Isn't one of the primary reasons for ROL not only to get people into AK but to get them to stay longer thus spread out the night time crowds better and further increasing night time spending? If so, wouldn't debuting ROL while the parks are at their busiest be a better decision than further delaying it? I mean, would THAT many more guests come in Jan/Feb if you waited this long to announce it (don't most people plan their Disney vacation at least 3-4 months in advance?) and even if a bunch of guests did come, wouldn't they be mostly passholders anyways (and no offense to any passholders out there, but I would imagine the per capita spending per day for most passholders is significantly less than the per capita spending per day for most vacationers). Plus, if you were going to wait that long to debut, it would seem odd for them to be devoting so much time to rehearsals this early.
The most logical reason I could see them delaying it is to allow Jan/Feb to be a soft opening with a grand debut for Spring Break period...
And for clarification, not doubting what anyone may have seen/heard, just questioning the logic of this plan if it is true...