP. That is a construct of some apparent super fans, not the majority of average guests.
That WED Enterprises / Walt Disney Imagineering once developed far more original content before Iger's franchise mandate is a simple historical fact that can be easily examined by looking at their portfolio of work.

Of course I am. The Tree of Life Awakenings was cheapened by animated characters..yet it seems to be wildly popular. As does Frozen Ever After, as does pretty much every thing involving characters and that Disney kind of "Magic" at the parks. Only the true enlightened Disney people know what's good for the rest of us.
Still missing it, but at least you invoked the standard trite deflection.


Well-Known Member
Of course I am. The Tree of Life Awakenings was cheapened by animated characters..yet it seems to be wildly popular. As does Frozen Ever After, as does pretty much every thing involving characters and that Disney kind of "Magic" at the parks. Only the true enlightened Disney people know what's good for the rest of us.

Frozen is so popular that I couldn't even get a fastpass for it over a 10 day period. I'd safely say that millions of people disagree that it is a "shoehorned mess". That doesn't mean your opinion should change.. just that it's a personal opinion. The same way "you can't understand how I like Primevil Whirl and skipped Kilimanjaro Safari"- because I chose to, I made a personal decision based on what was more important at the time. I have no regrets about that. If everyone liked the same exact things life would be a little boring.
Since you fail to see what's wrong I shall list them for you:
1- Capacity - The ip is far too strong to take up a ride with a capacity around 1200 per hour...
2- Location - It has no business being in a pavilion that is supposed to represent the culture of the country -- I mean it is not even set in Norway! (At least if Ratatouille going in France would be set there in France and wouldn't get rid of a classic).
3- Story - It essentially retells the movie in an odd way with strange pacing. Call it a book-report ride which is not really a cool story, but even if you ignore this #5 is really what is the main issue besides the location. The lift hill and drop actually do work for the ride, so I will give them that and that is why it is not a bad ride, but it is disapointing considering what it could have been.
4- Took away a Classic - Maelstrom was really something and if it was updated, it would have been far superior to Frozen with shorter waits.
5- The Adventure - Maelstrom had such good voice acting and a cool feel to it; Frozen while a technically impressive ride lost its predecessors voyage feel and its pacing.
6 - Grandness - The space was really used insanely well by Walt Disney Imagineering, but it still has limits now that it is there.

Yes, Frozen: Ever After is a great ride, and yes I will gladly ride it next week when I go, and the Imagineers really did an incredible job with what they had to work with, but if it was updated using Vikings and Trolls, and had the additional scenes Frozen got just imagine that! It would have been epic and you would not have to get a Fastpass+ 60 days in advance, and you could actually queue for less than an hour all the while it is an epic ride with a great story.

I love Disney so I don't want anyone to think I am biased towards them. This is not a Disney vs. Universal debate; believe me I can rip Universal for their over reliance upon screens, but the fact of the matter is: you shouldn't sacrifice quality for an ip.
Frozen is a good ride, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place due to space limitations and location, and now that it's there it suffers from many issues listed above.
This is an example of shoehorning an ip because of these reasons and much more. It has many issues currently that unfortunately will never be fixed due to management's decision to put it there instead of it being at the Studios.

I'm not going to respond anymore to you because you don't seem to understand the park's history and what the problems with using an ip like in Frozen: Ever After's case.
I will say it one last time: Ips can and do work if used properly: Splash Mountain, The Tower of Terror, Toy Story Midway Mania, Tron: Lightcycle Power-run, and Peter Pan's Flight are all examples of how ips should be used. Today they are mainly overused instead of being fused with the park nicely. Imagine if Spaceship Earth would have the Princesses guide you through or Soarin' using the Disney Planes movie, imagine if the Haunted Mansion removed all ghosts because they could "scare" younger children. All rides are not for everyone and all ips do not work for anywhere near everything.
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Well-Known Member
Since you fail to see what's wrong I shall list them for you:
1- Capacity - The ip is far too strong to take up a ride with a capacity around 1200 per hour...
2- Location - It has no business being in a pavilion that is supposed to represent the culture of the country -- I mean it is not even set in Norway! (At least if Ratatouille going in France would be set there and wouldn't get rid of a classic).
3- Story - It essentially retells the movie in an odd way with strange pacing. Call it a book-report ride which is not really a cool story.
4- Took away a Classic - Maelstrom was really something and if it was updated, it would have been far superior to Frozen with shorter waits.
5- The Adventure - Maelstrom had such good voice acting and a cool feel to it; Frozen while a technically impressive ride lost its predecessors voyage feel and its pacing.
6 - Grandness - The space was really used insanely well by Walt Disney Imagineering, but it still has limits now that it is there.

