New Land

Well if we are adding this to MK, I think Fantasmic! fits better at the Studios then here.

Not real sure about the One Man's Dream thing, I have no clue what it is like,but if it is a show about Walt as a Visonary that would work well.

What is this Nemo scene, is it about Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leauges under the sea? If so we could simply incorperate that into a new nighttime show on the bay (see previous diagram) both the Nautiluis and the Mountain are either on or bayside so those could be incorpetated into a all new show about Discovery and Adventure with a Vernian flair.

I like the rock people, we could also just through in charachters from Veren and Wells books.

Other thougts:

What about a stage show about "Around the World in 80 Days"

Furhter Blue Sky Suggestions:

What if we built a mountain range starting from the current mountain area and looping around the right side of the land untill it is across from the other side. This would give more room for the Hyperion Adventure and The Great Contraption and Time Machine could swtich places(giving a more cocealble show area to TGC) Then we shift gyser mountain facade to the bend of the new arc and we add in JttCote where Geyser Mountain used to be.

Here's a quick sketch from bottom left corner going coutner clockwise, attractions would be: 20,000 Leauges under the sea, jttcote, gyser mountain, TGC, Hyperion Adventure, The Time Machine,
Here's the Sketch:


  • untitled.jpg
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New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
Well if we are adding this to MK, I think Fantasmic! fits better at the Studios then here.

Not real sure about the One Man's Dream thing, I have no clue what it is like,but if it is a show about Walt as a Visonary that would work well.

What is this Nemo scene, is it about Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leauges under the sea? If so we could simply incorperate that into a new nighttime show on the bay (see previous diagram) both the Nautiluis and the Mountain are either on or bayside so those could be incorpetated into a all new show about Discovery and Adventure with a Vernian flair.

What about a stage show about "Around the World in 80 Days"

What if we built a mountain range starting from the current mountain area and looping around the right side of the land untill it is across from the other side. This would give more room for the Hyperion Adventure and The Great Contraption and Time Machine could swtich places(giving a more cocealble show area to TGC) Then we shift gyser mountain facade to the bend of the new arc and we add in JttCote where Geyser Mountain used to be.

Here's a quick sketch from bottom left corner going coutner clockwise, attractions would be: 20,000 Leauges under the sea, jttcote, gyser mountain, TGC, Hyperion Adventure, The Time Machine,

Well, I don't think Fantasmic! works well at the studios. I think it's time for something new there.

"One Man's Dream" is well, errr...I can't really describe it, but I could send you music if we are both ever online. It's very good although it is about Show Business and Walt and has some of the most beautiful finales ever (or was that Once Upon A Mouse? Not Sure).

Um...bayside show....we really need a bay, I think we need a new layout. LOL! I don't think yours works too good. I was thinking something more along the lines of World Showcase Lagoon, but with a much smaller size. Like that type of bay, with outlet to RoA and the mountains around the outside with the water touching one part of the mountains and the walkways going into the mountain there. I think I'd need to draw it out.

"Around the World in 80 days"? Are you willing to come up with music for this because I can't make songs worth crap and I don't want another Mickey's Detective School disaster. LOL!

As for your idea about the layout, see my description above...

I'll post the Nemo thing as soon as possible, homework I need to finish first. Also, I think we should drop one of the thrill rrdies in favor of some more family stuff like a walkthrough? Anyone up for Omnimover use again? - The WeirdOne :D
Still I think Fantasmic! fits better at studios since it displays alot from the animated movies and has the arychatypal good vs. evil a big theme in movies. Okay it's not that great of a fit, but it still fits better there than in Discovery Bay. The Nemo Scene I will guess will fit so why don't we expand a new show off of that.

Eh, scratch "around the world in 80 day's" the more I think about it the less appealing it becomes, maybe we could do something about Verne, Wells and Walt altogether in one show, dunno, I am really struguling to see a live show here at all.....

Ummm, well I am not sure if you noticed but the large blue areas on the diagrams is the bay, and I am really not sure what your description is desribing it sounds like all mounains and a bay and there should be a town like area to this aswell, to be the outpost area, let's see your diagram then we can work somethign out.

