New Moon!!!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
See I don't want to be moved, I want to impressed. I want you to tell your story, tell me why I should read it, I dunno why I'm like that but yeah...:o
Well, I was impressed AND moved....:lol:

Why you should read GoR? It's a simple tale about a Fam. in the great Depression. That's it. It's REAL, you know? That's what's awesome about Steinbeck..EVERYTHING he does is VERY rough, an very real. It doesn't feel like someone made up those characters.:o:sohappy:


Active Member
Well, I was impressed AND moved....:lol:

Why you should read GoR? It's a simple tale about a Fam. in the great Depression. That's it. It's REAL, you know? That's what's awesome about Steinbeck..EVERYTHING he does is VERY rough, an very real. It doesn't feel like someone made up those characters.:o:sohappy:
O like vampires...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Why you should read GoR? It's a simple tale about a Fam. in the great Depression. That's it. It's REAL, you know? That's what's awesome about Steinbeck..EVERYTHING he does is VERY rough, an very real. It doesn't feel like someone made up those characters.:o:sohappy:
While real, I would rather read about fiction than the real world.

I would make an exception to some books, but GoW is certainly NOT one.

If I am not mistaken, there was a whole chapter about Tom watching a turtle. I understand there's the symbolism, but really? :brick:

(Faulkner is better. Frame stories = epic win.) :lookaroun

....So! Anyone watched the film while on topic? :lookaroun

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
While real, I would rather read about fiction than the real world.

I would make an exception to some books, but GoW is certainly NOT one.

If I am not mistaken, there was a whole chapter about Tom watching a turtle. I understand there's the symbolism, but really? :brick:

(Faulkner is better. Frame stories = epic win.) :lookaroun

....So! Anyone watched the film while on topic? :lookaroun

I love the Turtle!!!:lookaroun
Les Miserables!

So....can't wait for tonight. :lookaroun :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh, what a great thread. This is actually one of the reasons I loved Twilight so much - it is truly a love it/hate it kind of experience. I have read all four books and found them to be escapist fun. So, carry on fellow Twi-hards. Enjoy your books. (btw, 38 yr old female here :))


Active Member
Oh my gosh, what a great thread. This is actually one of the reasons I loved Twilight so much - it is truly a love it/hate it kind of experience. I have read all four books and found them to be escapist fun. So, carry on fellow Twi-hards. Enjoy your books. (btw, 38 yr old female here :))

I think that is true. I don't personally know anyone who read the books and thought they were "just okay". They either loved it and read the entire series in a month, or they gave up some point during the first book.

I'm not watching it until the Rifftrax version comes out. Check out what they did to the last one:

My mom tried Twilight, and she's really into chick flicks. And she said it was "weird." She gave up halfway through the second one.

I would not really classify it as a "chick flick", even though it is predominately females that like it. That might not make much sense...but when I think of my definition of "chick flick", Twilight does not quite fit.

Leaving in a hour and a half to go to my double feature of Twilight and New Moon!! Can't wait to see Edward on the big screen...I just got into the whole Twilight craze last April, so I missed it when it was in theaters.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I would not really classify it as a "chick flick", even though it is predominately females that like it. That might not make much sense...but when I think of my definition of "chick flick", Twilight does not quite fit.

Eh, if the sappiness levels are on overdrive then I consider it a chick flick.

Twilight: Catering to your squealing teenage demographic.


Active Member
Eh, if the sappiness levels are on overdrive then I consider it a chick flick.

Twilight: Catering to your squealing teenage demographic.

And apparently 30-40 year old moms who are channeling their inner teenager! Between the Twilight craze and the New Kids on the Block reunion, I've felt like I was 18 again for about a year now!! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Ahhhhh, it was definately worth the wait!!!!

Went at midnight last night AND they showed the Remember Me trailer before the movie started = DOUBLE BONUS!!!!

A very good book adaptation to film, Chris Weitz did not muck it up.

Young couple in their early 20's sitting next to my daughter and I and when Taylor took off this shirt to wipe Bella's head the guy sitting next to me says "Damn..............yea, I'd do him". It was hysterical!!

Can't wait for the next installment on 6/6/10!!!:sohappy::sohappy:


Well-Known Member
A thousand times better than Twilight. Chris really did a much better job than the other director. New Moon lost all the cheesy, awkward moments and looks.

Totally became team Jacob in this movie. Taylor's body.... *drools*. I can't help it. He's so dang fit! But putting looks aside, I loved the Bella/Jacob paring. It was so cute. I really did feel bad for Jake in the end. While in the book, I wanted him out of the picture entirely.

Kristin Stewart's acting was a bit better this time, too. She didn't bug me as much.

The only thing I didn't like was the very end.

Definitely going to go see it again next week.


Active Member
Loved it!! My only complaint is I think they should have spent a bit more time on the history of the werewolfs, and on Jacob's transformation into one.

Trying to figure out when I can go see it again!


Active Member
A thousand times better than Twilight. Chris really did a much better job than the other director. New Moon lost all the cheesy, awkward moments and looks.

Totally became team Jacob in this movie. Taylor's body.... *drools*. I can't help it. He's so dang fit! But putting looks aside, I loved the Bella/Jacob paring. It was so cute. I really did feel bad for Jake in the end. While in the book, I wanted him out of the picture entirely.

Kristin Stewart's acting was a bit better this time, too. She didn't bug me as much.

The only thing I didn't like was the very end.

Definitely going to go see it again next week.
I was in the theater and the second the moon came up on the screen the tweens behind me started to cry! I was OMG, and then as the title started to appear everyone was like AHHHHHH!!! And then when they saw Edward and Jacob the same thing happend! The theater had these collectable cups and this lady went up to the snack cart and bought ever single one they had, there was 3 one for Jacob, one for Edward and one of all three, she went to the restroom washed them out and put them in her bag, I was like OK that's a tad much! We went and saw Twilight before New Moon and they had it set up that if you had gone and seen twilight you got priority seating for New Moon, so it was worth the $20.00 a person!

Like Nic said it was MUCH better than Twilight, it didn't seem as campy and I am SOOO happy they built the Alice, Bella relationship because that was missing in the first one and that upset me! This time around it was much more what I wanted, it followed the book better and the few things they did add made sense, they weren't just thrown in! Chris Weitz (Sp?) did a MUCH better job than the 1st director I was worried that a man would not be able to project the deep seated love that Bella has not only for Edward but for Jacob also, but he brought it!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Jacob did bring it, but I'm still 100% team Edward!!!

They were selling those HUGE cups at the theatre I was in last night for .50 cents each, so I gave my daughter a $1.00 so she could have 2 (had all 3 characters on them).

Here is what I did NOT like about the movie:

Jasper's hair
Alice's hair

And the scene where Edward and Bella are running thru the forest after she was changed into a vampire. Who in the heck designed their wardrobe for this film? Seriously, Edward is going to run thru the woods in a pair of beige colored pants and matching vest? EWWWW

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