The first complaint we got when we first brought the new version out was he looked like an older version of Buster Bunny (Sans Shirt)..And many guest couldn't figure out why he had a deranged look and now walking around without his tux...Even tho he has done in the past before his 50th Birthday tux came into his wardrobe.
Plus many guests were unconfortable on how he looked and even tho we followed the guidelines on character mannerisims, poses, etc...It was tough and reduced the amount of guests meeting him...We then paired him with the other characters and it started to work better when guests finally figured out it Bugs Bunny and not Buster...
The outfit..While comfortable..The new versions had HORRIBLE eye sight (to put it the best way you had to look up to see thru his eyes), breathing issues and other flaws of hooks,velcro and other problems like a cosplayer could deal with at a convention..
Since then all the updates of the characters were complete by 2002 and what you see now is what is normally used as characters at Six Flags Parks...
I will point out tho after I left the Improvments of Bugs were updated a bit around 2007 when they added more fur to him rather than the lightweight suit they normally used and configured viewability where you can actually see thru..