As far as rides I really see no problem if we make one minor adjustment, ie make jttcote a pure darkride basically just remove the boost and drop at the end, in it's place have a large show room, with the stormy sea and the sea monster battle, this would be a spetacular scene but no real thrill physically. So that would leave us with the following breakdown:

Hyperion Adventure: EMV Intensity: 6
Gyser Mountain: Intensity: 8.5
Great Contraption: Intensity: 5

jttcoe: Intesity:3
20,000 luts Intesity:1
The Time Machine:1

To me this is perfectly balanced, please let me know if you think otherwise

(and sorry just a pet peve but ToT is a family ride for a family of parents with 2 teens all of whom like moderate thrills, "family" can preety much apply to anything)


New Member
Original Poster
Hey guys, sorry about my absence, it was somewhat of my own doing and outside circmstance, but thats not really the point.

No..It's not mutiny, It ain't about me, it's about you guys coming up with ideas, I just gave you the topic, I'm glad you took off on it by yourselves.

I have to admit that I haven't read EVERYTHING yet, But I'm in the works of doing so, and I'll continue reading and be able to respond better to you with my opinions on the new additions.

First off..I think that simply due to the amount of responses I've seen towards Discovery Island..Jules Verne land, or whatever, that it will be our project.

FigmentDream, As usual, great pictures. And By the way, I', quite happy that you decided to go with some smaller, non-e-ticket ideas, it shows a little more consideration for reality, and not just BIG RIDE BIG RIDE BIG RIDE...Which is something we always tend to do.

WeirdOne- Like always, I love your ideas :) And thanks for taking the helm while I sorta had my 'episode'. I am gonna sorta sit this one out, though I will be commenting on everything you guys say, and as usual, infurating all of you by smashing and ripping apart your ideas :) I'm sure you missed it. I'm such a demon :) Anywho, keep up the good work, I'll have a more comprehensive reply in a bit, after I get home and get a chance to read everything.


New Member
To quote Jim Hill...

(By the way, just so you know ... DL's Entertainment staff did actually script a replacement for "Fantasmic!"'s "Peter Pan" sequence. This would have involved Captain Nemo & his crew - riding on top of a partially submerged Nautilus - floating in from stage left and a huge inflatable squid floating from stage right.

The two parties would have grappled for a bit in the middle of the Rivers of America, while Mickey appeared on Tom Sawyer's Island - seated in front of a massive pipe organ. The Mouse was supposed to hammer out a quick excerpt from Bach's "Toccata & Fugue in D Minor," which was meant to be the musical accompaniment for this epic sea battle. These proposed "Fantasmic!" addition would have reached its climax when Nemo plunged his harpoon into the snapping jaws of the squid. Whereupon the entire waterfront would have gone dark ...which supposedly would have allowed the show to make a smooth transition to its next sequence.

Sounds pretty wild, doesn't it? Well, for a time, this sequence was under serious consideration as something new that could be folded into Disneyland's "Fantasmic!" Of course, this was back in the day when DL's Entertainment Office thought that it would be freshening up this New Orleans Square waterfront show every couple of years or so. So - in addition to writing this Nemo scene - they also scripted new sequences for DL's version of "Fantasmic!" that would have been staged to the "Just Can't Wait to Be King" song from "The Lion King," the "Friend Like Me" number from "Aladdin" as well as "The Colors of Wind" from "Pocahontas."

But then the folks in the Team Disney building in Anaheim went on another one of their cost cutting binges. Which is why Disneyland's Entertainment staff eventually abandoned the idea of freshening up their version of "Fantasmic!" Of course, some of the ideas that they scripted eventually ended up in the Disney / MGM version of "Fantasmic!" ... But that's a story for another time ...)

- The WeirdOne :D


New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
...The Nemo Scene I will guess will fit so why don't we expand a new show off of that.

Eh, scratch "around the world in 80 day's" the more I think about it the less appealing it becomes, maybe we could do something about Verne, Wells and Walt altogether in one show, dunno, I am really struguling to see a live show here at all.....
Let's see your diagram then we can work somethign out.

