New MK welcome show debuts Jan. 9th


Well-Known Member
Have you seen video of Tokyo Disneyland's "A Table is Waiting"? It's going away soon but man that's the most bizarre show I've seen so far. LOL. I couldn't imagine that in the US parks. I think they do a great job but it's just ... interesting. It's also interesting how it seems only us Americans clap like fools after a song or any kind of performance.
The Japanese sure do know how to have fun with there shows.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully! ;)
Now THAT is how I like my castles. I believe that the original design serves a special function and design changes that alter the function is a failure. This philosophy can be applied to many changes Disney has made over the years, especially in that area of the park.

Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member
As cool as the train entry is, I like this. If you still want to show up super early you can and not be forced to be stationary out front. You can wander around Main Street, get breakfast snacks, take care of some shopping while the park is closed and not waste valuable attraction time and potentially a tad lighter shopping crowd then the pre fireworks one at end of night, and also you're that much closer to the land entrances at open for whichever ride you plan to hit first.


Well-Known Member
As cool as the train entry is, I like this. If you still want to show up super early you can and not be forced to be stationary out front. You can wander around Main Street, get breakfast snacks, take care of some shopping while the park is closed and not waste valuable attraction time and potentially a tad lighter shopping crowd then the pre fireworks one at end of night, and also you're that much closer to the land entrances at open for whichever ride you plan to hit first.
Being able to shop before park opening is great, but I don't want to drag stuff around the parks for the rest of the day. So I guess you rent a locker?


Well-Known Member
I can't even imagine getting my family out of bed, out the door, and to the parks, then ducking off into the shops while Main Street continued to build with people all getting in position to get to the rides ahead of us. And I can't imagine getting stuck in some line to check out while I heard the countdown outside to drop the ropes. I get up early to AVOID lines. Not to get in them.

rael ramone

Well-Known Member
Being able to shop before park opening is great, but I don't want to drag stuff around the parks for the rest of the day. So I guess you rent a locker?

You can send stuff to package pickup if you aren't staying in the bubble, or to your resorts gift shop (assuming you aren't checking out the next day) if you are...

This change (which also is helpful to their bottom line) is one that is genuinely beneficial to the guest. It allows one who wants to hit the rides at 'rope drop' to, if they get there early, still enjoy the park as intended... to enjoy Main Street first... to at least absorb more of the atmosphere of the entrance land before venturing on to the other attractions... and perhaps doing some 'pre-shopping' (checking what's available in the front of the park and taking a mental note of comparing that with what the other stores have so when you return to Main street later you have a more educated view of whether you want to buy what you saw in the Emporium or other store later).


Well-Known Member
i.e. an extra hour for guests to spend $$$

If this was actually to do with guest flow surely they would have done this for the holidays?

Depending on the timings I can foresee no-one waiting near the castle because they will want to be at the entrance to the lands for rope drop and the show getting quietly cut.

Crikey, this forum has made me cynical. :eek:
your probably right unfortunately

but could this have something to do with security?

does the current show location and associated crowds back up the security lines?


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
does the current show location and associated crowds back up the security lines?

Crowds packed together at the front gate of the park is a target rich environment. While one crazy may be stopped if they try to run past security, we saw in the past year in the airport in Turkey that a coordinated attack of just a small handful of crazies can peel away at the layers of security and each successive attacker penetrate further into the compound.

While no security method is ever perfect and a well coordinated team of attackers could make it to the castle, from a security point of view, the more you can get people all the way into the park and disbursed, the more you can minimize damage by making it difficult for the crazies to get to where the people are.

Then there are the non-terroristic security issues of making sure that you don't have a crowd that funnels into a tighter pathway (the tunnels) as they're jostling trying to get to the front of the line... that leads to trampling (as in Black Friday store openings). Also, for the big crowds in the park, such as those watching parades or fireworks, security makes sure there are pathways that no one may stop in so as to prevent trampling and also allow EMTs to get to people in medical distress. Right now, they aren't creating such pathways in the opening crowd.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
There are a lot of little things at WDW and DLR that people like, but they're not "wows" . The Welcome Show and the Kiss Goodnight are 2 examples at WDW. I doubt you'll find the new show any more exciting and I think it will still be crowded. On the bright side, rope drop will be closer to the attractions.

Then that's a little plus still. :)


Well-Known Member
Having not been yet I can't speak for the current show, but knowing DD8 will want to head straight to the castle when we visit in June is a positive for us personally. At least we will be able to explore Main Street without cutting into ride time.


New Member
We entered Main St. sometime before opening and at 9:00 am we heard an announcement introducing the Walt Disney Characters. Then the music started playing and Mickey and the rest came skipping out of the castle towards a swarm of guests.
Ha! I think I remember this! I will miss the old welcome show but look forward to milling around Main Street.


Well-Known Member
We were able to catch our last viewing of the welcome show on New Years Eve, barely. The MK was opening at 7 due to the holiday week, so we were up at 5 AM to get ready and leave the resort in enough time to catch it. The bus pulls in at 6:50, and we were able to catch it waiting in line for security. We're going to miss the Main Street towns folk opening the park, and the characters arriving on the train. I hope there are a few who will be there this morning to post a recording of the new show.

Coaster Lover

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Just watched a live stream of the new show. Was never a huge fan of the original show and my opinion doesn't change much with this one. Not that I dislike the show, just sort of "meh". Nice selection of characters (hopefully they don't budget cut them all out over time) and nice choice of iconic Disney music in the background. I mean, it accomplishes what it needs to do without being overly long (which is good/important).

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