Hello. My name is MagicKingdom4Ever
I have recently graduated from high school. I have been a big fan of some of you guys, especially Mickeyfan54 and Imagineerland. I came onto this forum because I have a dream resort called Disneytopia that I want to launch, and who can help me better launch it that fans like me? I know I have found a bunch of negative things on these forums regarding the parks, but I hope to avoid those as much as I can and focus mostly on the positive. My favorite attractions include Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Expedition Everest, and Soarin'. I enjoy movies, video games, and writing books (Disneytopia was actually the setting of one of my earliest books.) Please make sure to welcome me and help me make Disneytopia a reality. I was impressed by what people on this forum put together for Sydney Disneyland, and I hope that like that, Disneytopia can become something wonderful.