As far as rides I really see no problem if we make one minor adjustment, ie make jttcote a pure darkride basically just remove the boost and drop at the end, in it's place have a large show room, with the stormy sea and the sea monster battle, this would be a spetacular scene but no real thrill physically. So that would leave us with the following breakdown:

Hyperion Adventure: EMV Intensity: 6
Gyser Mountain: Intensity: 8.5
Great Contraption: Intensity: 5

jttcoe: Intesity:3
20,000 luts Intesity:1
The Time Machine:1

Ok, my turn, again...Fantasmic we can leave, but it needs a changing soon. I also fail to see a stage sohw ere, but tell me, what have the Tomorrowland stge shows ever had to do with Tomorrowland? Kids In The Kingdom, Once Upon A Mouse, Feel The Magic, One Man's Dream? NOTHING...LOL!

Second, I refuse to turn Journey into a kids ride. No offense, but I love that ride and refuse to see it junked down into that. I have some great finales planned for that and I would say it would be better as an EMV than a straight dark ride. Sorry. And 20,000 K is about a 3 intensity, it can get pretty WOW on that ride. - The WeirdOne :D

The Nemo scene sounds perfect to expand upon.....

Well the intesity levels wer refereing to physical intensity I was still planning for jounrey to kick it up a nothc at the end, and I do not believe that 20,000 has any speed or such, but please correct me if I am wrong.

If you want to keep jounrey thrill, fine, let's convert Hyperion Adventure over to a suspended dark ride then still the same plot and effects but no real physical intesity and the storm will not be that scary, perhapse we could incorpearte some of Around the World in 80 Days in here maybe touring the world in a Hyperion, maybe then along the way you run into a storm and I still like the idea of sky pirates. What if we made this rather jungle cruise-esc have large 25 person air-ships along with your captain who is stading in front of a large boat like wheel at the front of the basket, the CM can narrate the ride and help fight off the sky-pirates aswell as guide you safley through the storm.

Also keep in mind that GC can be very varraint in Intesity depedning on how fast we make the rotations that could always be dropped to about a three aswell.

The only problem I then see is having an EMV2 and an EMV in the same land a bit much.........

We will need to change one of the ride systems there or just eliminate one of the rides all together.

I am not really sure what you are asking about regarding a show area, I was planning on just throwing in the stage area where ever once we had a more deffinate design as it would take up a small amount of space. And as far as show appropraiteness just because something has been done does not make it the best way to do it.......


Glad your back and I look forward to your comments


New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
The Nemo scene sounds perfect to expand upon.....

If you want to keep jounrey thrill, fine, let's convert Hyperion Adventure over to a suspended dark ride then still the same plot and effects but no real physical intesity and the storm will not be that scary, perhapse we could incorpearte some of Around the World in 80 Days in here maybe touring the world in a Hyperion, maybe then along the way you run into a storm and I still like the idea of sky pirates. What if we made this rather jungle cruise-esc have large 25 person air-ships along with your captain who is stading in front of a large boat like wheel at the front of the basket, the CM can narrate the ride and help fight off the sky-pirates aswell as guide you safley through the storm.

The only problem I then see is having an EMV2 and an EMV in the same land a bit much.........

We will need to change one of the ride systems there or just eliminate one of the rides all together.

I am not really sure what you are asking about regarding a show area, I was planning on just throwing in the stage area where ever once we had a more deffinate design as it would take up a small amount of space. And as far as show appropraiteness just because something has been done does not make it the best way to do it.......

I thought the Nemo scene was excellent and would love to possibly wirte a sci-fi type of show. I think that the Hyperion Adventure should be like Kongfrontation! but with more PZAZ! and a bit faster and intenser. Um, what are the EMV and EMV2 rides? Geyser Mountain and Journey To The Center of The Earth, well, here's the deal, Geyser Mountain is an EMV2 and Journey is more of a Rocket Rods ride, not really an EMV.

And about the show, here's my scoop. I just want a great show to provide entertainment, not necessarily with the land as many of us know, not all stage shows have to do with their land. I know this may not seem right, but we either want sometihng of Mickey's Detective School quality on opening day, or an updated old show until we get a better one. That's my view.

