I'm pretty sure I addressed all those items (flex, uniform operating costs, etc) in prior posts.. and you still didn't say what you are tracking for efficiency.. so you will continue to go in circles with people that are baited into replying. Listen, I'm not poo'ing the gondolas at all.. but if you want to stop talking past each other in posts and arguing - make them more clear so you and your counter part will actually be talking the same thing.
Busses and Gondolas are widely used systems...Its really not that hard to draw conclusions on either, based on insanely available public reports on system efficiency and costs. Just because the US doesn't have a major gondola transit system, doesn't mean there aren't hundreds of them all over the world. These are proven technologies.
Combining proven technologies, proven and well documented information and science that is a century old, its really quite easy to draw my conclusions.
If TDO didn't have researchers and analysts figuring this stuff out, they would never have gotten to where they are. They know their need, they know all the costs, they know al the info from other systems and they draw a line saying "Here is where we get the most efficiency for our costs." If you go to WDW, those wrist bands aren't just for you...they are insanely powerful data tracking tools. TDO has info on how long you are in your room, how much you spend, travel time between room and park, how much you spend, how much time you wait in line, etc...In addition, they are constantly surveying guests and figuring how long people will tolerate lines, road traffic, and other inconveniences. They can correlate any data point to anything else, down to how long a person will wait for a bus before complaining.
They aren't just throwing darts a board or saying "Do whats cheapest". Just because you choose to believe that facts like this don't exist, doesn't make it true. Disney has an insane number of statisticians, scientists and analysts who basically exist to work these projects out. Guest flow is one of the most important things to the company, because if a guest is standing at a bus stop, in a line or stuck in traffic, they aren't spending money. A massively efficient system to get guests form their room to the parks means more time for the guest to buy churros, buy a mickey hat, buy a soda, etc...it also means less standing around for the guests and more time for rides, which positively impact CS scores.