Yes, Frozen: Ever After is a great ride, and yes I will gladly ride it next week when I go, and the Imagineers really did an incredible job with what they had to work with, but if it was updated using Vikings and Trolls, and had the additional scenes Frozen got just imagine that! It would have been epic and you would not have to get a Fastpass+ 60 days in advance, and you could actually queue for less than an hour all the while it is an epic ride with a great story.

I love Disney so I don't want anyone to think I am biased towards them. This is not a Disney vs. Universal debate; believe me I can rip Universal for their over reliance upon screens, but the fact of the matter is: you shouldn't sacrifice quality for an ip.
Frozen is a good ride, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place due to space limitations and location, and now that it's there it suffers from many issues listed above.
This is an example of shoehorning an ip because of these reasons and much more. It has many issues currently that unfortunately will never be fixed due to management's decision to put it there instead of it being at the Studios.

I'm not going to respond anymore to you because you don't seem to understand the park's history and what the problems are.
I will say it one last time: Ips can and do work if used properly: Splash Mountain, The Tower of Terror, Toy Story Midway Mania, Tron: Lightcycle Power-run, and Peter Pan's Flight are all examples of how ips should be used. Today they are mainly overused instead of being fused with the park nicely. Imagine if Spaceship Earth would have the Princesses guide you through or Soarin' using the Disney Planes movie.

You aren't understanding what I'm saying- to ME Disney World is a place of fantasy, more than their characters, but also including the characters.

I don't need to watch YouTube videos of attractions or shows and critique them. If other people choose to that's's never going to be my cup of tea. I experience them and appreciate them for what they are. I like some more than others, and of course my child plays a huge factor into what we do and don't do now.

Lastly, you don't need to respond but I'll leave you with this.. you said you were a teenager. I'm not sure how old but it doesn't matter. The simple fact is- I have been going to Disney World longer than you have been on this earth.
Wow, that makes me sound really

So anyway, please, when talking of how I don't know the history..or you speaking of your experience with the past by what you read or watched or were told vs what I have experienced for myself, keep in mind that not everything can be fully understood by reading, being told, and watching on YouTube. It was magical then, it's still magical now. That isn't meant with any kind of hostility, it's just a simple fact- People love the parks for different reasons. To you ToT is a classic, to me it was not even around when I first started visiting. The parks are different now, the thing is- a lot of us still love it..plenty of us choose not to live in the past...most of us could really care less if a Frozen ride is in Norway. It's Disney, creative license is allowed in my book.
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Well-Known Member
You aren't understanding what I'm saying- to ME Disney World is a place of fantasy, more than their characters, but also including the characters.

I don't need to watch YouTube videos of attractions or shows and critique them. If other people choose to that's's never going to be my cup of tea. I experience them and appreciate them for what they are. I like some more than others, and of course my child plays a huge factor into what we do and don't do now.

Lastly, you don't need to respond but I'll leave you with this.. you said you were a teenager. I'm not sure how old but it doesn't matter. The simple fact is- I have been going to Disney World longer than you have been on this earth.

So please, when talking of how I don't know the history..or you speaking of your experience with the past by what you read or watched or were told vs what I have experienced for myself, keep in mind that not everything can be fully understood by reading, being told, and watching on YouTube. That isn't meant with any kind of hostility, it's just a simple fact- People love the parks for different reasons. To you ToT is a classic, to me it was not even around when I first started visiting. The parks are different now, the thing is- a lot of us still love it..plenty of us choose not to live in the past...most of us could really care less if a Frozen ride is in Norway. It's Disney, creative license is allowed in my book.
I don't want to respond, but I feel like I must. I've thankfully had the opportunity to go to WDW around 30 times (yes we are pass holders) and Disneyland Paris twice.
As for Tot I finally had the courage to conquer my fears of heights last January by finally riding it. I have been on dozens of Orlando coasters, from SeaWorld to Universal, so I do like them, but I equate quality with theming and execution. Tot nails it and has become an iconic classic to many people around the world as did the Haunted Mansion in the years before it. Frozen gets quality mostly done, but its execution is awful, but the quality is what keeps it still as a great ride.

Instead of realizing what I am stating you instead chose to redirect into some other conversation and ignore what I and many others have presented. Now tell me, have you put in thousands of hours of research into Disney? I may not have lived through the original park, but I sure know a heck of a lot about the parks and what has worked in the past. I have done the research, it's not only my hobby but my passion.

I love Disney, but am willing to call out Disney for doing wrong, H1B Visas displacement a perfect example.