I want this Discovery Bay to be more like World Showcase. I'll post a bad disagram at the end. Think of what a bay looks like. What I envision is a bay, with a cape-cod like town on the shores and the south part emptying out into the Rivers Of America. Along the north the town runs into the volcano which holds JttCotE. Inside the volcanoes caldrella is the entrance to 20,000K and there is also the weird Geyser Mountain ending that I have an idea for. From the bottom of the volcano, I want a small nighttime show stage that's like an peninsula into the water with what looks like an abandoned research area. To the left of the bay would be the Great Contraption and the hanger containing a model of the Hyperion from which guests go under to get to the Hyperion Adventure. The the right would be the stage area with most of the shops, etc. The Time Machine would also be here. There would be shops, etc on the other side too. I was also thinking a possible a possible H.G. Wells attraction like maybe a Dinosaur "War Of The Worlds" here or maybe a movie on the Invisible Man, what about a revival of the Omnimover? Here's the layout in words.

.................Volcano....Caldrella.............<----See list for attractions
..............Peninsula Stage Area.............
........................BAY........Shops, Etc.......
....Hyperion......BAY...?H.G. Wells Ride?.
....Shops, Etc....BAY...............................
........................BAY.......Stage Area.......
..Great C..........BAY.....Time Machine.....
............Rivers Of America......................

- The WeirdOne :D
I am aware of the acutal ride system for Journey but by your stament belwo I thought you meant you were proposing it to be a EMV.
Originally posted by WeirdOne

I would say it would be better as an EMV than a straight dark ride

I think HA should have lot's of pizaz but actually I was thinking it would be on about a slightly lower intensity 'if we are going to put Journey and Geyser in here I think we need a good quality lower intsitety ride. Personally nothing of H.G. Wells except the Time Machine (which we already have as a show) reallys seems applicable to this type of ride (BTW isn't War of the Worlds Orson Wells?)

Omnimovers are nice, but I personally pefere the more individualized expereince(you seem like you are the only group on the ride).


New Member
Originally posted by FigmentDream
I am aware of the acutal ride system for Journey but by your stament belwo I thought you meant you were proposing it to be a EMV.

I think HA should have lot's of pizaz but actually I was thinking it would be on about a slightly lower intensity 'if we are going to put Journey and Geyser in here I think we need a good quality lower intsitety ride. Personally nothing of H.G. Wells except the Time Machine (which we already have as a show) reallys seems applicable to this type of ride (BTW isn't War of the Worlds Orson Wells?)

Omnimovers are nice, but I personally pefere the more individualized expereince(you seem like you are the only group on the ride).

Ya, sometimes I contradict myself, so ignore those. I want Journey to be a Rocket Rods system. Agree on HA. WotW is H.G. Wells. Trust me. I love Omnimovers and I think those would work great. - The WeirdOne :D

Wanted to clarify/propose some details about the Hyperion Resteraunt:

The decor woudl be like a turn of the century parlor, but with Veren like mechanical features, like pipes along some places in the walls, sort of like the Captains quaters inside the Nautulis that kind of luxury mixed with indsutrailism.

At the back where the viewing windows to the ride would be, the windows would be made to look like the view part of gaint telescopes.

For others the idea is to put a reasturant in the Hyperion structure hanging as part of the facade of the show building of the Hyperion Adventure


New Member
Great idea! I was hoping there would be two restaurants.

The Jules Verne Lounge
The R.M.S. Hyperion Grill

THe Lounge would be as you described it and the Grill would be like a grand dining hall (but much smaller) on ocean liners. Also, a promenade deck for people to stroll on. THe telescopes are a wonderful idea and then the show out front. WOW! That's a lot for one building. I've got a rought outline for the show that I'm perfecting that I'll post as soon as I have finished. Also. Maybe a nice string quartet on the decks or in the Grill playing lovely music with a baby grand? - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

The Jules Verne Lounge
The R.M.S. Hyperion Grill

Maybe a nice string quartet on the decks or in the Grill playing lovely music with a baby grand? - The WeirdOne :D

I think inside the R.M.S. Hyperion Grill would be best, out on the deck it could not be played while the show was on.......

Just thinking that the Jules Veren lounge could serve more coffe house like stuff, teas, coffies,mochas, ect. and small pastries....


New Member
Yes, I like those ideas. Very great thinking. Can you believe with only two people working on this we've gotten farther in one minth than in one year, JUST KIDDING. LOL!

