New E-Ticket News


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FamilyMan said:
And for the record, Indy had to be re-designed at TDS because of Tokyo's fire codes. Journey only has fire in areas open to the outside. Everything else (lava monster) is simulated.

And for the record, you're completely wrong.

Journey has fire inside the mountain - in the Lava Monster's lair. It is not simulated. It's fire. I've ridden it dozens of times.


Account Suspended
Indy in DL has giant fireballs that go off in the main chamber. They couldn't do those in the Tokyo version because of Tokyo's fire codes.

If there is real fire in the lava monster's lair as you say, (Montu) then it's obviously nothing dangerous. Tokyo has VERY strict fire codes. Perhaps your idea of fire is a little torch or something. That's not very dangerous. Most of it is simulated on Journey.


New Member
I don't remember there being any real fire inside JTTOCE. I only remember fake lava effects, lightning, etc. Even on the plunge outside, it is only smoke. The real fire comes from the top of the volcano.


Well-Known Member
FamilyMan said:
That's what I thought too... maybe Montu is pulling my leg or something.
I don't remember real fire inside JTTOCE either. Also none of the videos I have of the attraction have fire inside. Just simulated fire, which may have been good enough to fool Montu.

Captain Chaos

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Original Poster
I watched the video on another site and couldn't tell anything of real or fake fire... I am still just trying to figure out how JTTCOTE would be modified to fit AK... I'm still going on the limb here and saying STORM RIDER or INDY will be coming to WDW....


Park History nut
Premium Member
Montu said:
The ride vehicle is absolutely nothing similar, other than it being a ride cabin..

Not wishing to stir things up, but I would have thought Stormrider`s ride vehicle is very similar to Star Tours & Boday Wars... all are 3 axis motion bases. Its Stormriders in cabin effects that are nothing similar (bar one of its screens being at the front of the cabin) and of course the size of motion base..

How about a decent, original D ticket is each park?? You know, the sort Disney used to do so well?


New Member
I dont' think MK needs an E-ticket ride in the near future, even though I hate to see the old 20K site go to waste. The MK is easily the biggest draw at WDW, so if they don't change anything people will keep coming. I personally think the just need to reveamp a few of the older attractions: Space Mountain, PoTC, HM, and the Jungle Cruise.

MGM probably needs one the most, it's still my favorite park. They need an E-ticket ride to draw the crowds away from Sunset Boulevard. Star Tours is getting out dated, they could easily change the video to make that better. I dont' really want to see an Indy ride, unless it is original and not just like DL and TDS.

Epcot doesn't need anything right now, they've got Mission: Space and Soarin' in the past 3 years. They do need to do something with the Wonders of Life Pavillion and Universe of Energy. UoF takes up such a huge space, yet such a crappy ride is in it. Maybe they could add a ride to the World Showcase.

AK probably won't get it because Disney just poured a ton of money into EE. They do however need a ride near Camp Minnie MIckey. They need to do something to Dino-rama, that place is just a piece of crap. I dont' care if the imagineers wanted it to look like a carnival, that stuff just doesn't belong at WDW.

ACtually I dont' really care where the next ride is added, I just want an original ride that is not a clone, not to mention a large budget.

That's just my two cents.


Account Suspended
speck76 said:
You would be surprised by what people will assume....


It fascinates and disturbs me that rumors always focus on "what is already existing" Why does everyone get all hot for "old technology"?

What if WDI comes up with something totally new for the 20K area, or for MGM......wouldn't that be grand?
Don't hold your breath....


New Member
peter11435 said:
I don't remember real fire inside JTTOCE either. Also none of the videos I have of the attraction have fire inside. Just simulated fire, which may have been good enough to fool Montu.

And have you ridden the attraction? I'm willing to bet that you have not, but that's just an educated guess.

An absolute fact is that I have ridden it - a few dozen times - and there is a large, sudden fireball to your left hand side just before seeing the Lava Monster.

Fire codes have nothing to do with the Indy change. They wanted the two major e-ticket dark rides to have unique feels.


New Member
peter11435 is wrong.
Jusjuice is wrong.
FamilyMan is wrong.
dxer07002 gave a useless opinion.

Montu, on the other hand, is the only correct one out of the lot.

There IS one real fire effect on Journey- to the left about 5 yards before the lava monster.

It's used as a distraction piece to get people to look left so by the time they look right again, the monster is mere feet away from them. It works exceptionally well, and is exceptionaly contained compared to fireballs on American attractions.


New Member
journey to the centre of the earth


Journey to the centre of the earth (or JTTCOTE) wouldn't fit theme wise in AK. Jules Verne's JTTCOTE is more themed to the future. Yes it was a novel from the past by a visionary, but represents just that visions, future, ambition, exploration and adventure. It will be more suited to tomorrowland or at a push EPCOT. Look at the theming of Discoveryland in DLP, and what is now becoming adopted by Disneyland. It's all about the past and building the future around it. The future isn't necessary rockets and devices that date.

JTTCOTE is nothing to do with animals, nature or conservation. It would not go in there.



New Member
speck76 said:
You would be surprised by what people will assume....


It fascinates and disturbs me that rumors always focus on "what is already existing" Why does everyone get all hot for "old technology"?

What if WDI comes up with something totally new for the 20K area, or for MGM......wouldn't that be grand?

I don't understand why people would rather have a clone from another park over something new and original. I keep saying that in other threads, specialy about Indy. Getting a clone of IJA would be a big disappointment to me. Further more, to substitute dragon instead of a worm, or just changing the elements from wind to fire, or water doesn't all of a sudden make the ride different in the sense of thrill or adventure. If that is the case, the magic carpet is a different ride then dumbo.


Active Member
Not everybody can travel to every park. I don't see anything wrong with clones as long as they are improved from the original.


Well-Known Member
I second, that, not everybody has the resources and ability to travel to all of the disney parks. Clones are ok, especially those that change from japanese to english :d

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