Look, I am not trying to argue, but instead of just listening at all you seem to think that ips are this grandiose thing that must be used.

Disney CAN and SHOULD include characters if used properly, but lately they have been just putting them wherever they please with no rhyme or reason.

Are you in favor of Gotg taking over Tot??? That would be a shoehorned ip in an already ip attraction. The difference is Tot currently uses an ip correctly and Gotg would be a cash grab and ruin the land's theme. I would like you to please answer that since you instead chose to ignore what I am saying.
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Well-Known Member
I don't want to respond, but I feel like I must. I've thankfully had the opportunity to go to WDW around 30 times (yes we are pass holders) and Disneyland Paris twice.
As for Tot I finally had the courage to conquer my fears of heights last January by finally riding it. I have been on dozens of Orlando coasters, from SeaWorld to Universal, so I do like them, but I equate quality with theming and execution. Tot nails it and has become an iconic classic to many people around the world as did the Haunted Mansion in the years before it. Frozen gets quality mostly done, but its execution is awful, but the quality is what keeps it still as a great ride.
Instead of realizing what I am stating you instead chose to redirect into some other conversation and ignore what I and many others have presented. Now tell me, have you put in thousands of hours of research into Disney? I may not have lived through the original park, but I sure know a heck of a lot about the parks and what has worked in the past.

I love Disney, but am willing to call out Disney for doing wrong, H1B Visas displacement a perfect example.
Look, I am not trying to argue, but instead of just listening at all you seem to think that ips are this grandiose thing that must be used.

Are you in favor of Gotg taking over Tot??? That would be a shoehorned ip in an already ip attraction. The difference is Tot currently uses an ip correctly and Gotg would be a cash grab and ruin the land's theme. I would like you to please answer that since you instead chose to ignore what I am saying.

Just for the heck of it, @marni1971 what's your take on this?

I'm not ignoring your points. I'm viewing them as what they are - opinions. Mine are opinions as well. We obviously have differing opinions on this subject.

I have not put thousands of hours of research into WDW, and I can say with certainty that I never will. I was lucky my parents purchased extra tickets every year when we visited, and when I turned 21 they gave me 20 3 day non expiring hoppers, or else I probably wouldn't have gone as much as I did.. although I do wish I would have saved them for when I had my own family and just done Florida resident tickets back then..I didn't so I ended up buying a Platinum pass this year and 9 day tickets last year..oh well, spilled milk.

Here's what matters to me about WDW- do I enjoy it? Do the people I'm traveling with enjoy it? Is it worth the money I am spending?
So far all 3 questions have Yes answers to them. If that ever changes then I will stop going. Nothing else is relevant to me..I don't care what a minority of Disney travelers on online sites think of certain attractions..
JBJB is the perfect example, people here tore it to shreds (most have never seen it in person), I enjoyed it, my kid enjoyed it, the desert party was money well spent for me. What I didn't do- compare it to the Osborne lights. There's no point in that, they no longer exist.
This is the difference between nit picking and living in the past vs just enjoying a cute show.

I will continue to only care about my own opinions of if an attraction or show is "good" or not. That's all anyone should really care about. Personal opinion of one or some, or even "many" online do not make it true for all.

I wanted to add-- I think it's awesome that you faced your fear of heights! I like WDW rides, but we are also passholders to an amusement park with thrill rides.. and me and kiddo are both roller coaster fans, so Disney is a little more mild comparatively. He was finally tall enough to ride RnRC and Primevil Whirl this year and loved them both. Space Mountain is still my favorite, nostalgia alone will probably never allow that to be passed up, and luckily he seems to love it just as much. As far as rides though, we also love Fun Spot, and the Slingshot and Volmatron, and when he is tall enough I can't wait to take him to Uni/IoA. I don't compare any of them to WDW.. Disney's themes make their rides, not the actual "thrill" I agree with you completely on that.
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Well-Known Member
I gather it's story, or lack of, that is the biggest issue. It's a muddly mess of prettiness and hollowness, far from the original brief.
Though adding an ip to fix the issues wouldn't fix anything but instead, make it worse because the story would be a hodgepodge mess and it would, in turn, mask them cheaply.

But Dave, it already is a hodgepodge mess, and not an IP in sight to blame it on.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Vs. the many millions who actually go to the parks.

Unless there is an official study or legitimate poll, it's all anecdotal and based on a very skewed perspective of a subset of guests.
It should be taken as a barometer of those who know, understand and care as opposed to a family looking for Potter and the Golf Ball running from ride to ride.

But now, back to Rivers of Late. This threads gone west far too much.

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