Other ideas to let you know. Plan on using the "Tokyo Disney Resort" theme song, "This Is The Place" for a number in the middle of the show chaning the word of "Tokyo Disney Resort" to "R.M.S. Hyperion". It works perfectly and the lyrics all make sense. I'll try to post it later. Also, using "Be Our Guest" to invite guests into the ship ending in a can-can number. Possibly using "The Little Mermaid" or "Minnie The Mermaid". I've told you the opening number. The finale is wonderful with champagne bottles and confetti and the lifeboat. - The WeirdOne :D


New Member
"This Is The Place" Number

NOTE: Chorus People are onstage at all times and icludes all the singers including lifeboat person.

Chorus People:
Imagine a place where dreams never end.
A place you can explore, time and time again.
Imagine a place, full of fantasy and fun
where there is happiness and love for everyone.

Special friends share each magical moment.
Fairy tales, thrill everywhere.
Anything is possible there,
The future comes alive before your eyes.

Music speeds up and a "R.M.S. Hyperion" banner drops and the lifeboat begins to get lowered with the lead singer and Donald with a bellhop.

Chorus People:
This is the place!

Lead Singer in Lifeboat:
Where it all comes together!

Chorus People:
A special place!

Lead Singer:

Chorus People:
Come on and stay, it's a family adventure.

Lead Singer:
A world of FUN!

Chorus People:

Chorus People:
This is the place!

Lead Singer and others exit lifeboat onto stage and it stays there.

Lead Singer:
To relax and recover.

Chorus People:
Our Dance and play!

Chorus People:
R.M.S Hyperion!

Lead Singer:
A magical place, there's so much to discover!

Chorus People:
R.M.S Hyperion!

Let's get your romantic dinners for two.
Great entertainment, there's so much to do!
Shop for a day, then then go out and play!
It's the perfect getaway.

Lead Singer:
Something in fun!

Chorus People:
For everyone!

Lead Singer:
Laying dense in the sun.

Chorus People:
It's a celebration!
Your dreams will come true!

Lead Singer:
It's all here for you!

Chorus People:
This is the perfect getaway!

Lead Singer:

Chorus People:
This is the place!

Lead Singer:
What a great Hyperion feeling!

Chorus People:
Come Celebrate!

Lead Singer:
R.M.S Hyperion!

Lead Singer:
A magic place,

Chorus People:
it will make you believe it!

A world of FUN!
R.M.S Hyperion!
This is the PLACE!

Lead Singer:
For a family adventure!

Chorus People:
A Hyperion Place!

Lead Singer:
R.M.S Hyperion! (R.M.S HYPERION!!)

Come on and stay, there's so MUCH to discover!

Chorus People:

Lead Singer:

Chorus People:

For everyone!

Lead Singer:
Something for everyone!

Chorus People:

Music climaxes and ends into strings as there is a flash of pyro into the air.

Lead Singer:

Well, what do you think of the number? I know some of the lyrics aren't prefect like the shops, but we could always add a shop, right? Give me a few comments. - The WeirdOne :D
eh, don't worry about the shop part, I mean this really isn't going to be a luxury air liner, so if it really bothers you we could always add a facade of a shop somewhere in the interior, plus I am not sure if we would have any more room, lol

The only part of the lyric that bothers me is, "A Hyperion Place!"

I really don't think "hyperion" works as an adjective

Why not just say "A Happy Place" or "A Wonderful Place"

Other than that looks good

Also BTW did we ever decide on what park this is going in, I think we had it narrowed to MK or DLP but we never decided on which or atleast I am not aware of it, lol!


New Member
LOL! Just suggesting. A shop isn't necessary, maybe somewhere in the Hangar area.

How about "A Disney Place!"?

I would say MK since DLP already has a Hyperion! LOL! Any other suggestions for the show? - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

I would say MK since DLP already has a Hyperion! LOL! Any other suggestions for the show? - The WeirdOne :D

Ya, I guess so, lol, that would not work very well to have Discoveryland and Discovery Bay in the same park, since the land was based loosley on the bay, lol

A Disney Place would work, since we have charachers in it anyways, right?!

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