New E-Ticket News



As far as i understand(maybe i'm wrong) the indiana jones movies are paramount & lucasfilms with spielberg. 1st i thought Lucas had somewhat of a falling out with Disney thats why we don't have a new updated star tours. 2nd existing attractions can stay as is with no changes(as per there agreement), so if indy was to come to wdw they couldn't change it. If they bring indy shouldn't they update star tours first(new agreement with lucas). If they're going to make agreements i'd prefer they work on agreeing with Pixar to bring something new. One last thing why wouldn't they put the indy attraction in one of the paramount parks?
I've had to much sugar today :lol:


Well-Known Member
I would think that after the current round of expansion, the next round will be smaller attractions and shows.

When DAK opens EE, although it will (IMO) still be short a few headliners, it is really missing the filelr attractions that keep people in the park for a longer period of time.

With Soarin and MS coming back to back at Epcot, the park is pretty much set, although the older pavilions (WOL, SSE) could use an upgrade.

With LMA opening at MGM, the current roster of shows and smaller attractions could use an update, but the park is pretty good with E-tickets for now.

MK (IMO) really does not NEED any large additions.....the park packs the guests in already......what is needed is major refurbishment of HM, PoTC, CBJ, COP, and perhaps something new to replace Timerkeeper.


Well-Known Member
DavyPR said:
As far as i understand(maybe i'm wrong) the indiana jones movies are paramount & lucasfilms with spielberg. 1st i thought Lucas had somewhat of a falling out with Disney thats why we don't have a new updated star tours. 2nd existing attractions can stay as is with no changes(as per there agreement), so if indy was to come to wdw they couldn't change it. If they bring indy shouldn't they update star tours first(new agreement with lucas). If they're going to make agreements i'd prefer they work on agreeing with Pixar to bring something new. One last thing why wouldn't they put the indy attraction in one of the paramount parks?
I've had to much sugar today :lol:

Lucas retains the rights to all of his films, and uses the studios for distribution.


New Member
They could put a new E-ticket in the MK if they just remove CBJ and redesign the area for another character. Stitch might work well in Fronteirland.


Well-Known Member
Woody13 said:
Hennie went on a binge 2 weekends ago and posted a large group of replies to a large group of threads. The replies were against the ToS in that they made little sense and were either designed to solely raise Hennie's post count or it was Hennie's way of saying, "I'll show you". All of Hennie's posts were deleted as a result.

All i get is the usual "Post Cannot Be Viewed" because he's been in my ignore file. As far as i know, his posts show up fine.


New Member
Also, if they were to get rid of the Swiss Family Treehouse and Jungle Cruise, they'd have a lot more room for several E-ticket attractions.


New Member
dxer07002 said:
If Storm Rider is similar to Star Tours, then it must be similar to Body Wars.. Since WoL is set to get gutted and replaced, the posibility for Storm Riders replacing WoL is pretty good then... They alreay have the ride vehicle.. just some updating of the pavilion and presto!!!! STORM RIDERS is at Epcot...

The ride vehicle is absolutely nothing similar, other than it being a ride cabin. StormRider is a good double the size of the Body Wars / Star Tours sim cabins. There are several in-theater effects that add to what the riders see on the screen - pipes that bust, smoke, water (rain) inside the cabins, a missle that back fires and lodges into the roof of the cabin, narrowly missing the riders. Also - every door has a port hole window along the sides of the cabin with projected images of what would be to your left and right of what you are looking at out the main view port.

Hating sims as I do, I have to admit, StormRider was a pretty darn cool simulator. Not too rough - some really neat gimmicky effects to set it apart from all the others, and a really nice score to go along with the action. I'd welcome it to Epcot, personally.

While I'm confident we will eventually get StormRider, because I know it's been looked into already, I think if there is any merit to that rumor, which is questionable at best, expect Journey to the Center of the Earth to be the big E-Ticket from Tokyo DisneySea - which isn't a bad thing. The ride is phenominal. It's also extremely likely that when WDW DOES finally get the Indiana Jones Adventure, which I assure you it eventaully will, it's a safer bet to put your money on the Tokyo version - which is very, very close to the Anaheim version anyways. The Tokyo queue, being all apart of the main show building, would fit at Disney/MGM. The Anaheim queue would never work at the Studio park for space reasons.

Also someone mentioned "Tokyo, with real fire" about a WDW version. The Tokyo Indy is not SUPPOSED to have fire in it. That's why there's no "real fire." That's also why it's color pallate is cool - greens and purples, instead of the warm colors of the Anaheim ride - oranges and reds. Given that the centepiece ride of the park - Journey - is all warm colors, the choice was made for Indy to be done in cool colors to contrast it. For the record, Journey has real fire inside.


Account Suspended
And for the record, Indy had to be re-designed at TDS because of Tokyo's fire codes. Journey only has fire in areas open to the outside. Everything else (lava monster) is simulated.


Well-Known Member
Someone posted recently (within the last few months) about a change in Disney's ride budgets (a drop). Now I know most 9 figure projects like Everest for example are spread out over a couple of years so they conveniently don't eat up a lot of the per annum ride budget. However, it seems to me that come 2006 there isn't much in the works for eating up the budget. Perhaps a year or two of rehabs is the only thing set to follow Everest in 07 and 08. Logically, one would assume the planning for a new e-ticket a few years after Everest would be announced at the official openings of either Soarin' or LMA. Because Disney has been advertising the 50th anniversary of WDL as a reason for bringing attractions from all over the world, it could be that this potential decrease in ride development in 07 and 08 could be setting us up for a new e-ticket in 09.

