New modern day costumes coming to American Adventure?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It's funny you mention Soarin'. I recall that back when "The Land" went down for the installation of Soarin', the complaints on this forum by a small group of people were rather numerous. I recall General Grizz expressing his displeasure with the change. Yet, it all worked out fine. People like General Grizz get frustrated about these changes and use these forums to complain. The changes happen anyway. I think we need to learn from history and embrace change.

Interesting...Grizz hasn't posted in seven years yet you have only been a member for three.

Are you a "previously know as" member with a new name?


Well-Known Member
The reference Italy updates (can't say I recall what they looked like before) but they still look a bit like something that could be considered tied to a particular country. Some bit of ethnicity to them. If the comments on changing to suiting are true, is that really what we think of as being ethnic US? True, there is no real hard and fast US ethnicity, but at least the colonial ones made some iota of sense. Now if we were to update the American Adventure to focus on the collapse of finance staring Enron and the Lehman brothers, then yes, suiting would make sense.

They can come to dinner anytime.
You made me think of Test Track's Bill McKim and his parting words at the end of Test Track.


Well-Known Member
I haven't confirmed this yet but I hear that in 2009 the light show went completely LED, using now ½ the power consumption. That's good to know. I have to do some more checking to confirm that information.

According to MousePlanet:

"The conversion to LEDs has led to tremendous energy savings. According to the head electrician, the display consumed 843,000 watts when the display was incandescent, and this year it's down to 220,000 thanks to the LEDs."

Good for them!
Wrong thread


Well-Known Member
Complaining to Guest Relations isn't going to do anything at all. This is a done deal as the majority of the World Showcase Pavilions will be receiving costume changes in the near future.

I think you're right that complaining won't do anything. Disney has demonstrated countless times that they don't care about complaints about the quality of their product.

But just because it is a done deal and other pavilions are getting new costumes makes it any better, or makes it right.

It's still a terrible idea and I'm upset by it.


Think for yourselfer
They need to update the costumes for the Norwegian chicks. Something a little more skimpy.
Maybe something like this...



Well-Known Member
I agree that we need to complain. However, TDO seems to have no problem with looking inept. In fact, I think they pride themselves for it.

They have made many terrible decisions in the past, and no matter how many guest complaints (see the Lights of Winter fiasco), they usually dig their feet and the sand and refuse to budge. No matter how asinine their decisions are.
You're making the assumption that your concept of a lot of complaints is accurate. Just because a few dozen forum posters are up in arms about something doesn't mean the general guests in the parks care or even notice. I can assure you, if an actual noticeable percentage of guests complain about something, it will be re-evaluated.

It's funny you mention Soarin'. I recall that back when "The Land" went down for the installation of Soarin', the complaints on this forum by a small group of people were rather numerous. I recall General Grizz expressing his displeasure with the change. Yet, it all worked out fine. People like General Grizz get frustrated about these changes and use these forums to complain. The changes happen anyway. I think we need to learn from history and embrace change.

Ah, the Grizz over-reactions to everything were a site to see. At least his posts were easier to tolerate than the current agitator in chief.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
You're making the assumption that your concept of a lot of complaints is accurate. Just because a few dozen forum posters are up in arms about something doesn't mean the general guests in the parks care or even notice. I can assure you, if an actual noticeable percentage of guests complain about something, it will be re-evaluated.

Actually, a number of the CMs working at the pavilion complained, and one went so far as to write an open letter to TDO protesting the changes.

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