I've said it before and I'll say it again. The smell that the Monorails had in the 80's is the same as they are now. You know that big deal that was made when people could smell the popcorn as you entered MK, and how that always brought back a number of memories? That is the same reaction I get from the 1983 monorails. I step on the current ones and I am hit with that same odor. I don't know what it is we are smelling, I would speculate that it is the product they use to clean and disinfect the interior, but, to anyone that says they smell like urine, have not ever really gotten a whiff of fermented urine. Sorry, it is a pet peeve of mine whenever I see that mentioned. People do not pee in the corners of the Monorails, they don't really even have corners to pee in. That odor is not urine, it is a type of chemical used to keep them from being a container of germs.