Is anyone still reading? Was that coherent? It's 2:41 in the morning.


Well-Known Member
If this were to be true -- and I doubt it is -- here are my thoughts...

I love completely-new ride systems and am not neccesarily a fan of clones, but I have to admit that I would love for Journey to the Center of the Earth to come to Florida. That looks like such a great ride, and it's based on a great literary work! Surely the latest edition of Disney Magazine (Ten rides from Tokyo we want to see here) wasn't them tipping their hand to us? (No, and don't call me Shirley :p.) I'll say that there are certain rides at each park that make me want to make the plane trip just to visit them. In Tokyo, it's Journey to the Center of the Earth. (In case you care, it's Phantom Manor in Paris, and Matterhorn and original IASW in Anaheim).
Out of this rumor, a more-likely scenario would be for StormRiders to come to EPCOT. There had been talk before, I believe, of a weather pavillion (alas, I cannot remember if that was official talk from the park's planning phases or if it was recent messageboard chatter). WoL is languishing (at least in management's view). You've got the ride system built already -- just put in the new film and reporgram the movements. Throw in some crappy tornado film over at Cranium Command, and you're good to go with a "new" pavillion. Maybe even move Ice Station Cool over there so you have winter represented and get a pavillion sponsor. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Ayers Rock is a spiritually important place for the native Australians.....I do not think they would make a ride out of it.....

I don't know whether objections would be raised, but there was a crappy theme park out here with a replica of Ayers Rock and I can't remember anyone getting offended. Then again, it did go bankrupt...

You could even base the ride on Aboriginal mythology as there are loads of stories involving all sorts of animals.


Active Member
every park needs a e-ticket ride before mk. mgm i think should be first. come one there are only a hand full of things to do there and thats it. and as far as the swiss family treehouse. ia m all for that to go. its not that i hate it its just once you see then who cares.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, MGM needs a big new ride the most, followed by the MK.

DAK could use a C or D ticket attraction, but could get by without an e-ticket for a few years after EE opens. I know it is not a popular idea, but a nicely themed Iron Ride could be added to the DinoRama area inbetween EE and the next big ride.

I also think DAK needs to look at adding another major animal exhibit. Pandas maybe? Pandas are an eAfterall, it is the ANIMAL Kingdom. -ticket themselves. And with the HKDL/Disney relationship I bet they could get 2 pandas.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, MK is probably less in need of an E-ticket than all the other parks, although I think it really does need freshening up. For a start, Disneyland's far superior Pirates seems to get a great deal of attention and every few years it seems like they freshen it up, even bringing over a few old Epcot audioanimatronics a few years back. PoC at MK, well, for me it's not that great a ride. Some serious work needs to go into plussing this ride.

The new DL Haunted Mansion effects would also be great, as would a grand rehab of Space Mountain to add some improved show elements and the vehicle sound system from Paris and DL.

While it perhaps doesn't need new attractions to the same degree as the other parks, I do think that the MK runs the risk of getting stale. The Small World rehab was a great step toward keeping things fresh and interesting, so I'd be happy to see them build an E-ticked elsewhere and set out a longterm plan for 'rehabbing' the MK.

Snapper Bean

Active Member
jmuboy said:
In my opinion, MGM needs a big new ride the most, followed by the MK.

DAK could use a C or D ticket attraction, but could get by without an e-ticket for a few years after EE opens. I know it is not a popular idea, but a nicely themed Iron Ride could be added to the DinoRama area inbetween EE and the next big ride.

I also think DAK needs to look at adding another major animal exhibit. Pandas maybe? Pandas are an eAfterall, it is the ANIMAL Kingdom. -ticket themselves. And with the HKDL/Disney relationship I bet they could get 2 pandas.

I agree MGM is the most in need of something and it needs to draw people away from TOT and RnRC. (MGM also needs to put a show back in the old Superstar TV auditorium but that's beside the point).

AK needs an engaging dark ride over by Camp Minnie-Mickey. However, adding traditional dark rides to parks after initial construction is pretty rare unless there is an exisiting ride system to build it upon (Pooh and Buzz Lightyear at WDW).

Epcot needs a "ride" in one of the countries.

I actually think MK is OK for now.


Active Member
2009? That's an interesting target date. The two rumors for WDW that have been floating around the net for a while now are that A:) The Disneyland version or possibily the TokyoDisneyland version of Indiana Jones will replace the Indiana Jones show at the Studios only with some stuff added to set it apart or B:) That Journey to the Center of the Earth would be placed into DAK but from what I read, the big drop down used in this ride is already being implemented in Expedition Everest.

I wonder....


Well-Known Member
Let's see...

All the major E-tickets in Tokyo DisneySea...

Journey To The Center of the Earth = Quite Possible but NOT in Animal Kingdom, none of the characters or elements are based from facts or even mythology, it is purely fictional, it completely defeats the themeing of AK. And don't give me that Yeti, dragons argument, those are mythological, legendary creatures that actually "might" exist, lava monsters and such are purely the works of Jules Verne.

oh and that guy above, the big drop in Everest and Journey are as the same as the drop in Splash Mountain and Tower of Terror are the same.....

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea = VERY possible

Indiana Jones Adventure = It is Californian NOT Japanese, it doesn't need "americanizing"

Tower of Terror = 'nuff said

Storm Rider = VERY possible

Magic Lamp Theater = could be

Sindbad's Seven Voyages = It's a long shot considering they go for thrills nowadays.

Raging Spirits = It's a long shot since this is more of a D-Ticket than an E-ticket.

What if the wording is wrong and that they are americanizing all of DisneySea for construction in WDW? :D...hey a guy can dream can he?

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